Years Later / HoneyMoon ❤️🖤

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♥Narrator's POV♥

A few years have passed, and the leagues had their times together, their ups and their downs, but they are finally coming to a long stopping point of their lives as Villains. I mean, of course, they're not gonna give up on what they've been doing from the start but they figured it was time to take a longer break from villainy.

Ever since Dabi proposed to Tomura, everything has changed.
Now Tomura's in a random room with Toga and Kurogiri who is preparing him for his wedding.

"OH MY GOD TOMURA YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!" Toga said excitedly while jumping up and down. "Hyper today, Toga?" Kurogiri asked, he smiled at the sight of Tomura and how he's changed over the years which weren't long but he's changed. Grew his hair out enough to put it in a messy man bun. Somewhat more mature, and now he's getting married, things couldn't get any better.
"Of course I am! Tomura is getting married! Who would have known you would ever get married." Toga said, her voice slowly calming down.

Tomura looked at her with his usual stank face.
"What do you mean by that Toga?" Tomura snarled with the stank look still fixed on his face.
Toga paused, puckered her lips, and hid her hands behind her back, "Nothing, nothing at all." then she walked off to go visit the groom because she was so nosy.
"Now now Tomura. We can't have you at your lowest of moods at your wedding now do we?" Kurogiri asked while doing to finishing touch to his suit.

Tomura pouted a bit while taking glances at himself in the mirror, "no" he groaned. "Well good, put a smile back on your face because the wedding is gonna start soon." - Kurogiri.
After Kurogiri was done he took one final look with a big smile on his face, "You look so beautiful Tomura. You know that?" Kurogiri asked.
"Yeah, I know... Kinda. Thanks, Kurogiri." Tomura fiddled with the strands of hair hanging down his face for a split second before asking Kurogiri if he could be alone for a moment. Kurogiri nodded and left.

Tomura smiled at Kurogiri as he left and then looked at himself again, he did a few twirls, admiring how brand new he looked.
He was almost proud of how he looked for once. But then Dabi crossed his mind, "I wonder what's Dabi wearing". He thought.

(The time Frame switches to Dabi and the others)

Dabi was in the Mirror while Compress, and Twice were staring at him admiring himself. "Y'know Dabi you can admire something other than yourself," Compress said, walking over to Dabi who was still focused on his sexy features. "Yeah I know, I can't wait to see my beautiful, evil, tantrum-throwing husband walking down that white aisle." Dabi went on and on about Tomura and not gonna lie, it kind of scared Twice and Compress.

Twice spoke while side-eyeing Dabi so FUCKING HARD. "How the fuck do two people that despised each other since they first met, had none stop World-Stars, start fucking after a few weeks, get married year's later?"
"No idea Twice, no fucking idea."

Twice and Compress started to walk out to see how Tomura was holding up, as they walked Compress stopped and said to Dabi, "Hey, what exactly are you and Tomura gonna do after the wedding?".
"Hm? Oh. I got a fancy hotel with a sexy black and red room with deserts and shit." Dabi said while fixing his hair a bit.

"And you're going to do what exactly?" Compress asked.
Dabi looked at Compress and scrunched his face up a bit, "Nosy bastard. I'm gonna make love to him what the fuck else?"
"Just wanted to clarify. Anyways you might wanna hurry up."Compress left and Dabi looked at himself one more time then headed out.

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