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~Toga's POV~

After being tooketh to my room I had a look around, it wasn't bad... It was just missing Neon lights~ I was thinking of going out and stealing some, but then I heard a knock at the door. I skip to the door in a happy mood, I open the door to see one of my teammates... I think his name is Twice. "Hello!" I said, loudly like usual. "Hi, I'm Twice just in case you didn't know," he said, with a cute little smile on his face. Aw, he just looks so cute~ I can just stab the hell out of him!

"Nice to meet you Twice. I'm Toga Himiko," I said, cheerfully. "Cute name, anyways what are you still doing up for?" He said, "I was thinking of stealing some neon lights tonight~," I said, as I was grabbing a couple of knives. "Ooh~ can I come?" He asked, jumping up and down slightly. "Sure let's go," I said, as we both left the base.

~Shigaraki's POV~

I was in my room in the corner for millions of reasons but I do not want to speak of it, I couldn't go to sleep... And the only thing I could do was sit in the corner and cry my fucking eyes out because the person that fucking took me in and made me into a fucking savage! Is in fucking jail! And I don't know what to do, It's like I'm swimming in a bunch of stress and bullshit. I was in a ball crying like the little pathetic bitch I was sometimes, but then I heard a knock at my door. I got up and quickly wiped the wet and dried tears off my cheeks as I rushed over to the door. I opened it and saw Kurogiri and Compress at my door with worried expressions on their faces, "Tomura are you okay?" Kurogiri asked, I wasn't gonna tell them that I've been crying, I haven't cried in 15 fucking years. I didn't want to be a pathetic piece of shit, Jesus I let that emo son of bitch get to my head that quickly!?

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine" I said, trying my fucking hardest to hold back my fucking tears. "Oh well, umm... Goodnight" Kurogiri said, as he left with Compress, while I was slowly starting to cry again but I was interrupted by a familiar and annoying little bitch voice. "Wow, you cry a lot for a so-called badass," he said, walking up next to me and leaning on the wall. "How about you go take a shower~ you fucky smellin' bastard," I said, with a very fake smile, "ya know? I've heard of you a lot... And your not as tough as I thought you would be," he said, turning his head to face me with a smile.

"Then what am I to you!?" I said, as I was quickly getting triggered, "your a... Small, bitchy, cry baby... If you hate your life so much then jump off the roof pussy" he said, as he went back into his room. He's right... I'm fucking useless, I shut my door slowly and walked into the bathroom. I went over to the sink and grabbed a blade, the blade was cold and sharp... I picked it up as tears flowed down my face and put it on my warm skin. Then I cut lines and let the blood drip, once I dropped the blade and sat in the tub in a human ball.

(Omg this got serious... Welp carrying on)

~Toga's POV~

I and Twicy just got back from the store to get neon lights for my room, once we made it to the base, we rushed to my room and started hanging them up, well... While acting like kids cause we both kept falling off the ladder and laughing... Mostly Twice. I was on the very top of the ladder adding the last of the neon lights to my wall, but somehow my stupid ass was losing balance... That's when I knew I was about to snap my fucking neck, but to my surprise, twice rushed from the other side of the room to catch me... I felt butterflies, I have a crush now... He's mine... Forever mine! "Heh, umm... Thanks" I said, as a blush slowly started to appear on my cheeks... Well, I'm always blushing so I'm safe, "your welcome," he said with a warm smile.


(Didn't know how to end this sooo... Here) 👁👄👁

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