Okay... And? 18+⚠️⚠️⚠⚠️⚠️

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~Dabi's POV~

As soon as Tomura was done throwing... Some type of tantrum, he stomped right back to me, "Heh, someone has anger issues~" I said, once he sat back on my dick, he gave me a little death stare, "Well excuse me! These dumb hero's always breaking shit" he said. "Well, shall we continue this in my room?" I asked, seductively, "we shall~" He said, with a smile, we both got up from the couch, and Tomura took my hand and dragged me to the room.

~Deku's POV~

"My tracker said he's somewhere down this alley," I said, as I pointed down a creepy lookin alleyway, "Well come on you dumb nerd! Let's go!" Kacchan yelled, as he rushed down the Alleyway along with me trying to catch up, never knew he could run this fast. "Kacchan! I think we're getting cl-" I yelled, but didn't finish what I was gonna say cause we both slowly stopped and saw All might... And him fixing this big building, it looked like a bar on the inside...

"All might?" I said, he quickly turned around, "Young Midoriya?! Young Bakugou?! You two shouldn't be here!" All might said, in somewhat... Fright? "And why shouldn't we?!" Kacchan asked, while All Might and Bakugou were talking and whatnot, I decided to just sneak in as they were now arguing, I quietly and quickly slipped in and looked around the bar. It looked nice, but then I saw a door that led somewhere, I didn't bother telling them I was going back there cause I wanna see for myself, then tell Kacchan.

As I walked into the other room, I saw rooms, many rooms, "people must live here or something" I thought, as I walked further down the halls. I was thinking who could live here so I could apologize for whatever All Might did to their wall and door, but then I heard something in the distance, it sounded like... Crying almost, but that wasn't it... At least I don't think.

I decided to investigate more of the distance sound, but every time I get closer, the sound gets clearer... And when it got clear enough, I could hear that it was not crying. But I wasn't focused on what the sound was... I was more focused on who it was, "AHHHHH~ DABI~" a voice yelled, but not just any voice, it was Tomura's voice. I shook off the reason why he was screaming and quickly followed the voice. As I did, shigaraki's moans were getting louder and louder with every step, until then, I found the room, I put my ear up against the door to make sure it was them, "AHHH~ FUCK ME~" Tomura yelled, "Ahh~ fuck! Tomura~" Dabi moaned, all I could hear was Tomura's screaming, Dabi's moaning, and the bed rocking. I was having second thoughts if I should just leave and come back sometime soon but I heard a familiar voice, "DEKU! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" kacchan yelled, as he stomped up to me. "U-uh nothing!" I said, with a nervous smile. "DABI~ OH FUCK~" Tomura yelled, "Dabi?!" Kacchan whispered, I realized what he was about to do. "WAIT KACCHAN DON-" I said before Kacchan quickly kicked the door open.

~Dabi's POV~

"DABI~ OH FUCK~" Tomura yelled, it turned me on more every time he said my name, but as soon as he said that, 6 seconds later, my door bursts open. I quickly stopped thrusting, grabbed a cover, and covered us both, once I did, I looked up and saw a kid with blonde hair, and that same kid that was with Shoto. The blonde kid looked angry once he busted my door down, but once he saw me and Tomura, his face went from anger, to shock. "Wha-?!" He said, as he pointed at us and slowly faced the green-headed kid. The green-headed kid quickly shrugged and shook his head as if he couldn't believe it either, the blonde kid turned right back to us with a confused and maybe a concerned look. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled, "Hmm if you don't like what we're doing...? Get the fuck out~" I said, with a big smile on my face.

"Yea! We'll do that... " he yelled, as he and the green-haired boy backed away, but as they did, fraud might walked in, "Tomura I finished the wall and door" he managed to say with his shaken voice, "great~ NOW GET THE FUCK OUT!" Tomura said, in a sweet voice at first, then full demon. Fraud Might jumped in fear and quickly ran out with blondy and broccoli... New names for them since I can't keep calling blonde kid and green-haired kid.

When they left or left the room, Tomura redirected my sight to him with a smile, "back to it Daddy ~" he said, as his smile went from cute to sexy. "Hell yeah!" I gave a sexy smirk, smacked my lips right on his, and continued to hammer the fuck out of him.

~Twice's POV~

"Alright! Explain to me why the fuuuuuuuu-" I said, after I and the gang bumped into heroes, "why the hell are you here?!" I yelled, "Look! We've seen enough hell... We're leaving now," Fraud Might said, as they all walked around us. "Huh, now that was weird... They usually try to hurt or imprison us every time they see us" Sako joked, as we all walked up to the, oddly good-looking walls and door... It looked like it was rebuilt or something, "well, don't see that every day" Kurogiri said, as he walked in with his hands in his pockets and smiling. "Should we tell them we have pizza?" Toga asked, as she held up 5 stolen boxes of pizza, "umm, yeah, I'll go inform them" I said, as I skipped and rushed to the back. I walked down the hallway and passed multiple rooms till I reached Dabi's room to see if he was present, I grabbed the nob and turned it, opened the door... But only to find Dabi spanking Tomura's naked ass.

I was staring at them in judgment for a moment, "y'all are like fuck buddies and a couple had a baby!" I whined, "Okay... And?" Dabi said, before spanking Tomura causing him to moan and making a loud ass smack while giving me a blank look.

"I am... So done with y'all, pizza is in the bar, eat some when you are ready... But I don't expect Tomura to be so hungry from the dick he swallowed" I joked, "Bitch what!?" As Tomura lifted his head to face me. "F-FUCK OFF!" Dabi yelled as he pointed at the door telling me to get the fuck out.

"Yea, go fuck yourselves" I laughed, as I walked off after shutting the door.

(Sorry for the long wait, I'm making 2 books at the same time, ahem! Anyways WOLFIE OUT)

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