odd morning

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~Tomura's POV~

I woke up like every fucking morning, the sounds of my alarm fading in and out till it was clear. I was about to press dismiss on my phone, but Dabi seemed to already have that covered, as he pressed the button. After he did that, he put his hand over his face while groaning deeply, I'm guessing he's not a morning person. I sat up while yawning my soul out, and Dabi struggled to sit up on the headboard but he managed. I stretched for a bit, then looked at Dabi... Who looked like a real fucking zombie, I started to laugh at him which got his attention, he closed his eyes then slowly opened them back up and looked at me.

"Fucking ew," he said, blankly, I stopped laughing because I knew what his hypocritical ass meant by that, "You look like a fucking mummy with hair bitch! If you don't back the fuck up before I strangle you with it!" He said, I now know he wasn't a morning person but I didn't know he would act like a fuck boy DICK! In the fucking morning. "And you look like a purple zombie fuck! Fuck off my dick!" I said, I was about to crawl over him but he grabbed my chin and kissed me. I kissed back with very slight passion and let go, "your ugly as fuck in the morning" I said, with a smile, "bitch?! Speak for your damn self, got hair all up in your fuckin face!" He said, moving big strands of hair out of my face. "Well, I'm going to take a bath, welcome to join... Not saying you need it or anything" I said, getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom ass naked.

~Dabi's POV~

I watched my bitch ass lover walk ass naked to the bathroom. I was blushing like hell, but still a little offended by what he said, but he's probably right. I got some strength to get out of bed and take a big ass stretch which almost made me fall from the dizziness, then I walked into the bathroom and saw Tomura... Pouring a whole bunch of bubbles in the tub while the water ran. I walked up behind him, staring at the liquid being poured into the water, and then I looked at Tomura. "You think that's enough?" I chuckled, "No," he said, blankly, "Uhh, I think so, shit it might overflow y'know," I said, "bitch who owns this bathroom?" He snapped, "Don't catch an attitude bitch it's still morning and I'm not in the mood to get back to the world stars" I groaned, "heh, me neither despite them being painful, but fun," he said, he finally stopped adding bubbles as he could see there was more than enough in there. We both got in and got comfortable, he was lying on the bottom while I laid on his chest and cuddled up to him tightly, he began to brush his fingers through my hair while kissing me on the forehead.

"Y'know, I'm starting to think you're only taking a bath is because your doing it with me" he teased, "Bitch!? Shut the fuck up! I take that shit in offense! I will drown you if I have to!" I yelled, lifting my head, and looking him right in the eyes. It was silent for a moment, but then he looked triggered, and I got a feeling he's gonna attempt to drown me. And I was right cause he quickly topped me in the tub while holding me down in the water, I attempted to get back up, but it only worked for 0.01 seconds. I attempted a couple more times until I just pulled him down in the water and topped him. "AHAHAHAHAHA! DROWN BI-A-TCH!" I yelled, high-pitched...yea...I can make my voice go high-pitched. while he splashed water left and right, but then Toga came in. "Hey Tom-... Uhh, why are you drowning Tomu?" Toga asked, "he tried to drown me first! Now get out please... Or you wanna see my cock and burnt balls? Hm? It'll traumatize you!" I said, not that I would show her, that sounds... Just no... But I wanted her to get out, "Uhh, I'll pass on that... I already saw Twice's pole when his towel dropped," she said, walking out of the bathroom. Once she left, I was pulled back down into the water but this time we were only out of the water for a second... So basically wrestling in the fucking bathtub.

It was starting to be fun when we both started laughing. We came back up with wet hair and soap everywhere, "your a fucking idiot" he laughed, shoving me slightly, "yea but I'm your idiot~" I said, I guess flirting, "shut up" he giggled, with his face red as hell, but became bigger when he kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me while I wrapped mine around his hips, then just laid back and made out in the tub.

~Kurogiri's POV~

I was polishing glasses as usual, minding my business, while Twice and Toga were watching TV. I was doing my normal thing, but then Sako walked in, "Hey Giri, polishing glasses again?" He asked, "Mhm" I hummed, softly. "I wanna help you," He said, I lifted my head but he was already polishing a glass, "oh no you d-don't have to," I said, "oh no, I insist," he said, "b-but," I said, but he was already polishing the glass. So I shrugged it off and went back to polishing mine. After a few minutes, we were done... I guess I needed help cause it takes me about 10 minutes to polish 29-cup glasses. We went to sit by Toga and Twice, but then Tomura and Dabi came in... But Dabi was holding Tomura. "Dabi, why are you holding Tomura?" I asked, he turned to me red-faced and embarrassed. "Because! He asked! And I said no, so we've been arguing for 5 minutes after we got out of the tub, and he said If I don't... I get no more BUSSY!" He pouted.

"Heh, okay but why are you red?" Sako asked, "... He's kissing my neck... That's why" Dabi said, before quickly walking away, but he picked up the pace after squealing like a shy girl, followed up by Tomura giggling.

"I think Tomura found Dabi's sweet spot~" Toga sang, "you found Twice's yet?" I teased, turning over to her, it had her red in a snap and made her silent. Along with twice. "Heh, that's what I thought," I said. "I'll find yours~ if you want~," Sako said, I slowly turned my head towards him and blushed like hell... Thank god he doesn't notice cause I blush big as fuck, "move" I threatened, he gave a big smile and shrugged... Not today Satan I already got locked out of heaven once.

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