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~Shigaraki's POV~

I went back into my room to get my mask, shades, and cap. Then I ran right back out of my room and headed to the front door, but as I was leaving I could see in the corner of my eye that Twice, Toga, and Dabi were staring at me. "Where ya goin boss?" Twice asked, as he sat up on the couch, "Nowhere, just goin' for a walk..." I said, as I opened the door and left. I didn't know where I was gonna go so I just walked wherever places I knew.

I went to some game stores and looked at some cool games... And by look, I mean stole. I steal when I'm bored, after that I went to get food cause I was hungry as fuck! But as I was eating, I saw people in the corner of my eye... And they were staring, I don't know if they know or they are shocked that I ordered a lot of food... Can ya blame me? I had been craving chicken for the past week, I told myself every day that I would get some but I never had the energy to do it when it was time to CHOMP!

(Idk what the fuck too put here, so I'mma just fast-forward him walking back when it's close to being dark)

I stole games, ate food, and almost fucking drowned someone for touching my food...but how the fuck was I supposed to know that it will take a whole day off, I feel more like a normal person than a villain right now... Except for almost drowning someone for touching my food... That was a very bitch move, I think.

But the worst part of walking back to the BASE! Is that I have to walk in a fucking alley that looks like someone has been raped, murdered, you fucking name it. I looked down the horrible fucked up lookin alley before walking to what seemed like my fate, but as I took those first 5 steps, I see a person wearing all black... Just all black, and he/she had a hoodie on. I didn't have time for what was about to happen so I just picked up the pace and easily walked past whoever was dressed like they were gonna rob whoever walks down this alley.

But as I did... I saw in the corner of my eye that this motherfuckers head moved as I walked past, I was more creeped than that one time I got shot in both my legs and arms... Now you know the reason why I hate guns of any sort, that shit left me traumatized while I was healing.

I started to walk a little bit faster so I could have at least 5 feet from this creep, but he started walking but the same pace as me. And I knew I was either gonna get raped or robbed... Not killed cause he didn't look like a hero, so I kinda booked it. But that shit didn't help whatsoever cause he ran 2x faster than I did! And then before I knew it... I was grabbed and slammed into the wall, pinned.

The person was holding both of my hands so I couldn't try to decay them.

(He wearing gloves so he still wouldn't have a chance, correct?)

"OW!" I yelled as I looked up at the person who had the audacity to slam me up against the wall, "Where the hell were you...?" The person said, "What the fuck do you mean?! Who are you?!" I said as I struggled to get out of the person's grip. But as I did, he took off his mask, shades, and hood. And what I saw pissed me off so much, my blood started to boil, "D-DABI!?" I said, in complete shock that he of all people would pin me to the wall. "Answer my question! Where the hell have you been?! It's fucking dark outside now!" He yelled as he slammed me to the wall again.

I thought we were somewhat getting along and the world stars were gonna stop for a while, but noooo, he wants to get into my business, slam me against a wall, and make me hit my head! And I didn't like how close he was to me, so I think I fucked up and just pushed him off me and started to run, but not even 5 seconds of running, I get tackled to the ground. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME DABI!" I yelled as I tried to fight him off me, but he held both my hands down and his lower legs were holding down my legs so I wouldn't try to kick him off.

"Answer the goddamn question! You said you were just " going for a walk" you dickhead!" He said, as his grip on both of my wrists became tighter. "Why the fuck do you wanna know!?" I said, trying to punch him, but still couldn't move a single wrist. "Because you've been gone for fucking hours! Everyone thought you were taken or something!" He said, I didn't think he of all people would care but of course, the whole league would. "I told Kurogiri and Sako I was going out, did they not tell you idiots?!" I said, with an annoyed look on my face. "They said they didn't expect you to be gone the whole fucking day!" He said, his grip started to loosen a little but as it did, we heard a little kid's voice. "HEY MOMMY! LOOK! THOSE DUDES ARE DOING GROSS STUFF!" the little boy said, as he pointed to me and Dabi, "TOMMY!" A lady said, as she snatched the boy and started running off... I'm guessing that was his mother.

What that boy said, had me blushing to the point it was noticeable. Then Dabi turned back around to me as he still held me down, "Wait... Are you blushing?" He said, with an annoying shit-eating grin on his face. "N-NO! fucking dumbass!" I said as I had the strength to push him off while he was laughing. We both got up and headed back to base but heading back with me feeling fucking embarrassed and Dabi laughing his ass off.

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