Ew... but i ship *Short*

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~Shigaraki's POV~

I felt some type of spark in me as I knew Dabi and I had some things in common, it was like my depression was wiped away and light became brighter... But then I remembered all the shit he called me... And the bullshit he calls me now. Then that spark and light went away fast, "it's kinda late... " I said, as I slowly got up and got in bed. "O-oh, right... Night you pathetic, shitty, slut" he joked, as he got up and walked out of my room. I flopped down on my back with my wrist resting on my forehead, I didn't think I would have shit in common with this emo bastard at all... And who the fuck knew he had a fucked up life, no wonder he became a murder machine.

But at the end of the day, my life was more fucked up than his if I'm not being honest, I mean! He still has his siblings! I have none! He still got his mom, I don't have that anymore... I don't know about his grandparents, but I have no fucking family except the ones I have now, I'm at least grateful to have them. Especially Kurogiri, and Sako, they're like my other parents low key. And Twice is like an annoying brother I never had that got an evil side to him that won't shut the fuck up, Toga is beginning to be on my good side... Yeah, I don't know about Dabi still.

I thought Satan was coming for me or something since I had that much bad luck to the point I had to lose my family over this quirk I have, but the only Satan here is me when I spread the fucking karma to every fucking hero who didn't help me, along with the city. I will destroy the symbol of peace if it's the last thing I fucking do... All this revenge thinking made me go night night.



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I slowly started to wake as I was expecting Kurogiri to wake me cause that's what he does every damn day, I looked at the clock, and it was 7:50 AM. I slowly got up and walked into my bathroom, I took a shower, Brushed my teeth, and then fixed my hair... And by fixed I mean made it messier than it already was by shaking my head and swaying it all over my head. After that, I went to my wardrobe and picked out a random outfit. I wore and black crop hoodie and skinny black jeans with a belt. I put the hood over my head as I was about to walk out but then I saw Toga standing at my fucking door.

"What?" I said, "Wow... YOU LOOK SO FUCKING SNATCHED SHIGGY!" Toga yelled as she started jumping around and running around me. "And you look like a demon with that blood all over you, go take a shower," I said as I put my hands in my pockets and walked out.

I was planning on walking around outside since I barely go outside but missions, so I went to Kurogiri's room to ask... But once I got to his room, I slowly opened the door and saw Kurogiri sitting on Sako's lap, making out... I. COULD. NOT!

"Uhhh, kurogiri? I'm going out" I said, in an awkward tone. "Yea yea, wear your disguise," Kurogiri said while shooing his hand at me and staring at Sako seductively. Ew... But I ship~

"Ok," I said, slowly shutting the door with a little smirk on my face.

(Don't ask me how those 2 were making out... Well I'mma explain it anyways😒)

(Just Imagine this kurogiri, but in human form)

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(Just Imagine this kurogiri, but in human form)

(Just Imagine this kurogiri, but in human form)

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(But not this one)

(This one, but in a human form or sum) (Okie, WOLFIE OUT!)

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(This one, but in a human form or sum)

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