Murderous Date~

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~Toga's POV~

As Dabi ran out to go after his love when Tomu FINALLY CONFESSED!~ I was busy shopping online for a sexy maid outfit for Dabi's big surprise~, once it gets here, all I have to do is wait for the right moment to make Tomu wear it~~~~. Once I was done ordering it, I got up from the couch and got some juice, I snatched it out of the fridge and ran back to the couch. I plopped down and started drinking my juice... And by my juice, I mean blood. As I was drinking, twice walked up and sat right by me, "Umm, Toga? Is that blood refrigerated?!" He asked, "Mhm~," I said, in a happy tone. "Well, I've been wanting to ask you... If you would like to go on a date?" He said before I quickly spat out the blood that was in my mouth. "I WOULD LOVE TOO!" I said, as I dropped my blood juice and started shaking the fuck out of Twice.

"Okay, ~ GrEaT!" He said as I was still shaking him. "Ooh~ LET'S GO NOW!" I said, when I quickly grabbed Twice's hand and dragged him out the base, as I did, we quickly ran by Shiggy and Dabi making out on a wall. "Hey, Shiggy! Dabi! Me and Twicy are going on a date!" I said, as I ran and stopped outside, between the alley where Shiggy and Dabi were deeply in. Dabi was holding up Tomura's left leg and had his other arm wrapped around his lower back, Tomura had his arms wrapped around Dabi and his left leg curved in between Dabi's legs as he held it. They stopped kissing, and Dabi slowly turned his head, facing us. Except for Tomura, he was just looking at Dabi's neck.

~Thiccaraki's POV~

While Dabi was looking at Toga and Twice, confused about what they were even yapping about, I was more focused on his neck... "I wonder...~" I mumbled, in a quiet tone. I wondered what would happen if I licked it, as my curiosity took over, I let my tongue out, started from the middle, and licked slowly and roughly up, almost close to his ear. He let out a loud squeal but quickly covered his mouth before he became louder, his eyes widened and then he slowly turned his head to face me. His whole face was just covered in red, he looked so cute.

"Baby... That's sensitive..." He whispered he was so shocked at me, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Really?! First, you got burns and now they are sensitive too?!~" I laughed, while he looked embarrassed. As I finally caught my breath I wondered another thing, "Mmmm~ what happens, when I bite your neck?~" I said, Dabi then gave me a death stare but was still embarrassed, "try it..." he threatened. I rolled my eyes, then I aggressively pulled him in for a kiss, I seriously forgot Toga and Twice were watching. But then they walked away giggling while I was fucking Dabi's mouth with my Tongue.

~Toga's POV~

"Okay, why do I feel like that was Necessary?" Twice asked, "Because they are a perfect match!" I cheered while skipping around. "Oh well, what do you wanna do?" Twice asked, as he put his hands in his pockets and faced me. "I don't know... Something that comes to mind I guess" I said, as I shrugged, we became silent for a moment but then I thought of something cool to do~

"Hey Twicy ~ get your suit on, we're going to have a murderous date~," I said, as Twicy gave a small little evil grin.

~Narrarator's POV~

Toga and Twice rushed back to the base to put on their villain outfits, once Toga had her's on, she tried to decide which weapon to take. A big-ass pocket knife, a kitchen knife, or the Katana that Twice said she should get. "Hmm, I'm always good with knives... But I'm curious about this long knife thing... Well whatever Twicy called it" she said, her options were laid on her bed while she was trying to decide. "I'll decide after I fix my hair," she said, as she threw her hands up in the air.

She walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, as her hair was still in those two messy buns. "Maybe I should try letting my hair down for once," she said, as she was cupping both her buns with one hand each. She squinted her eyes and puckered her lips, just thinking of herself with her hair down in public. "Eh, fuck it," she said, she started to take down her buns and grabbed a brush. She began to brush her long blonde hair, until then she was done. She looked so different, "I. Fucking. Love. IT!" She yelled, as she quickly and happily ran out of the bathroom.

As she ran out, she looked at her bed, "fuck it, long knife thingy it is~" she said, as she quickly snatched the Katana off her bed and ran out of her room. As she did, Twice was already waiting on her at the bar, "ready to go?" He asked, as he stood up from the couch, "yep! Let's go Twicy~" she said, as they both left the base.

"So what/who do you wanna fuck up in this fucked up city?" Twice asked, "Hmmm ~ I've always wanted to kill the police... They piss me off" Toga said, "well good, 'cause they are searching for the people who robbed a store last week~," he said, "Oh ~ are they now?~" Toga said, with an evil little smile. The Two adorable villains headed off to the police station to pay the police a little visit, once they arrived, they stopped at the front. "Ready Twicy?" Toga asked as she took out her Katana, "ready as I'll ever be" Twice said, "but wait... You don't have a weapon" Toga said, "oh it's fine, I saw a cool ax in there I want to steal~" Twice said.

Toga nodded.

They both walked up to the door, looked at each other, then nodded. And They both busted the door down. "Surprise~" Toga sang, and what made it more fun was that the officers weren't prepared. "Now this! Is gonna be fun~" Twice said, as an officer dropped his donut in shockness.

Not even 3 minutes later, cops were being sliced, stabbed through the stomach, flipped, punched, and sliced into bits by an ax. "AHAHAHAHA~ THIS IS SO MUCH FUUUUUUUN~" Toga yelled, as she sliced a cop's arm, twirled, then sliced his other. She kicked the cop to the ground, raised her Katana, then stabbed it through the cop's back.

(Sry warning ⚠gore⚠)

"BEST FUCKING FUN I HAD IN ALL DAY! DIE YOU USELESS PIECES OF SHIT!" Twice and his other side said, as he was... Just... Nonstop chopping. The two villains have been going at it for hours and hours, but until then, there were no more cops to kill, "well, we got all of'em" Twice said, as he was trying to catch his breath. "You sure? We didn't go into that room" Toga pointed out, "oh, welp leggo" twice said. The two villains walked up to the room and busted the door down, but only to see 5 heroes in training and over 50 cops chattin' it up. "Holy. Fuck..." The Two villains said everything was silent, as the heroes and cops were face to face with the two crackhead villains covered in blood. As Toga was holding the door open, she slowly closed it shut. "Yea it's time to book it" Toga laughed, as the two villains began to run, but had 5 heroes and 40 cops chasing after them. "OH SHIT! RUN BITCH!" Toga laughed, "AHAHAHAH! CATCH US IF YOU CAN BITCHES! FUCK YOU! FUCKING SLOW BASTARDS!" Twice and his other side yelled, they were chased around everywhere. They were chased upstairs, downstairs, and then upstairs again, after 24 minutes of running around, they were running towards a dead end, "UH! TWICY! DEAD END!" Toga yelled, "RAD! THERE'S A WINDOW! LET'S JUMP THROUGH!" Twice yelled, they began to pick up their pace as they were about to jump through the window. Once they got close enough, they used all the Force they could jumped through the glass, and landed in the water. They both swam up to the surface to catch their breath, "Phew! Who knew the police station was right beside water!?" Twice said, in a cheerful tone, "I don't know, but this date sure as hell was fun!" Toga cheered, while Toga was cheering and whatnot, Twice couldn't help but smile. "Ya know, you look very beautiful with your hair down" twice said, as Toga stopped cheering and focused more on the compliment.

~Aw, thank you Twice, you make a great person to have fun with, and a great boyfriend~" Toga said, to Twice's shock, she thought that he would make a great! Boyfriend.

(I've seen some people sayin stuff about Twice's age since they ship him with Toga, so I'mma just dumping his age down a bit, I guess 18 years old idk)

"R-really? You mean it?" Twice said, as a slight blush covered his face, "yes Twicy, I mean it" Toga said, before swimming over to Twice, wrapping her arms around him, and kiss him. Twice quickly kissed back, as he wrapped his arms around Toga's waist.

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