First date... in ever ~Fluff~

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~Dabi's POV~

"Y-you can n-never keep y-your lips off my bloody fucking n-neck! C-Can you?!~" I teased, Tomura stopped kissing my neck and lifted his head to face me. "No, I'm thinking about using my teeth sometime soon~" he purred, biting his lip, "fuck. Off." I said, with an intimidating look on my face, Tomura chuckled when I put him down, and once I did he gave me a big cuddly hug, and I hugged back tightly. But I was in complete shock at how cold he was even though I'd been holding him for 11 minutes, "jeez your so fucking cold!" I said, I pulled him closer and shared my body heat with him, which caused him to shiver from the warmth. "I feel much better~," he said, I looked down at him and lifted his chin with my fingers, "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, "Because I've gotten used to the coldness of my pale skin," he said, tapping my nose, and a soft-looking smile went across his face, "well, I'mma cuddle you till you're warm then," I said, tapping his nose. I took off my coat and took his hand, I went over to a nearby couch and laid down, "Mhm, boo lay right here" I said, he rolled his eyes but smiled, he gently laid down on top of me and got comfortable. Once he did I covered him with my coat like a blanket, "Mmh~ warm~" he purred, shivering a slight bit while I wrapped my arms tightly around him. He cuddled up so close to me like he was a cat, but I didn't mind it at all, he looked so cute. "So... I was thinking if we don't have anything to do... Maybe we could do some mischief tonight~" I said, Tomura lifted his head and looked me in the eyes, "You mean like... A date?" He asked, "Yeah sum like that," I said, slightly nodding. "so?" I asked, "I don't see why not," he said, with a smile, he leaned and kissed me on the lips which I kissed back, then he laid back down on my chest. I felt so close to Tomura, and it felt so nice, "we should cuddle more often" I said, holding him closer.
He started giggling and snuggling my chest very cutely, "Yeah, we should"

~Toga's POV~

"Who all bets that Dabi will someday propose to Tomura?" I asked, for no reason at all, "me" Twicy said, "eh, maybe me" Kurogiri said, "I have no fucking idea if he will or not but I guess me"
Compress said, I giggled at the responses, but then I saw Dabi and Tomu, "hi hi boys~" I said, "I'm not a boy I'm a FUCKING lady!" Tomu said, in a childish tone, "You're a lady?" Sako laughed, which caused everyone else to laugh along with me, "I don't like women" Dabi joked, Tomu quickly turned his head to Dabi, it was funny, "I'm not a lady! See look at my dick!" Tomu said, pulling his penis out of his pants, which made all of us laugh that he would even dare pull his dick out in front of everyone. "Babe I was joking! Put your dick back!" Dabi laughed, already out of breath from laughing that hard. "Then why did you say you were!?" Twicy said, dying on the floor, "because I've been feeling like one lately" Tomu said, looking and playing with his fingers and blushing in embarrassment. "The whole process of being a bottom" Kurogiri joked, Tomu was so embarrassed he sat down pouting on the floor, which made everyone laugh even louder.

~Narrarator's POV~

it was 10:39 pm, and Tomura and Dabi were now leaving the base to have a little fun. They never really planned how things were gonna go so they just came up with them on the way, "So, what do you wanna do first?" Dabi asked, facing Tomura with a smile on his face. "Hmm, I've always wanted to commit arson..." Tomura said, "Okay, then we'll commit arson~," Dabi said.

~Twice's POV~

"Hey, you guys know where Dabi went?" I asked, everyone shook their head, "I was looking for Tomura but no luck, they probably finally having a date" Toga said, squirming around on the couch. I shrugged it off and went to sit by Toga, I grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on, it was on the news as usual. I was about to change it but the reporter was talking about a fire happening 21 miles from here.

"An old abandoned house caught on fire 15 minutes ago by *********, no one knows who caused the fire but all we know is that the fire did not catch on fire itself, or by a regular person, this was a villain's doing. Just look at how blue the fire looks, what fire you know Is blue?!" The reporter said, a big screen showed the fire, and I was not surprised at all, I know exactly who did it. I laid back for the hell of it cause I fucking hate sitting up, "Ooh~ it's Dabi's fire~" Toga said, laying her head on my chest and cuddling up to me, "yea, I think he and Tomura wanted to commit arson today" I laughed, along with Toga. I wrapped my free hand around Toga's waist and we cuddled while laughing our asses off.

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