The Three Couples

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~Twicy's POV~

We were kissing in the water for about two minutes, then I broke the kiss after realizing something, "what's wrong?" Toga asked, "Um, are we gonna forget the fact Tomura was walking perfectly fine hours ago? Like, when he confessed to Dabi" I said, as Toga began to also realize when her mouth slowly dropped open. "I have so many fucking questions when I see his ass," Toga said, "so back to the base?" I asked, with a warm smile, "ready when you are Twicy~" She said, as she gave a small adorable smile back.

Then we just swam back to the closest shore we could find, but we ended up walking 14 miles back to fucking base. It was fucking cold.

~Shigaraki's POV~

"Sooo~ how was you- AHH!" I yelled as I saw two bloody, wet, crazy lookin crackheads walk into the base. "What the fuck?" Dabi said as he walked in, along with Kurogiri and Sako. "What? We went on a date like I said~" Toga said, as she put both her hands behind her back with a smile. "Oh, honey... What type of fucking date did y'all have exactly?" I said, with a little bit of sass in my tone. "A murderous date! I came up with it, you want me to tell you what happened?" She asked, "no, no no no that won't be necessary," Kurogiri said, "Oh... Okay, Y'ALL ACT LIKE Y'ALL HAVE NEVER CAME HOME BLOODY BEFORE! PUSSY'S!" Twice and his other side said, I thought his other side would stop insulting everyone in this league cause he's been quiet for a good few days. "Twice... Tell your other side to suck a big big 25 inch dick" I said, with a big smile on my face. "Neither I nor my side is gay though," he said, "I didn't say you were dumbass," I said, as I rolled my eyes.

"Tomura you are all types of sus" Twice said, as he began to walk off, "NO BITCH! YOU SUS!" I said as I pushed him to the point he almost fell. "Fuck off!" He said, in his high-pitched tone. I hated when he used his high-pitched voice, it pisses me off the most about him. Once he left, I decided to be childish and screamed like a kid, "AHHHHHH!" I screamed, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU SCREAMING AT!?!" His other side yelled, followed by me screaming again as if mocking him. I turned back to face the others and they were looking at me weirdly, "What?" I asked, "I'm surprised your voice can go that high without cracking," Sako said, in complete shock.


"You sons of bitches wanna watch a horror movie to see who gets scared first?" Kurogiri asked we all agreed to do the so-called challenge, "TWICE! GET YOUR ASS IN THIS DAMN LIVING ROOM! WE'RE WATCHING A HORROR MOVIE!" I yelled, "I'M COMING! FUCK!" he yelled back.

"By the way... Shiggy how the fuck are you walking right now?" Toga asked, "What do you mean?" I asked, but then I realized. "Oh! Umm, I can walk... But that doesn't mean my ass is not in pain as we speak bitch" I said, as I grabbed my ass and went to go lay down on the couch, along with Dabi following behind.

(Sry short)

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