Chapter 34

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OMG I CAN UPDATE!!! 2 whole damn weeks of spring break good? HELL NO!!! i live with the devil "my mom"....just got back to school so i have wifi nowXD so yay!!! anyways sorry for the wait hope you like this....almost close to the end...maybe three...two chapters left???? then i get to edit! becAUSE I KNOW that there are ALOT of errors in here but hey human here....and my computers being gay *not that i have a problem with gay people i love really i do love all gays theirs so cool XD* 


Chapter 34


My cheeks where flushed and my dress clung to my body like a second skin my breathing coming out in little pants as he glanced my way with hunger and lust in his eyes. chewing on my bottom lip my body locked up and kept my body leaning against the wall. It was a little get together he had put together. I should of told him to cancel, I should have told him Darcy was right my heat was creeping on slowly the effects becoming to strong to ignore as seconds turned into minutes.

Whimpering softly Jordan leaned in and sniffed the air around me before jerking back with wide eyes. 'you-your in heat'

I made eye contact with him and growled in reply. No really? I had no clue as to why I was over here acting like I was running a mile. My body yearned for my mates touch. I wanted him but I couldn't move I just stood there with Jordan inches from me. My skin heated and becoming very uncomfortable.

"go to him!" Isabel demanded of me making me whine in reply to her.

Suddenly a growl filled the air and Jordan was pushed back from me and Tanner had me pressed against his body cradling me as he sent glares around the room. 'Mine' carrying me out of the room he managed to get me out of the room without killing anyone we didn't manage to get that far because we ended up in the next room  that had a open and unlocked door.

 'Tanner' I whined softly my body was on fire the dress was heating up my body making me whine and whimper as I maneuvered my body to where my legs where around his waist grinding my lower half against his making him growl and press my back against the wall.

'You should have told me' he whispered against my lips his hot breath fanning across my face closing my eyes as a moan slipped from between my lips, even his breath fluttering over my skin was heaven I couldn't help myself as he pressed into me.

Licking his bottom lip I nibbled down on his bottom lip giving it a little pressure his lower half bucked into me making me gasp in shock his tongue slid between my lips causing me to moan out against his lips his hand fumbling with the zipper as he shoved the material aside.


Groaning I glanced around the room finding myself in our bed again. Arching my back I gave a groan as my back cracked it felt good. Feeling around I found the bed empty as I sat up slowly. 'you shouldnt move around that much' jumping at his voice I gave a little chuckle.

'I'm fine'

'you sure? I mean I lost control and I shouldn't have went into the first room I seen I should of brought you here to our room' he walked over to me and rested a knee on the bed as he leaned over me giving me a kiss. But I knew we wouldn't of been able to go to our room, we wouldn't of been able to of made it that far we'd of ended up in the hall which I was grateful that he was so quick to take me to a room instead  of the hallway...where everyone could see.

'I don't mind' I curled my fingers around the back of his hair pulling his lips back to mine. ' I kind of liked it...besides the floor its cold' I gave a little pout. 'maybe next time you could remember to pick a room with a blanket or something to keep it warm'

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