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~Dabi's POV~

Me and Tomura were now cuddling on the couch as we both were waiting for Kurogiri, Sako, and Toga to pick a horror movie. As in, who can it scare first, honestly horror movies don't scare me at all, "okay me, Giri, and Toga decided to watch Friend Request" Sako said, as he pressed on it and faced us. "Sounds good" Twice said, as he walked into the room, "I'm cool with that," I said, being absolutely carelessness. "Good enough," Tomura said, as he cuddled up to my chest closer than usual.

(This is an actual movie... Just sayin, that very first jump scare made me jump on my brother 💅😌🤣)

Everyone else sat in a place so they could see the TV, while me and Shiggy got a clear view so we didn't have to move. "Alright, here we go," Sako said, as he pressed play.

The movie began to start.

~50 minutes into the movie~

I wasn't amused, and I'm assuming Tomura wasn't either cause he hasn't flinched, shaken or screamed this whole time through all the jump scares we saw so far. But on the other hand, Sako and Kurogiri weren't scared surprisingly... And that leaves us with the crackhead couple, who were huddled up together and wrapped in cover. And get this, as soon as they saw the soon-to-be demon girl, they screamed at the top of their lungs.

It was stupid as fuck but funny as hell.

~When the movie ended~

The movie ended... And it was... FUCKING AWESOME. Well, for me, Tomura, Sako, and Kurogiri, the other two were just traumatized. "W-we are! N-ne-v-ver watching that shit again!" Toga whined as she covered her face in fright while Twice held tightly onto her. "It wasn't even that scary, to be honest... " Kurogiri said, as he snuggled up to Sako more. "WASN'T EVEN THAT SC-?!... Toga let's bounce" twice said, as he grabbed Toga's hand and took her to the hallways which I'm guessing they were going to their rooms.

"Well, I guess we should all go to bed also," Kurogiri said, he and Sako got up and headed off. Then it was just me and my baby, "So, did you like it?" I asked, with a smile on my face and brushing my fingers through his soft wavy hair. "Yea... To be honest, I knew they would have a traitor sometime soon" he joked, as he began to gently rub my chest.

"You want to sleep here or in my room?" I asked, "Your room, but I ain't walking if ya know what I mean~," he said, with an evil little grin on his face, I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but just smile. I got up off the couch and Turned to Tomura, who was on his knees and smiling. "Carry me~," he said, as he started to make grabby hands at me, "okay but this is a one-time thing, got it?" I said, "Mhmm!~," he said, with a smile. I gave a little smile back and picked him up. He wrapped his legs around my lower back, and his arms wrapped around my neck.

I began to walk into the hallway while he laid his head on my shoulder, I was holding him like a baby. Once we made it to my room, I gently laid him down. I got in the bed myself and cuddled up to him, then we both fell asleep.

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