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~Dabi's POV~

We were going on another murder mission but this time Shigaraki came along, he seemed pretty talented with the killing but still a pussy to me. "This is so fun now that Shiggy is joining us!" Toga said as she was swinging her arms up and down in an enthusiastic manner. "Yea! No! He makes this mission so boring!" Jin and his other side said, "What do you guys think? Do you like Shigaraki being on this mission?" Toga asked, "No... Fuck no" I said, nonchalantly. "Well, it's great that he's tagging along at least," Mr. Compress said, I'm guessing he was talking to me since he jerked his head towards me.

I rolled my eyes.

"If you don't like me being on this mission... Then why the fuck did you come along?" Shigaraki said, as he slowly stopped along with everyone else and turned to me. At this point, I had everyone lookin at me, "I don't know... I just like walking behind you~" I said, as I kept walking. Shigaraki continued walking, I'm pretty sure he didn't know what I meant but I'm sure everyone else did cause they all started to cover their mouths and laugh, but once we got to the base shigaraki froze as he was unlocking the door, "hey what's the hold-up boss?" Compress said as he was still laughing a little bit. "FUCKING. NASTY. ASS-EATING BASTARD!" Shigaraki said, as he slowly turned towards me.

"Heh, it took you that long to realize what I said?" I said, with a grin on my face. Shigaraki rolled his eyes as he turned back to the locked door and got back to unlocking it, he opened the door letting us all in but I didn't go in. "What are you waiting for shitface? Get in! Unless you wanna stay out here~" he said, as he slowly took his hand off his face. "Heh, funny," I said, with a quick smile on my face, I grabbed him and pushed in the base while I closed the door and locked it... It had a lot of locks.

"Wow, what a fucking gentleman," Shigaraki said, sarcastically with a fake smile. "Well be lucky I didn't just lock you out there sexy," I said, Pinching his chin with my index and thumb. "Don't fucking call me that dumbass!" He yelled, as he casually walked to wherever the fuck he was walking to. I slowly followed behind cause I was tired as fuck, I still didn't understand why I had to fight the hardest ones. Once I got into my room I hopped into the shower, dried off, put some PJs on, and went night night.

-2 Hours later-

I woke up in the middle of the night wide awake, I groaned so deep I sounded like an actual zombie, I slowly got out of bed and stretched which made me fucking dizzy to the point I was tripping all over the fucking place. And my feet were numbed so I was incapable of feeling the floor, but then they went back to normal and I could walk again so I got up in annoyance and walked out of my room. I went into the bar and got a beer out of the fridge and started Chuggin, once I was done, I went back to my room but before I even went in, I wanted to piss the boss off since I didn't get to last time.

I slowly opened his door and sneaked my ass in, and when I tell you... This mother fucker had a whole computer and everything! I walked up to his computer and saw a tab, I clicked on it and saw... You don't wanna know. I didn't think he was that type of person to be completely honest. I started walking around his room cause why not, everything was boring so I just walked to where he was sleeping... And how the fuck did I not notice he wasn't there.

I looked around his bed and found something under it, so I took it out. It was a big box of some sort with I don't know what the fuck he could be smuggling in here. I just wanted to snoop, around for no apparent reason. And it wasn't hard to open so I hit the jackpot, but once I opened it, I saw a lot of stuff in here, but I wasn't focused on any of it except for a small picture. I picked it up and saw a family, there was a father, mother, a little girl, and a little boy... "Why the fuck would this weirdo have a picture of a family?" I mumbled, "And this weirdo is wondering why the fuck! A snooping ass emo is in his room!?" A familiar voice said, as I jumped up and turned around to see a tired Tomura... With barely any clothes on.

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