My Little Slut~ 18+⚠️

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I Detached my lips from Tomura's with small tears and a big smile on my face, I quickly embraced him in happiness. He giggled a bit but hugged me tightly, I slowly leaned up to his ear to give him a little message of being careful, "You do that shit again, I'mma beat you with a bread that clear?" I whispered, and he started giggling... But I was serious. I could have thought of something more threatening than a bread stick. "Loud and clear baby," he said, with a cute smile on his pretty face. "H-he's over here... We promise we didn't mean to kill him All might" someone whined, our attention quickly went to that broccoli kid, fraud might, and a red hair fuck. "Um, Young Mydoriya... He's pretty alive to me" Fraud Might said, "but he was laying there dead when we beat him" Red Hair said, pointing at Tomura.

"So, none of y'all thought of checking my pulse before actually making it clear I was dead? Or am I just covered in fake blood and cosplaying?" Tomura said, sarcastically. "W-well... You looked pretty dead when we beat you... So we didn't feel the need to check your pulse...?" Broccoli said while playing with his fingers as if he was nervous.
Tomura looked at them like they had to be the dumbest mother fuckers he had ever fought.

Tomura placed his hands on his face and let out a loud sigh, "I cannot with these hoes, I fucking cannot." he muffled to himself. It was silent for a moment until Tomura let his hands off his face and let his arms drop, he let his head fall back out of annoyance and said, "Kurogiri I don't wanna do this shit no more, can we go home!" he whined and started stomping his feet.

"I thought you'd never ask." He immediately made a warp gate 'cause everyone was honestly tired of this shit and regretted even coming in the first fucking place. I was as well not gonna lie.

~Narrator's POV ~
Everyone went through the gate except for Tomura as he had a few words to say. "I'm gonna make this quick and say you hoes couldn't kill me even if you tried."

The heroes looked at him not knowing what the fuck to do at this point, he continued and said with sass, "I am and will forever be that bitch, fuck you all, goodbye." He said before walking into the gate while flipping them off.

Dabi's POV
"So... What do we do now?" Twice asked, we were all silent for a moment... As in we failed the mission... Well partly despite Tomura losing his match which is kinda pissin me off cause how the fuck?! He should have won that of how much he's been training. "Whatever the fuck we want I guess," Tomura said, shrugging.

We all shrugged and walked off to different places, we didn't know what to do but chill in the base. But for me, I was just walking around and checking on everyone... For... Some odd reason. I walked to one room, which was now Kurogiri's and Sako's. They both share a room now, I peeked in since their door was cracked open, but right now, I wish I could unsee what I saw, I know for sure they were under that cover. And I'm not going any further, y'all get the idea... I shook off the cringe and moved on to Toga's room, I opened the door a tiny bit to see what she was up to. The room was glowing in dark red and light red, and the TV was on, and there I saw Toga and Twice watching... Something, but cuddling cutely. I smiled, then pushed on.

Not gonna lie I was saving Tomura for last, I walked over to his room, HOPING! he would be in there, he's usually in the bar a lot getting fucking drunk. I was standing in front of his door, I cracked the door a little bit but I didn't see him anywhere, but I did notice that his room was glowing a dark blue...I guess Toga begged him to get decorative lights in his room, despite his room being a little boring. But I also noticed his bathroom light on. So I'm assuming he was in there, I opened the door a little bit wider, but then I saw him walk out... With a white robe on. His hair was in a bun, so I'm guessing he just got out of the shower. I peeked through the door a little bit more to see what he was doing and for some reason... He was standing in front of the long-body mirror.

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