Truth or Dare

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~Twice's POV~

I was sitting in the bar as usual, but then I heard Toga screaming... And it sounded fangirlish. I quickly stood up and followed where I heard her voice which led me to her, Sako, Kurogiri,... And Shiggy's room? I looked in the room to see what Toga was yelling about, along with Sako, and Kurogiri, and right there, I saw Dabi on top of Tomura... And with their shirts off. I think I heard Dabi say fuck as he stopped looking at us and letting his head drop down, "Is this the reason why you guys have been fighting? Cause if it is then that shit makes sense" Kurogiri said, with a smile. "U-uhh, no...?" Shiggy said, as his face turned even more red than it already was when I saw him.

"Yeaaaa~ I think it is to me~ anyways I and Jin are going to the store to steal food and stuff," Toga said, as she grabbed me by the wrist seriously making me melt all over the ground. "Ok, be back before nightfall~," Kurogiri said, he sounded like he was in a good mood. "YAY!" Toga yelled as she dragged my ass out of the base.

~At the store~

~hmmm, Twicy? Should I take the big pocket knife? Or the kitchen knife? Or both?" Toga asked as she held two knives in front of me. "Despite of you loving knives so much... Both" I said, with a warm smile. "Aw~ thanks Twicy!~" Toga said, as she Excitedly gave me and big hug... I felt so warm inside, that I slowly lifted my arms and hugged back, I think at this point we both lost control cause we'd been hugging for 2 minutes. After the hug we walked off to another aisle, "but the way, you need to up your game to a katana or something" I said, nonchalantly. "Eh? What's a katana?" Toga asked, I stopped in complete shock, and then she noticed so she stopped too. "What? I just said what's a katana" she said, "Umm, a knife...? But longer, and I think it makes your enemy bleed more~ well depends on what you cut off... I mean more blood the merrier~" I said, as I picked up a basic silver Katana. "Hmm~ I'll steal it but I'll think about it, before using it ~," Toga said, as I gave her the Katana.

"Good enough for me," I said, to be honest, I just wanted to steal the candy and food so I did... And Maybe too much candy.

~After they stole a bunch of shit, they made it back to the base~

"WE BACK BITCHES!" I yelled as I held up bags of food and candy we stole. "Hey guys- ah! Toga!? Did you steal knives and a Katana?!" Kurogiri said as he was polishing his last glass. "Yea! Twicy told me to up my game~ more blood the merrier~" Toga said, as she skipped off to her room.

As she did everyone in the bar turned back to me with a 'you fucked up' look, "What?! You know she loves blood so I don't wanna hear anything you guys gotta tell me right now" I said, as I went over to sit on the couch. "Well, now that you two are back, and it's beginning to become night... What do you guys wanna do?" Sako asked, it was silent for a bit until Toga busted in. "TRUTH OR DARE BITCHES!" Toga yelled as everyone's attention averted to her. "Well, that's my cue to get the fuck out, you guys can play I'mma head to my room," Shiggy said, as he got up and walked while using one hand to shield himself by making his hand stiff and straight and placing it on the very top of his forehead, and looking down. And using the other to swing back and forth as he walked...this is one way to know your leader is gay as fuck!

"Oh uh-uh fucknut! You. Play. With. Us!" Dabi said as he grabbed Shigaraki by the shirt.

~Dabi's POV~

"If I gotta suffer, you gotta suffer," I said, before pulling him closer to me as I whispered in his ear. We all sat down to play while Shiga was Silently throwing a temper tantrum, no surprise. "Alright~ umm, Kurogiri! Truth or dare??~" Toga said, "Umm, I guess... Truth?" Kurogiri said, "Hmm, is it true that you and Sako are dating?!~" Toga yelled, as she was hopping up and down while on her knees. "Umm, I don't know why you wanna know that but... Yea," Kurogiri said, as Sako put his hand over Kurogiri's.

"EEEEEEEEK~" Toga yelled, and almost busting my eardrums. "Okie! Kurogiri your turn~" Toga said, "Alright, um, Twice? Truth or dare?" Kurogiri said, "Dare!" Twice said, "I dare you to eat a small pile of salt," Kurogiri said, as he grabbed Twice's hand and poured a small pile of salt into his palm. "Uhh, Toga? What happens when we reject the dare or refuse to tell the truth?" Twice asked, "Well Twicy~... YOU GET STABBED DEEP IN THE STOMACH TILL YOU COUGH UP BLOOD~" Toga said while holding up a sharp... Sharp... Sharp ass knife...

"Yeah no" Twice said, before dumping the salt in his mouth and making a disgusted expression, and smacking his lips a tiny bit, "Ugh, anyways, um... Dabi? Truth or dare?" Twice asked, as he faced me, along with everyone else. "Dare," I said, nonchalantly, "let me... Sniff your coat... " twice said, while slowly squinting. I was confused about why the fuck he would wanna sniff my coat... But anything to be done with this game soon. "Whatever," I said, as I took off my coat and handed it to him. Twice took my coat and kinda balled it up into a ball, and looked at it very... Weirdly. He brought my coat up to his nose, then took a big ass whiff, so big he rolled his eyes at the back of his head a little bit... But as he did, he rolled them back down and slowly made distance between my coat and his face. "Um, Twice?" Sako said, after Twice dropped the coat, his hands still in holding position, and his face still lookin the same, so I'm guessing he froze or sum. I slowly took my coat back as I was still looking at Twice, but then he just collapsed.

"Umm, twice? You good?" Toga asked before he slowly rose with a stank look on his face and starring at me, "NOW LET ME TELL YOU WHAT A FUCKING ADVENTURE I JUST WENT ON WHEN I TOOK A FUCKING WHIFF OF THAT SHIT!" His other side said, while everyone quickly got Popcorn out of nowhere and watched the show begin. "BITCH!? YOUR COAT IS BURNING OUR NOSTRILS RIGHT NOW! YOUR COAT SMELLS SO BAD! THAT IT SMELLS LIKE A BIG-ASS SKUNK BEAST SPRAYED YOUR ASS! AND THEN YOU NEVER WASHED THAT SHIT SINCE!" His other side said, "Oop! Get'em!" everyone said, while my mouth just dropped open...I. Am. Just...shocked.

"YOUR COAT SMELL LIKE! YOU GO DUMPSTER DIVING 5 DAYS A WEEK!" his other side said, "OOH! GET'EM!" Everyone yelled I feel so betrayed right now... But not gonna lie, this shit is kinda funny. "BITCH! YO COAT SMELLS LIIIIIIKE! You were fuckin walking in the street and you so happened to need to take a big shit! And there were no Portapotties! SO YOU DECIDED TO SHIT IN YOUR COAT! AND THEN WHEN YOU GET HOME! YOU JUST SCRUB THE SHIT OFF AND PUT THE COAT BACK ON BITCH!" His other side said as he finished his final roast. "EXPOSE HIM!" Toga yelled while everyone started laughing... And to be honest, it was funny so I laughed along.

They were surprised, but then we all started to laugh again...

~2 hours later~

"PHEW! I HAVEN'T LAUGHED IN SO LOOOOOOONG!" Sako said as he was out of breath. "Alright, Dabi your turn~," Toga said, as she was still giving a few giggles. "Alright, Sako? Truth or dare?" Dabi asked, "Dare!" Sako said, "Alright... I dare you to stand up real quick" I said, as he did I quickly stood up and walked to another room. As I knew I was far enough, I sprinted back into the bar and tackled Compress to the ground. "OWW, I'VE BEEN ASSAULTED!" He laughed, along with everyone else.

I got back in my spot and waited to see who Sako was gonna ask, "Alright...... Shigaraki? Truth or dare?" Sako said, as we looked at him and then set our eyes onTomura. Tomura was sitting there like he wasn't gonna answer, "What's it gonna be Shigaraki?" Sako said he sounded like he had a perfect dare/truth for Tomura. "Dare," Tomura said, with no expression in his voice or face. "7 mins in heaven! With Dabi! Go!" Sako ordered, I was shocked for a moment as a slight red blush ran across my face, while a big noticeable blush covered Tomura's cheeks. "... Okay," he said, as he got up and snapped his fingers at me, signaling me to get up and follow him to the closet.

So I did...

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