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😈Toga POV😈

I woke up with a throbbing neck!
I was lying on my arm so that probably explains why, not to mention my arm also went through hell and back. I tried sitting up but the pain in my neck and my arm had me dead.
I waited for the pain to go the fuck away before trying to move again, until then I sat up and felt so weak. I tried stretching, WHICH WAS THE BEST FUCKING STRETCH I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY FUCKING LIFE! But I ended up falling back down on my pillow with my head spinning like hell.

Since my body didn't wanna work in my favor I just decided to lay here in misery and pain, but then I heard men shouting.
For some reason, it gave me energy, probably because I'm nosy. I jumped up and ran out of my room and followed the shouting voices, I met the voices in the living room.
"STOP STARING AT ME BITCH!" Jinny yelled. Should have known, that the random beef between Dabi and Jinny gets a continuation.

The rest of the league was either watching TV and paying no mind or just watching these fuckers argue like this was an everyday thing, well. It is.
"I'm not even looking at you" Dabi calmly said.

"YES YOU ARE!!" - Twice

"Why would I want to look at your ugly ass
anyways?" - Dabi

"May I ask what the ever living fuck is going on?" Kurogiri asked. He sounded so calm but that's gonna be over soon.

"THIS BI-! No. Scratch that, this burnt! Piercing wearing! Emo! Daddy issue having ass BITCH! Won't stop staring at me!" Twice yelled.

"Now wait a fucking minute. I'm gonna stop you right there, how the fuck do you know I have Daddy issues!?" Dabi said his main concern for some reason.
Twice looked him up and down with a (really bitch) facial expression.
"Hoe you look like you got Daddy issues" Twice snarled.
Twice stomped away in anger and left the whole room silent, "I'm going back to my room" Tomura said. Sako left after, then Kurogiri. I went to go sit on the couch Dabi seemed to be wasting away on, we sat in silence until Dabi said, "Toga. You better get him before I do. I'm on my last straw with that big mouth, mood swing mother fucker". He got up and left then.

I was all by myself now. I stayed still until I got bored and wanted to drink some blood, which I went to do.

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