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~Tomura's POV~

Me and Dabi were sleeping peacefully in bed like the tired fucks we are, but then it came to my thinking that we probably overslept.
I slowly began to wake up, but only halfway.
As I did, I heard a distant voice outside my door.

I'm guessing it was either Sako or Kurogiri. I tried lifting my head but failed to when it was 2 inches away from Dabi's chest, but it instantly fell back down.

"Jesus you two sleep so late!" Sako yelled, "Jesus the rest of you wake up so early" I mocked.
"Don't make me put you in my marbles! Get the fuck up!" Sako yelled once more.

"Why the fuck do I hear yelling" Dabi mumbled, I had the energy to lift my head when I heard my lover's deep voice, I stared at his tired face and moved some hair away from it.
"Sako is being a dick" I groaned.

"I'm being a what Tomura!?" Sako yelled, busting the door wide open. I glared at him but didn't realize that his eyes grew wide.
But I did notice he was starring at Dabi. I looked at Dabi and completely forgot that I helped him wash the hair dye out of his hair.

(I noticed a mistake I made so I'mma make it make sense.
So before I made the black hair dye chapter Dabi and Tomura were taking a bath and fighting at the same time and of course they both got their hair wet.
But Instead of making the hair dye come out easily, I've decided for it to be a little hard for it to come out. So that means that Dabi has to Scrub-a-dubdub his hair to get the hair dye out. Makes sense? Okay back to the chapter)

Then my eyes widened when I quickly looked back at Sako, and then Dabi slowly began opening his eyes and saw me staring at Sako.
So he looked at Sako and saw him wide-eyed.

"What are you looking at?" Dabi asked.

"Y-your hair is white?" Sako asked, slightly tilting his head. His eyes weren't as wide as they were before, but I could tell he knew something was off.
After Sako said those words, Dabi was now in shock as he grabbed a piece of his hair and pulled it down to his sight.

"Shit... " he mumbled. I saw fear, and shock in his eyes, and this is why people don't like to be exposed... Gives you a weird painful feeling in your stomach.

Dabi let the small lock of his hair go slapped his palm onto his face and groaned very loudly.
"Uh, Sako... Can you give us a minute... Or an hour...?" I said, redirecting my sight to Sako.
"Uh, I think you need two hours but sure," he said, he gently shut the door and left me and Dabi alone.

It was silent for three or four minutes, and Dabi still had his hand covering his face. It looked like he was about to just rage in fear of how the league would react if they found out he's not what he says he is.

I didn't know what to do or say... Well, maybe giving him space was the best option... Even though I didn't want to, I wanted to hug the hell out of him is what I want to do.

"I'll just give you some space," I said softly, I slowly got off of him but before I could get out of bed, he quickly grabbed my arm.

"Stay..." He mumbled.

I was shocked by his response, but I didn't hesitate to hug him tightly, and he did the same for me.
"I'll dye my hair black sooner or later but I am lazy as fuck at the moment" he joked.
"Me and you both" I laughed.

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