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And what I saw was like a fucking! DREAM!

I couldn't believe what I saw and I was completely fooled by this box holding two beautiful blood-red daggers.

(Picture I'm referring to)

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(Picture I'm referring to)

I picked one of them up, the handle was so smooth and red, and red is one of my favorite colors. The reason is obvious.
I've always wanted a knife like this but could never have the time to steal one, but now I have them!
I'm so obsessed. Very. Very. Obsessed.
I stared at these daggers till it was getting around the time I usually go to sleep which is 10:20 pm, yea it may seem early and yea we're villains and we shouldn't have a bedtime but we have shit to do every other day. I mean we haven't been doing shit because Tomura and Kurogiri haven't announced any plans or anything like that so we've been. . . Normal. Somewhat normal at least.

It's 10:23 now. I'm not even tired, to be honest. I've been staring down these two daggers for hours without getting bored, that's a record in my book. I picked them both up and examined the design and how sharp it was. I started swinging them around imagining offing someone with them, but then I cracked an idea. It's about time everyone should be asleep and I have two new knives that I could test out, so why not sneak out for a bit and slaughter some people? I mean what's the worst that can happen? But if I'm going out at a time like this by myself which I honestly don't do very often, I should wear some type of night disguise.

I got up and skipped over to my bed to sit the two knives down for a bit, I ran over to my clothing-filled closet, and just because we are Villains doesn't mean we can't have a wardrobe full of clothes. I love being a Villain, don't have to pay for anything and we can do whatever we want because the civilians are too pussy to step up to do anything.
I looked through my closet, pushing and throwing useless ones aside until I found the perfect one to wear.

It was a random black hoodie that was way too big for someone like me, it stops above my knees but it's okay. The roomy the better, I also put on these cute black leggings. Never really wear black but this is the best occasion to do so. I didn't just need black clothing, I also needed a disguise because the Lord forbid me to get caught. I looked around my room because I did have a black mask lying around somewhere, I used it for times like these before I joined the league. After searching for like a minute I finally found it, I grabbed it and slipped it on my beautiful face before fixing my hair into a single messy bun. Usually, I just do my two messy buns but I was too excited to even care.

After getting dressed in clothes and hair I put on my shoes, grabbed the knives on my bed, and headed out.
I slipped my hood on and started skipping off to find my first victim.
Nights like these are so quiet it's crazy, haven't seen a hero or another Villain take any action. We haven't either, it's like when we quiet down and chill it's like the whole world is chill. Are we the problem in this world? Yes. Do we have a reason to be? Yes.

I kept walking along with both daggers in my hand hungry to cut into something. And I need to stock up on blood, I have barely a pack left.
I listened to my footsteps hitting the concrete floor until I got bored, luckily I brought my earbuds and phone. I put my earbuds in, took out my phone, and played my usual killing playlist.

(I see her listening to this for some reason)

But as soon as the music started playing, I saw a random man just walking alone. It looks like he just left his job or something because he was wearing a basic ass polo and tie with dark brown khakis. Just a dumb, ignorant, mindless Civilian. The only thing they're worthy of is blood so I'm gonna go ahead and take my lick and blood. I already had my empty blood packet ready to go, so I waited for the right moment to strike because Hero's these days are absent, who knows, fucking eraser head could drop down from any fucking building. . .

And just to say that I checked the building I was hiding behind and other buildings near me just in case.
The man was coming up to the alleyway that I was hiding in, I watched, waited, waited, and waited for some more. I feel like a predator, an actual one, like a fucking lion or some shit.

Once the man finally walked his slow, hunchback, lunch sack, potbelly, made out of jelly, Tonka truck-built body ass up the alley, I quickly covered his mouth with one hand and stabbed him in the side with the gorgeous dagger in the other.
He was muffling and trying to scream and fight me off but it was not going well when I quickly pinned him to the ground.
Was his last words before I stabbed him in the head and repeatedly started stabbing him in the chest. Yeah I'm a monster, but I can't help it, this is what I do and I'm sticking with it no matter if it's wrong or right.

Narrator's POV

Not long after Toga offed her first victim and got their blood she offed about 3-4 more and decided to call it a night because it was more than just late, it was the next day. She made sure she had all that she needed and started heading off home. But while walking down the concrete, she could hear sirens not so far away, and she knew exactly what those sirens were.
"Oop?! The police!? TOGA NO LIKE POLICE!" She yelled to herself as she sped up her pace. Went from walking to fast walking, fast walking to jogging, and jogging to fucking booking it when the sirens kept getting closer and closer, so close she was pretty sure they had a glimpse of her before she could hit the nearest corner. The corner she turned was too small for them to drive into so they decided to get out and follow.

They ran down the alley and turned left which they were pretty sure that's where Toga went, and they were right. She was halfway down the alley and running as if her life depended on it because it did, "HEY! STOP RIGHT THERE!" cop #1 yelled, they followed her down, and by the time they made it half down the alley, Toga was already in another. The cops did the same and knew it was a dead end since they caught criminals at times like these. Once they arrived at the dead end they assumed Toga was still there and whipped out their guns. But she was gone.

"DAMNIT! Where the hell did she go!?" cop #2 yelled, searching the premises. Cop #1 searched around until they looked up at a building that had a ladder placed above a dumpster.
"Hey," Cop #1 said.

Cop #2 looked at Cop #1 and then looked at the direction they pointing which was the ladder on top of the dumpster. "Fuck" Cop #2 said.

👑Toga's POV👑

I couldn't be happier to see a fucking ladder, I almost got caught. I'm never usually on the brink of getting caught, I need to train more. But all that matters is that I got away in time. I ran on and jumped on buildings until I made it back home, I jumped into an alley where my window was, can't get caught by anyone right now. Can't even go through the front door, shit, Kurogiri could be awake for all I know and I'm not testing that theory.
I opened my window, grabbed onto the rim, and started doing a few boost jumps and did a big jump right after that got me halfway in. I struggled for a bit but I finally got in as I flopped down onto bed, I quickly shut my window and thought I was in the clear. But NOOOOO. He just had to be in my room at the time.

There Jinny was, just sitting up against my headboard. It was like he was just waiting for me or something.
"Sneaking out are we?" he said, I could tell he was teasing so I smacked him on the side of his head, "Shut up! You better not say a word about this. Do you understand stand me?" my voice became more serious.
He looked at me unfazed, "Yes ma'am".

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "good. Good night Jinny" I said. I laid down not even gonna bother changing clothes, I'll do it tomorrow though.

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