"I hate you"

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~Tomura's POV~

it was probably about 5:58 in the morning since I heard a slight chirping outside, I wasn't even supposed to wake up this early, I was supposed to wake up at 7. I quietly groaned and snuggled up to Dabi's chest cause I didn't want to move from how comfortable and warm it was.
But I ended up lifting my head to see if Dabi was still asleep, which he was.

I smiled without realizing I was then gently and carefully getting out of bed. Once I did, I kissed Dabi on the cheek and left MY! Room.
I walked the dark halls and into the bar, no one was there of course, I guess Toga and Twice finally decided to go to their rooms. I sat in my usual seat and just... Chilled there for a little minute thinking of some random shit, but then Dabi's ex popped up into my head for no reason.

But while thinking of his ex my blood started to boil, I mean I know he's still alive that's why I began to clench my fist a little. "Shit, if I don't kill him then he'll try to take Dabi's away from me... Or fuck maybe even try to fucking kill me!" I said to myself, "You know he has a 0% chance of winning my heart back and another fat 0% chance of killing you right?" A deep... Dark... Corpse's soundin' voice said, I turned around and saw a very zombified, and tired Dabi leaning on the wall.
"Oh! Um, yeah I guess" I said, I didn't expect him to wake up this early.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?" I asked, quickly getting out of my seat. But he didn't say anything but walked over to me, "kinda, I couldn't feel you when I was half awake so that woke me up quickly" he chuckled slightly, "oh" I said, "You comin' to bed or are you gonna be on the lookout for a wingless bird?" He teased.
"Oh just go eat shit" I pouted.

~Dabi's POV~

Tomura pouted like the man-child he is and stomped back to his room, "hey" I said, he stopped and turned around without the pout on his face.
"If he worries or scares you that much I can just kill him for you" I suggested, "uh bitch... Who said I was scared?" He asked while giving me a horrifying stank look... Probably his best but worst one yet.

"Well... I- never mind, back to bed with you or I'll drop kick the shit out of you" I teased, he turned around and was about to walk while I went behind the bar to get a drink since I know I'm not going back to sleep.
"You not coming to bed?" He asked, I turned around but only to see Tomura's robe undone... And his chest, nipples,... And penis exposed.
"Uhhh, what's with the naked-ness?" I asked, slowly looking up and down.

"It was hot as fuck so I undid my robe," he said, "but are you comin' to bed or what...?" He asked again, "uh, no I'mma just drinking till I throw up," I said carelessly, "okay but let me kiss you before to ruin your breath for real," he said, he quickly walked over to me, grabbed my face, and kissed me senseless. I kissed back wrapping my hand around his lower back.
He broke the kiss with a small smile.

"I love you~" he said, "love you to you abomination of a mop" I teased, he stopped smiling real quick and skipped back to his room. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his childish behavior.

I grabbed a random full drink, poured a glass, and started gulping. I repeated the process till I couldn't see straight and instantly got dizzy. "Your phone started dinging so here," Tomura said... I think.
"Jeez, you got drunk that quick?" He asked, I groaned without saying a word cause I didn't want to say anything.

"Eh, come on you're going to bed," he said, he grabbed my phone and dragged me... Literally, without a second thought. Once we were back in his room, he threw me on the bed and got on top of me to cuddle. I was gonna hold him tightly to me but I didn't want to move my arms.

~A quick hour that felt like 5 minutes later~

I fell asleep an hour ago, but then Tomura's alarm slowly woke both me and Tomura up. "Bitch... That was a fucking 5-minute sleep" I mumbled, I didn't want to wake up at all but Tomura slowly lifted his head and looked at me. "You still drunk?" He giggled, I wrapped my arms around his lower back and slightly growled.
"Uh-uh bitch don't get mad at me! You should have stayed asleep bitch!? I! Was supposed to drink senseless!" He yelled, but not so loud.

My anger of waking up at the crack of dawn went away as I started to laugh, "Oh so now you wanna laugh?" Tomura giggled, and while I began to laugh my ass off, Tomura began to do the same. "Okay get the fuck off me," I said, in a threatening voice. Tomura looked at me up and down like I lost my mind then gave me a stank look while getting off of me.
"I'mma go take a bath, and don't you think you're not so I'll tell you when it's ready," he said, he walked off while I sat up and went through my phone. And I saw a paragraph-looking message... So I clicked on it and saw a random number and the text.

"I hate you Touya, not that you wouldn't let me explain... Well yea, you didn't give me a chance to explain. But you also moved on so quickly, with someone that's not me. I don't know what you could see in him... He's probably just using you for sex for all I know. But, I don't want to be the so-called bad guy in this relationship and I know you don't either... So if you love him that much, then I won't stop you or kill him... Not that I'd have a chance. And I'll move on like you said, but just because I'm writing this long Paragraph doesn't mean we can be friends... You still took my quirk and that was just harsh. Fuck. You."

"Huh... What a surprise, and what the fuck do you mean?! Why would I wanna be friends with you!? If anything I would be telling you that dipshit" I texted back, after that, I blocked the number and turned off my phone.
"Baby~ the bath is ready" Tomura sang, poking his out of the bathroom. Now that I've read that text from Hawks... I wondered if he was using me for sex.

"I'm coming" I mumbled.

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