Wish List

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(Honestly. I'm so sick and tired of writing this book and I have other books I need to finish, this chapter is bout to be quick as fuck because this is an unimportant chapter anyways. I won't be posting this until I've completed the last important chapter. This is just the league being on some B.S. Enjoy.)

✋Tomura's POV✋

After witnessing my league being complete CHILDREN... I mean I can't be talking but that's beside the point. Well anyway after all that I decided to go to my room and start planning for future missions. Some people on this earth are getting in the way of my desires and I don't like when people get in my way.

I walked over to my desk and got some paper that covered almost the whole thing. I opened a drawer, got out a pencil, and started.
I wrote down ideas that I thought were valid enough, but while doing so I couldn't help but notice how oddly good my handwriting was. Never expected my handwriting to be this good but the memories of Kurogiri home-schooling me popped up in my mind. Good times. Well kinda, he'd always spank my hand whenever I couldn't figure out what 9 + 10 was.

I kept writing until I heard my door open, I turned around and I saw a very irritated Dabi stomping over to my bed and flopping onto it.
I let out a chuckle and walked over.

I laid down next to him and watched him pout while shoving his face into my covers. "You okay?" I asked while rubbing his back for some comfort.
"Twice pisses me off sometimes" Dabi muffled. I chuckled some more and pushed Dabi over on his back. I then laid my head on his chest and got comfortable, "yes, a cuddle from my lover is all I need" Dabi said and pulled me close.

We laid in bed long enough to not want to move, it was way too comfortable. I listened to Dabi's heartbeat which made me feel happy for some reason as I smiled softly, and Dabi gave me kisses on my head while playing with my hair.
It was so peaceful, and I was about to fall asleep but then Dabi spoke. "To be honest..."

"Hm?" I hummed after he paused.

"I think I wanna marry you in the future." He said.

I smiled big and lifted my head to look at him, we made eye contact and then shared a kiss.
"Let's get all the frustrating shit out of the way before we decide to get married, okay?" I said tapping his nose.
"Yeah, that's kinda what I was going for," Dabi said.
"Okay smartass" I laughed and laid back down on his chest. We lay there until we both fell asleep which didn't take long.

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