BackStory Circle Pt. 2

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~Tomura's POV~

Me and the league sat in the middle of the floor in a circle, I looked at everyone and they all looked kinda nervous. "Alright, which one of you hoes wanna go first 'cause it sure ain't gonna be me." Twice spoke out, and everyone faced Twice with blank and annoyed looks. "What the fuck are yall staring at.
"Ya know, since you called us hoes, you can go first... Whore." Sako added. He smiled when he called Twice a whore, but in no time Twice already started giving Sako a mean glare. Like he was gonna say something that was gonna end Sako's whole career.

"How about you jump off a roof and die because I would love that. Then we can just have a garage sale and sell all your marbles or throw'em away." Twice's other side said with no regret, the league could tell how big he was smiling like nothing he said was at least a bit hurtful. "Oh, so we wanna have a smart-ass mouth now don't we!" Sako yelled, he was getting up and ready to throw hands but Kurogiri and Dabi held him still from doing so. "Ayo compress you need to calm down!" Dabi yelled, "Twice! You better tell your other side to watch it! Cause I am at my fucking limit right now with that bitch!" Sako yelled once more but louder, he pushed Dabi and Kurogiri off and pouted.

"Sure, I'll let my other side know" Twice said, trying to hold back a laugh. "Anyways, the backstory... Umm, so how it went for me? I was a kid living a normal life, going to school and that other bullshit" Twice babbled, "one day my parents died...because of a Villain attack. And since they died I had no one to take care of me at the time".

"Wait a minute!" Toga paused Twice in the middle of his story with her eyes squinted, "don't you... Have any other family members to live with?" she asked, "I do have some other family members, but the thing is that I don't have a good relationship with neither of those mother fuckers so I was on my own" Twice said nonchalantly. Twice continued talking and talked about how he was on his own and had to take care of himself since no one was there to help him, it kinda reminds me of when I didn't have anyone to help me. He talked about how he got a job that worked out for him for a good while, "well that's cool" Compress said, and smiled. Then Twice said, "Not really, I had to quit school just because of that".
Compress's smile dropped. "Sorry, continue".
Twice continued and started explaining his job and what it was about.

But then it started going downhill for him, "So a while later I got fired, and punched in the face" He said, "Why?" Dabi asked.
Twice sighed. "Because one day I was riding my motorcycle and this stupid motherfucker got in the way and I hit him". The room was silent until Twice spoke again and said, "I broke that bitch's arm".
"Jesus Christ Twice!" I said, "It wasn't my fault! I know for a fucking FACT! He saw and heard me coming" Twice yelled." if he saw and heard you coming then he would have moved out the way," Dabi said mockingly.

Twice jerked his head at Dabi and scrunched his face, "Dabi shut the fuck up you know I'm starting to get sick and tired of your mouth, jump in the ocean and drown you burnt son of a bitch!" Twice and his other side said. It was silent for another moment while Dabi and Twice had a stare-down, but the silence instantly broke when Dabi grabbed Twice by the shirt and started swinging. Twice grabbed Dabi by his coat, pulled him, and started hitting as well. Until then Dabi was on top of Twice and the both of them were just roughly getting it on, almost as rough as when Dabi and Tomura have their moments.
The league didn't even try to stop it because it's not anything new when someone squares up in the league, they even let them get at it for 20 more seconds until they broke it up.

Tomura snatched Dabi and sat him down while Toga and Sako held Twice back because he was still fired up a little, "you all are so immature" Kurogiri judged. "Well! Twice had to say something! And his other side!? You can't tell me that neither one of us was on a break of literally tearing him and his other side apart!" Dabi yelled.
"You're a pussy a pussy a pussy ass bitch!" Twice sang, it caused Dabi to go on a rampage because he jumped on Twice and then they started fighting again but this time Twice grabbed Dabi by the hair, punched him, and used the opportunity he had to grab Dabi by his leg and drag him around like a toy.

"You know what I give, Babe let's go shopping we'll continue this back story circle some other time," Compress said, "Ah! Take me and Toga with you!" I demanded.
"Will do" Kurogiri said. Before we left we all got dressed into disguise, headed out, and let Dabi and Twice deal with their temporary beef.

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