Black hair dye ☁☁☁☁

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~Dabi's POV~

"So your master managed to get a pet shark?" I asked, facing Tomura. He turned to me and looked at me with those scary ass but beautiful red glowy eyes.
"Yeah, I was surprised too when I first met Bruce, to be honest, I thought Master was just gonna take my quirk and use me as shark food," he said, "luckily he wasn't" I chuckled. We were showin' out so much that I completely lost track of time, I took out my phone and checked what time it was while Tomura was staring me down.
And it showed that it was legit 2:05 am...

I looked at Tomura when he took a look at the time as well, "shit we've been out for hours" he giggled. "Mhh, yeah and Kurogiri is probably gonna ground us" I added, we both started to laugh at how we're gonna meet our fate soon. We walked and chatted till we made it back to the base, when we walked in we saw Toga and Twice slumped on the couch cuddling.
"Aw they look like roaches" Tomura teased, "leave them alone" I laughed, Tomura made fun of Toga and Twice the funniest way he could to make them mad as hell.

"Wanna take a shower?" He asked, "Sure," I said, we decided not to wake them up cause neither Tomura nor I had the intention to. We headed straight to Tomura's room which fucking blinded me when we walked in cause his blue lights were still on, "babe can these lights change?" I asked, "Uhh, yea but I just keep it blue... And sometimes red when I'm pissed," he said, opening his wardrobe and taking out a big oversized black shirt and underwear.

"Uh, brb I'mma go get some clothes," I said, Tomura turned around and nodded. Then I rushed out of his room and into mine to grab a white tank top and dark sweatpants.
I walked back to his room and saw that he was already in the bathroom, I walked in and set my clothes on the counter while he started the shower.

Once he started the shower he turned to me, "you stink" he teased, "don't start" I said, I didn't want to hear what he had to say cause if he said anything else about my fucking body odor... I'mma commit arson again.
"Well, it isn't my fault you barely shower," he said, as he began removing his clothes and along with me. "Is there a time when you just don't talk whatsoever?" I asked as if I wanted him to shut the fuck up.

"Yeah, when I'm feeling depressed," he said, I looked up at him, and then he looked at me, "What did you say?" I asked, "nothing" he quickly said, he got in the shower while I followed behind.
Once we were in Tomura got himself wet first, then he got his hair wet. "Your hair looks like a wet mop" I laughed.

"Uhh, your hair stinks, it needs some shampoo," he said back, I gave a little pout when he turned around, and then he started giggling.
"Why do you keep bullying me?!" I asked, being a whole hypocrite.
"... You a hypocrite," he said, yea I already knew that.
"Get out my fookin way mop head," I said, he hurried and got out the way so I could get my sexy body wet along with my hair.

"Uh-huh once you get done wetting your "sexy body", you can get to scrubbin' that body boo" he suggested. I growled deeply as if for him to shut the fuck up since he can't keep that pretty little mouth shut, but he growled back.
"Yea little boy I can growl too" he laughed, his growl was like a high and thin growl while mine was a fuckin deep and thick growl.
If we had a growling contest I would win.

After I got my body and hair wet, I grabbed a washcloth and... Well I was about to grab the soap but Tomura was already going for it. We both had our hands on the soap, we both looked at the soap and then looked at each other.
Tomura started to tug at it while giving me a little glare, "Uh, you were talking all that shit! Give it here!" I yelled, snatching the soap away from his hand.

I put some soap on the washcloth and started scrubbing, but while doing that Tomura snatched the soap in a milli-second right after I got done using it.
"Your ugly ass should do slick-back hair more," he said, I ignored his little comment, but only for a little minute.
"Tomura are we about to fight in this shower or are you gonna shut your ass up and stop insulting me?" I asked he didn't answer.

"That's what the fuck I thought," I said, we both washed up for a little longer until we moved on to our hair, Tomura scrubbed his mop hair with shampoo...and it was completely unnecessary to have a mountain of shampoo but it was funny when he made his hair look like a Mohawk. While on the other hand, I scrubbed mine... But then I forgot that the black dye in my head was washable.
All the fucking black dye washed down my chest, stomach, back, all of the above.

"Ehhhhhhhhh..." Tomura said, I could tell he was either shocked or weirded out by how much hair dye I put in my hair.
I slowly turned around with my lips puckered to see Tomura's expression, and I saw that he was looking at my body which was covered in black dye. Then he looked at my wet white hair... Well, it still had a little bit of black in it.
"You better feel relieved that I found you out a long time ago" he giggled, "oh I'm relieved" I chuckled.

Tomura reached for the shampoo and squirted a whole bunch in his hand, "I'mma just do this for you" he said, I shrugged to let him know I'm allowing him since I don't know how to wash my fucking hair.
He scrubbed my hair- and by hair I mean he scrubbed my fucking brain so goddamn HARD!
And then he had the audacity to bathe me, "I know you can bathe yourself but I just can't trust you with this type of self-care" he said, he scrubbed every inch of my body so hard except the burnt parts.
He just scrubbed gently.

After all that mess he washed out the shampoo and the soap then I was hair-dye-free, I moved out of the way so he could wash his Mohawk away. "What was the point by the way?" I asked, "What was the point of What?" He asked as he washed all the shampoo out of his hair while it ran down his body. "That Abomination that was on your head" I laughed, he scoffed but didn't answer.
Once we were both done we got out of the shower and dried off, but while I was drying I noticed that Tomura was wrapping a towel on his head like a girl and wrapping a towel on his waist.

I gave a stank look while looking at him up and down cause I knew he ain't going girly tonight, he did a little stretch but noticed me and my stank look towards him. "What? You jealous of these muscles?" He teased, "Okay number one, I'm not jealous you and I both know that I have bigger muscles, yours is like...medium" I said, with a low voice.
"And second! What's with the towel wraps and shit" I asked, raising my arm and pointing at him while slightly moving my finger up and down.

"Oh! I've been doing this uncontrollably lately since I found out I was gay years ago" he said, I unattached my eyes from him just thinking of all the random girly things he could be doing behind my back, "now get out I need to dry my hair" he demanded.
I was already done drying off so I wrapped my towel around my waist, grabbed my clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

I threw my clothes on and jumped on Tomura's oddly... Comfy bed, "this bullshit isn't fair! Why does this bitch get a fucking comfy bed?!" I asked myself, "AND IT'S GOOD ENOUGH TO FUCK ON! SUCK IT DABI!" He teased and yelled from the bathroom, I was about to say something back but my laughter got the best of me.
"Are you laughing?" He giggled, "You said that out of nowhere!" I laughed, laid back on one of his pillows, and waited for him to come out.

While waiting I noticed I forgot my phone in my coat which I left in my room, so I went to my room, grabbed my phone, and headed back to Tomura's room.
But I saw he was already in bed but with his robe on and his hair in a low ponytail. "Oh! There you are, I was wondering where your stupid ass went off to" he teased, "okay I am smart as fuck! You shut the fuck up" I said, I set my phone beside Tomura's and lay in bed next to him.

We both got in the covers.
I laid on my back while Tomura cuddled up to my chest, I wrapped my right arm around his waist and fell into a deep fucking sleep along with him.

(That song I put up at the top, I found catchy it was when I was watching Tenko Shimura origin+dub+. The ending part of the song gives me stomach chills for some reason, maybe it's because it sounded so WHOLESOME! but anyway... I need to start posting better cause school is dragging me this year even though it's kinda easy. But anyways, WOLFIE OUT!)

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