I AM!-... NOT HERE! 16+⚠️

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~Shigaraki's POV~

I'm guessing it was 7 am cause I heard my alarm on my phone fading in and out as if I was slowly waking up, I didn't want to wake up or move cause I was too comfortable with Dabi's arms around me, to keep me warm. But I had to, I slowly managed to slip out of his grip and sit up on the side of the bed. I looked at my phone, then I pressed dismiss on the screen to shut my fucking alarm up. I raised my arms and stretched while making stretching noises, then I put them back down, then I was about to get up but a hand stopped me as it wrapped tightly around my wrist, I quickly turned around to see Dabi, kinda awake but not really. "Where the fuck are you going??!" He complained, "To the bathroom baby," I said, calmly.

"Noo, stay..." He whined, "No baby, I have to get up~ and you do too not gonna lie" I chuckled, as Dabi gave me a pouty face. He loosened his grip and then finally let go, for me to get up, I went to the bathroom, did my business, took a shower, dried off, put on a black tank top, put on small... Small shorts, and black socks. After that, I brushed my teeth, then brushed my hair and styled it into a neat bun while leaving wavy long strands of my hair hanging off cause I thought it was cute. "Okay, ready to start hell once more," I thought, as I walked out of the bathroom and into the bar.

I went behind the bar and picked out a bottle of whatever I saw first, I grabbed a cup and poured it up to the tippy top. I put the bottle back and took a sip of my drink, then I walked over to the couch and sat down.

~Dabi's POV~

I was still lying in bed, laziness had taken over my body and now I couldn't move! "Ugh! I don't wanna get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!" I whined, "GET YOUR ASS UP BABY BEFORE I DUST YO ASS!" Tomura yelled as I lifted my head in shock that he was able to even hear me. I

I groaned in laziness.

I got up and out of bed, went to the bathroom, took a shower, dried off, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair into a slick back just this once... Just to try it. I went to my wardrobe and got a white jersey, black shorts, and white socks. After getting dressed, I went into the bar... Well, barely walking in after realizing I woke up with a fucking boner, "fuuuuuuuuck..." I thought, as I slowly lifted my head and let my body just fold. "Baby? What are you doing?" Tomura asked while giggling very cutely.

~Thiccaraki's POV~

"Nothing babe" Dabi said, as he lifted the top half of his body back up, walked over to the couch, and sat next to me. "Is it me or do you just drink for the hell of it?" he asked, "um, don't come for me, you drink too baby" I said, before taking another sip of my drink. "Yea, whatever you say babe" he chuckled, as he laid back. But that was his biggest mistake cause I noticed his big ass boner, "hey~ Happy boner day~" I sang, "thanks... W-wait what?!" He said, after realizing what I said.

I chuckled.

I sat my drink on the coffee table and got up, "ya know, your like the top 5 worse boner hiders in history~" I said, as I positioned his legs straight on the couch and sat on his dick.

He grunted quietly, then he grabbed hold of my ass, "I forgot I had a boner when I sat down okay?!" He whined, "How the fuck do you forget that your dick is throbbing?" I laughed, "fuck off!" He said, I gave a little smile while giggling. I cupped both of his cheeks and slowly leaned and passionately kissed him on the lips. I wanted to speed this little...Make out session up so I was about to start biting his bottom lip, but he read my fucking mind and started to bite mine while squeezing my ass tightly, which I quickly gave in and opened my mouth. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and started to lick around, "Mhmm~" I moaned, I moved my right hand and put it under his shirt to feel around.

We've been kissing for about 2 minutes, so I decided to tease him a little bit, while he was spanking and squeezing my ass, I started grinding my ass on his dick. I began to grind it slowly but hard, which quickly made him groan to the point he broke the kiss, "bitch!? I'm supposed to tease your ass the fuck?!" He said, with a funny look on his face which caused me to laugh. "You funny," I said, while admiring his slick back hair, he looked pretty sexy. "continue?" He asked, with a seductive smile on his face. "Fuck yea~," I said, before slamming my lips hard onto his.

But we quickly stopped to the sounds of someone busting our front door and walls down, and a familiar... Voice, "I AM-!... Not here..." All might said, 'cause as soon as his old ass busted our property down, he saw me and Dabi on the couch, which he rudely interrupted. He began to slowly back away, but something triggered me, "SEE NOW! UH-UH! BRING YOUR OLD ASS BACK HERE FRAUD MIGHT!" I said, while popping my neck in full sas, he slowly walked back up to the big ass hole he made, in fright surprisingly. "NOW I KNOW! YOUR OLD, BUSTED, HULK SMASH LOOKIN ASS DID NOT JUST FUCKIN DESTROY MY FUCKIN PROPERTY!?!!" I yelled, basically at the top of my lungs, "FUCKING DUMBASS!" I said, as I quickly got up off Dabi and rushed to the fucking damage that this hero caused. "U-umm, I can fix this..." He said, while awkwardly rubbing his head. "YEA! YOU WILL FIX IT! CAUSE YOU AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE TILL YOU FIX THIS SHIT!" I said, stomping back to my baby.

"Heh, someone has anger issues~," Dabi said, once I sat back on his dick, I gave him a little death stare, "Well excuse me! These dumb heroes always breaking shit" I said.

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