Back Story Circle Pt. 1

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~Dabi's POV~

Just as I said, just as I said in the last chapter. Opening my eyes was like they were just glued together. I really... And I mean really did not expect to sleep for that long, I forgot to eat along with everyone else. I forgot to shower, which Tomura forced me to do... I mean I do it on my own time when I wanna but yea...And I forgot that we were villains. Honestly, I don't think that we're doing any villainy stuff for a little bit.
And I kinda like it, I mean, I have a boyfriend... Never thought I'd get one again. Judging by my stank attitude...and how we met, it was brutal just thinking of it. I have a whole new family I can trust for now and maybe forever, and I just fucking noticed that all me and Tomura ever did was just cuddle and sleep from I don't even know. Can't remember the last time we fucked.

"I'm hungry" I mumbled to myself, I didn't expect Tomura to hear me... Or even be awake, but he answered in this low, weak voice. "Same, I want a burger, fries, chocolate milk, cake, and a donut".
"You and I both know you are not gonna eat all that babe" I muttered with a chuckle. "Um! I assure you that I could if I wanted to you piercing wearing slab of burnt bacon!" Tomura said.

"Well you angry pussy cat, what do you want to eat?" I asked, looking down at his messy ass hair. We laid in bed for about a minute while he was thinking, then he spoke. "McDonald's," he said cheerfully, lifting his head and staring into my soul, waiting for my response.
Honestly, it didn't sound like a bad idea, and I'm hungry as fuck!
"Fine," I said. "Yay! Put some clothes on and let's go" Tomura said, he rushed out of bed and picked out some random clothing in his wardrobe while I went to my room and did the same.

Once we were both dressed, we told everyone that we were going out for food. Kurogiri and Sako were fine with it, Twice and Toga also wanted to tag along since they were starving. "I honestly don't know how I could forget to eat" Twice said, scratching his head in confusion.
"How do you think? Y'all drank too much and passed out. Along with me too cause I drank too much of my blood packet" Toga said, "Toga please don't make me lose my appetite" I said, "Oops sorry Dabi" Toga said, "It's fine, but I do not want to hear about blood for the rest of the walk to McDonald's and back to base... Or while I'm eating" I said strictly.

"Okie, by the way, are you gonna dye your hair back anytime soon orrrr..." Toga asked, then I just completely stopped myself cause I forgot that my hair was still white.
When I stopped myself from walking, Tomura, Toga, and Twice did the same. "You just had to say something about it" Twice said. Like I did before when Sako found out, I grabbed a lock of my hair and pulled it down to my eyes.

And the next thing that caught my eye, was I think about five U.A. kids walking across the street. There was the broccoli kid, two other girls I'd never met, and a boy I for sure never met. And there, was Shoto.
They were all minding their business but Shoto stopped and saw us, and of course, he was staring at me. "Why are you walking in public with mom's hair color?" Shoto yelled from across the street.
"I DON'T KNOW FUCK OFF!" I yelled back, he was still standing in the same spot like a weirdo. But then he was pulling something out of his pocket.

"Hey, Touya! You want a bite of my peach!" Shoto yelled, pulling a peach out of his pocket... I'm not even gonna ask why he had a peach in his pocket or how it could fit in his pocket.

"NO! I DON'T WANT A BITE OF YOUR PEACH!" I yelled back, I'm not even a fan of peaches!
Shoto was still standing there, and I noticed that his friends were getting further away. "Oi! You stupid fuck! Your friends are leaving you!" Tomura yelled, Shoto looked at his friends and saw how far they were.

"Oh SHIT!" he said in a high-pitched voice. He ran off and completely forgot we were even here. Once Shoto left, we all looked at each other at how random that was. We shrugged it off and carried on to get some food from McDonalds.

~Narrator's POV~

Once the four Villains made it to McDonalds, they ordered what they wanted. Everyone got a big burger, fries, and a drink. Except for Shigaraki, he of course got his Shiggy nuggies, along with fries and a drink.
Once they got their food they headed back to base, while walking to base Toga noticed how dark it was getting outside. "It always gets dark so quick in this city" Toga said, looking up at the orangish, reddish sky with what seemed to look like grey clouds. "Your right, but I'm seeing some grey clouds, I SWEAR IF A SINGLE RAIN DROP GETS ON MY FOOD I AM GOING TO KILL SOMEONE WITH A FUCKING CROWBAR!" Twice and his other side said, obviously the group found Twice's other side annoying but his other side's been so quiet, they kinda missed the negativity from Twice uncontrollably.

"Don't worry we're almost at base" Dabi said, they kept walking for about 9 minutes, and then there they were. They finally made it back to base and went inside, and just in time before dark out, and before it started to sprinkle. Then it went from a sprinkle to very heavy rain when they began to eat.
Kurogiri cooked for Sako and Himself since they didn't want any fast food at the moment, "see I knew it was gonna rain, but I didn't think it was gonna rain this fucking hard" Twice said, chomping on his fries.

"I like rain" Tomura mumbled under his breath, he took a small bite of his nugget and then took a good long look at the heavy rain falling to the ground.
"I don't understand how you like it, I despise rain" Sako pouted. "And the rain despises you Sako" Toga mocked followed up by a giggle which turned into a laugh in no time.

"Hush! Toga!" Sako yelled, funnily swinging his head. "No," Toga said childishly.
"Guys I just thought of something!" Twice yelled, everyone turned to Twice to hear what he had to say since he sounded so serious about it.
"What is it Twicy?" Toga asked.
"Let's. Have. A. BACKSTORY CIRCLE!" Twice said in a happy tone.

"A... Backstory circle?" Kurogiri asked, kinda turning his head to the left with his eyes still on Twice.
"Yeah, I've always wanted to know why Tomura became how he is now and... I'm curious on how you got those painful lookin burns Dabi" Twice said, squinting at Dabi while analyzing the burns and pericings.

"Twice you don't even know how much pain I went through with these pericings and burns," Dabi said, "but sure let us tell each other our tragic ass backstory since we're all in here anyways" Tomura added to the conversation.

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