Drink off

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~Twice's POV~

Me and Toga were playing Uno after Compress said he was gonna wake Tomura and Dabi up since they hadn't come out of Tomura's room all day. "I swear Twice if you tell me to draw four we're gonna have a problem" Toga threatened. "Yea whatever stabby your threats don't scare me~" I bragged.
"Not when there's a knife to your throat," she said wickedly, twirling a knife in her hand and quickly holding it up against my throat.
Yeah, I'm scared now.

"Toga, what did I say about threatening your teammates," Kurogiri said, he's the mom of the group with Compress being the Dad.
"Sorry Mom" Toga whined.
"... What is it with you guys calling me Mom, I am not a mother... At least not yet" Kurogiri said.

"It ain't our fault you and Compress act parently to us," I said, I mean... Oh shi-.

"The problem is, basically all of us are dating each other... And it's just... No, a big fat ass NO" Kurogiri explained, and he's right.
But while having this random conversation, we saw Compress walk back into the bar, but he had a little bit of shock on his face.
"What's wrong baby, you look...shocked?" Kurogiri asked.

"Okay umm, nobody gets triggered when you see Dabi, he's having an awkward hair day" Sako warned. I know people have awkward hair days... But I was confused about how that tall rhino could have a bad hair day when my hair is just everywhere, I look like I have emo hair at the moment. I just wanted to cover my big forehead... That's all... BUT NO! I GET A FUCKING EMO LOOK! THAT'S NOT EVEN WHAT I WANTED!!! Sorry, my other side is off today.

"Ooh Dabi is having a bad hair day~ I can help him~" Toga excitedly said, getting up from the ground where we were playing Uno. "No no no no no no no no no, that's a bad idea, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, and no no no, and more no's I will go on," Sako said, that is the first time I heard him say no that fast. "Okay...?" Toga said, slowly sitting back down with a confused look on her face.

"So, what's Dabi's awkward hair day look like then?" Kurogiri asked, leaving the back counter and sitting himself on one of the couches.
"Uhhh, I don't think I should tell" Compress said.
"I'm surprised you weren't gossiping by now Compress," a voice said, we all turned around and saw Dabi walk into the bar. He had some random clothes on and not his villain clothes... Well, we were wearing random stuff as well soo.

"Woah... Dabi, your hair!" Toga said, Dabi rolled his eyes avoided eye contact with all of us, and went to sit on a stool.
But then Tomura walked in and he was wearing random shit as well, "Tomu!!!" Toga said excitedly.
"Toga, I am getting tired of those nicknames," Tomura said, "I don't give two flying dick fucks!~" Toga said, still excited...

Tomura kept walking while giving Toga a stank look while looking at her up and down, which was pretty funny cause Toga was still smiling too.

~Dabi's POV~

I sat on a random stool and got on my phone, I didn't notice Tomura came in until he was standing beside me. I turned my head and looked up at him, he looked like someone pissed in his lucky charms.
"What?" I asked.
"Why are you in my seat?" He asked, last time I checked, there was no Name on the stool.

"Uh, is your name on it? I don't reme- AKH!" I said, well gagged since he wanna cut me off by grabbing my throat and choking the hell out of me.
"Mother fucker I asked you a fucking question!... Why are you in my fucking seat?" He whispered. If you're wondering who would start the arguments in this hot and sexy relationship, yeah here's your answer people. His voice sounded so threatening, that I didn't take him seriously at first, but now I'm over here gagging, and is it me, or did he forcefully make his voice deeper?

"What is it with you people threatening each other, you're all lovey-dovey the first day then you wanna murder each other the next" Kurogiri complained.
"You know what, I have an idea~," Tomura said, slowly letting go of my neck.

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