New Recruits

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~Shigaraki's POV~

I was sitting in my seat while playing a game on "my" iPhone I stole last week, and also waiting on these new rucuits Kurogiri was talking about. "Tomura?" Kurogiri said, handing me the drink I requested. "Hm..." I said as I was focused on my game and sipping my drink. "The recruits are here," Kurogiri said, I turned around and saw a girl with an old-looking school outfit, with two messy buns, and yellow cat eyes. I looked to my right, and I saw a man, he had raven black hair, purple burn marks, piercings everywhere, blue eyes, and a kinda cool outfit...not gonna lie. "Names, and quirks," I said, as I took another sip of my drink. "Hi! My name is Himiko Toga! And my Quirk is Transform!" The girl said, in a very loud tone which quickly pissed me off. I'm not saying my voice is any better though.

(I love all their voices in my perspective😌)

I rolled my eyes, then my eyes went over to the emo, "you?" I said, to the emo. "My name is Dabi, and my Quirk is cremation," he said, as he raised his hand and fire appeared. They seemed useful, they're lucky I'm not in a totally bad mood.

"Your in... Pick a room and fuck off... I'm going to my room Kurogiri" I said, as I got up and walked off... But I stopped, as the emo spoke.

"How about you try to be nice to new recruits shorty~"

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