fuck you

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~Shigaraki's POV~

"What did you just say?!" I said, already triggered by the fucked up statement. "Are you deaf? I. Said. You should try to be more nice~ shorty~" he said, as I began to get angry and clench my fists. "What? Are you getting mad?" He teased, "Tomura, please calm down," Kurogiri said, and I did... At least that's what they thought. I slowly walked up to Dabi and looked him right in his eyes, "A death stare doesn't scare me" he laughed. "A death stare won't... But this will" I said, as I quickly raised my hand and slapped him across his burnt ass face. It was silent for a moment, Toga started to back up, and Kurogiri exited the back of the counter and went into another room... I'm guessing he was going to get Mr. Compress and Twice.

"Got anything else to say?! Bitch!?" I yelled it was still silent, but then he moved his head to face me. But this time he looked pissed, "Oh! What are you gonna do?! Hit me!?" I said as I got closer to his face. And to my surprise, he had the balls to swing and hit me in the face... And then tackle me.

Kurogiri, Compress, and Twice came back 2 minutes later and saw Dabi on top of me and punching me, while I was gripping onto his hair and punching his head... While Toga was In the corner but not for long as she ran over to the rest of them while me and Dabi were beating the shit out of each other.

Kurogiri told Toga to go to the other room while Jin and Compress were holding me and Dabi back, Jin was struggling to hold me back along with Compress struggling to hold this emo bitch back. But I thought of a trick, I pretended I calmed down but still gave Dabi a death stare. He soon then calmed down, Jin took me down the hallway thinking that I calmed down, but as we were halfway down the hallway, I pushed him aside and zoomed back into the bar where Dabi and Compress were. And I yeeted myself on Dabi and we went back to punching. "Uhhh! Giri! We need backup!" Compress yelled, "Guys! Why are you even fighting?!, RIP EACH OTHER APART!" Jin and his other side said, as Jin tried to help but his other side was making it difficult. And to be honest, I'm with his annoying other side... I'mma rip this bitch limb by limb!

Me and Dabi were still fighting, and dragging each other across the floor. And cussing whatnot out of the dictionary, and you don't wanna know the shit I said... I swear you don't wanna know. Or Dabi, what he said was hurtful.

But a few seconds later I saw purple forming around me, and then the next thing I knew... I was warped into my room.

~Compress POV~

"Phew! Jesus, never in my life I had to hold back someone with full force!" I said as I flopped onto the couch. "You had to hold back the new guy! WE HAD TO HOLD TOMURA BACK BITCH!" Jin and his other side said, "Jin...can you speak to your other side?... If you can, tell him to eat shit before I make him... " I said, I had to deal with that bitch since... I can't even fucking remember! "I mean... YOU EAT SHIT! YOU MARBLE POSSESSIVE BITCH!" Jin and his other side said, after what I heard I was about to start a world star my damn self.

"Calm yourself you two," Giri said, as he walked back into the bar along with Toga. "Sooo, does he always act like that?" Toga asked, "Who? Tomura? Oh! Umm, no he's just going through a tough time ever since All for One got arrested," Giri said, in a sad tone with a sad expression. "Aw, don't worry Giri... I'm sure he'll be fine" I said, attempting to cheer Giri up. "I guess you're right... " Giri said, with a noticeable blush. And I blushed back while rubbing my arm, "See... If y'all don't get together already! YOU TWO ARE HORRIBLE FOR EACH OTHER!" Jin and his other side said, I was about to hit Jin in the head but Giri held me back. "Stop- sako! It's not worth it-!" Giri said, struggling to hold me back, "I think I'mma go back to my room now," Jin said as he rushed to his room. As he did, I soon calmed down as well.

"You people sure do fight a lot" Dabi chuckled. "Well, you sure don't know how to not keep your fucking mouth shut! You just upset boss man!" I said as I walked up to help Dabi up. "You sure he's a man? He looks more like a child to me, and it seems that he can't control his fucking anger around new people!" He yelled, "FUCK YOU!" Shigaraki yelled, from a distance.

"How about we just calm down, we have a big day ahead tomorrow so I will show you and Toga to your rooms," Giri said, as he took Dabi and Toga down the hallway.

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