Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

:Sophia /Tanner

Clenching at unclenching my hands as I paced in the training room I picked up the boxing gloves and put them on. Eyeing the large punching bag I rolled my shoulders and cracked my neck as I walked up to it smoothly. My steps whispering across the mats.

I'd never really been graceful, almost but not like the werewolfs that were in my pack. But something in me told me how to move, how to hold my fists up as I let my arm snap forward hitting the bag. After that it felt like I'd knew how to box all my life, right hook, left hook and to finish it off a round off kick which I landed with a cat like grace that was almost startling.

Hearing a clap my eyes jerked up towards the door as Jordan strolled in with a smirk with Tanner and Zach behind him. 'that was amazing who taught you that'

Blushing I shrugged as I shoved the gloves off. 'I don't know but it was cool!' I took off running at Tanner throwing myself in his arms giving him kisses all over his face. 'you said three days not five' I pouted as I slid down to my feet only to slap his chest softly. 'no more trips for a while ok?' he nodded with a prideful look in his eyes.

'you learning how to fight on your own' I blushed and nodded slowly.

'something seemed to be guiding me like-like there's a voice telling me how to move' I felt something move behind me and the voice, well not really a voice but a eerie feeling told me to turn and duck. Doing as the eerie thing commanded I pushed back sending whoever it was stumbling back a step.

'OUCH!' landing on their butt I looked down at Zach who was watching me with wide eyes as he rubbed his butt. 'what the hell Sophia' he growled out through clenched teeth.

Flinching I looked away from him and bit my lip. 'sorry don't try to scare me next time' I warned as I looked up at Tanner. 'I think I'm turning into a freak'

He gave me a dazzling grin before speaking'a sexy freak.' He sobered up. 'theres nothing wrong with being alert and skillful. It just means your not going to be helpless anymore its good for you to know how to defend yourself' he gave me a kiss on the forehead. 'I'd like to introduce you to Julia, she's Nikko's mate' he led me out of the room to Nikko who was sitting with a young woman on his lap his dark grey eyes holding love and tenderness as he talked to her. 'Julia this is my girlfriend Sophia, Sophia this is Nikko's mate we stumbled across her when we were coming back that's why we were so late' he whispered to me.

I smiled and waved to her as she eyed me for a second or too.  She was pretty dark blonde hair that was cut to her shoulders and big brown eyes that gazed at me as a smile touched her lips. 'hey' she muttered as Nikko waved at me.

'nice to meet you Julia.' I said meekly. 

'same' she muttered as she leaned closer to Nikko. 'your human' I nodded. 'so you know about us?' I nodded

'Ya I use to live in a pack' her eyes widened.

'I use to live in a pack to but the alpha didn't trust me  because my brother had attacked the pack when he turned 18 that was when he first shifted some lucky half breed's can shift into a wolf.' she glanced down at her intertwined fingers. 'I'm one of the unlucky ones, so he kicked me and my family out when I turned 14 because he was afraid I'd do the same thing. After that we lived in a SUV traveling from town to town.' She smiled softly. 'I left when I turned 20 to start my own like and to look around to find others like me to live with'

'I'm sorry to hear that'

She glanced at me and shrugged. 'its nothing to be sorry about its what made me, me.' she rubs her head with a groan. 'it brought me to Nikko. I didn't think halfbred's could have a mate'

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