why... did you kiss me?

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~Narrarator's POV~

Shigaraki slowly dragged his drunk ass to his room and flopped on his bed, he realized what he did to Dabi as he let out a sound knowing he fucked up and that he is now embarrassed, but couldn't care less now that he started to doze till he fell asleep.

~The next day~

~Dabi's POV~

It was 8:00 in the morning and I was going to visit Tomura's room to ask him why the fuck he kissed me out of nowhere, I was still kinda confused as fuck when he just randomly out of the blue just grabs my burnt face and kisses me. ALL BECAUSE I SMACKED HIS ASS! OR HE WAS DRUNK AS FUCK! I showed up at his door but Toga was standing there with a devilish smile on her face. "Now what in the hell are you doing at Tomura's door?" I said, nonchalantly, "What are you?~" she said, skipping away with a smile on her face. "What am I doing at his door...?" I whispered, I looked at the door and then looked down at the nob as I slowly moved my hand towards it.

I was having second thoughts about what I was doing... But my curiosity was growing every time Tomura even showed up in my mind, so I grabbed the nob, and turned it.

~Thiccaraki's POV~

I was lying in my bed minding my business like always, but then I heard my door creaking. I looked up And saw Dabi peaking in my room... He looked like a demon... Cause I only saw like half of his intimidating ass face..."Dabi? What are you doing?" I asked, but he didn't answer, he just stared at me like a stalker. But 6 seconds later he decided to fucking speak, "Shigaraki... Can we talk?" He asked as he poked his head further into my room. Not gonna lie, I was kinda nervous but happy he decided to even look at me after what I did yesterday. "S-sure... Come in" I said, my stuttering is starting to become a problem I need to stop that.

He opened the door and walked in, I sat on the side of my bed as Dabi was standing in front of me with a kinda serious look on his face, "Tomura...? Why would you kiss me?" He asked, I didn't know what to do in this situation... Honestly, I did NOT! But I'm not gonna lie, his lips felt good when I kissed him, so why not do it again... "Why wouldn't I...? And why not do it again?~" I said, in a seductive tone. It took him about 5 seconds to realize what I meant as he cracked a little smile while I laid back with a smile on my face.

(👁👄👁... I guess this is a ⚠️warning⚠)

~Dabi's POV~

As Tomura laid back, I began to take off my shirt and got on top of him, he cupped my cheeks, pulled me in, and then our lips met. I think I forgot to close the door but I didn't care to be honest, I wanted more of him so I bit his bottom lip for entrance. I kept doing it till he gave in and opened his mouth, then I quickly stuck my tongue in his mouth and licked Everywhere... "Ah~ Mhm~" he moaned, I was shocked that he moaned, so I slowly broke the kiss and made eye contact with him, "D-did you just moan?" I said, close to laughing. "You were doing the most! What did you expect?!" He said, also close to laughing. "I don't know, I didn't expect you to moan is all," I said, with a warm little smile on my face... I've never been this happy before, like happy to the point I could see color again.

We went back to kissing as Tomura giggled cutely in between the kisses, I moved my hand under his shirt and touched what I could until I was fed up with his shirt still on, so I broke the kiss once more and removed his shirt while starring at his cute body. I kissed him for a few seconds, then I moved down to his neck and tried to find his sweet spot, his moans were quiet and soft for a moment as I was licking and kissing, but then I decided to bite in a specific spot I didn't get. "AH~" he moaned, "heh, I guess I found it~," I said, as I was smiling up against his neck. I started to abuse that spot while Tomura started to hug me a little bit tighter every time I licked or bit him, his moans started to get a little louder until I stopped. A purple and red Hickey popped up in that spot. "I never knew how much hickeys suited your neck~" I teased while playing with small locks of his hair with my index and middle fingers.

"And I never knew that you would even dare give me a hickey," he said, jokingly. "What do you mean?" I asked, "Remember when we met?" He asked, "Yeah... Why? You wanna go back to hating each other?" I asked, "No... I just didn't know I would fall in love with someone I've fighting with since first sight," he said, as red took over his cheeks completely. "W-wait...? You lo-" I was about to ask, but was rudely cut off by high squealing. "OM TO THE FUCKING G! ARE YOU TWO FUCKING?!~" Toga yelled, until Twice, Sako, and Kurogiri came to the door, shocked. As. Fuck!

"Fuck... " I mumbled...

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