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~Toga's POV~

Me and the league left the base because those two dimwits wanted to square up for no reason so now we're just shopping for some shit, but when I go shopping all I get is snacks and knives. Kurogiri and Sako get all the important shit that we need for dinner and stuff like that, I was in the knifes department while the rest was in their worlds stealing for whatever they felt like getting.
I looked over and picked knives to inspect if they were sharp enough for my victims. I searched and I searched but all the good sharp knives that I've seen I already have bought or stolen in the past.

I was heading out of the department but then I saw this beautiful black box with a big red rose design in the middle. I picked it up examining it, it looked so pretty that I was mesmerized by it.
But what was a box doing in a fucking knife department? It looked like it would have some type of jewelry in it by the looks of it.

I was thinking of returning it to where it was supposed to be but then I realized I was fucking villain. . . Why the fuck do I care where stuff is supposed to be? Shit, I make things out of order in this pathetic world. Humanity's numbers are dropping because of the queen of blood. Me.
Well, I was but now I'm just chilling with the league nowadays. I should get back to slaughtering soon so I don't lose my touch.

I walked out of the knife department this time and met up with Tomura who was only a few blocks away from me.
"Hey, Tomu! What did you get?" I asked.
"Eh, just some. . . Stuff. For me and Dabi" he said, clenching at a black plastic bag.
I looked at the bag, then at him, and back at the bag. "What's in it?" I said reaching over to see because my curiosity for things is wild.

"Nothing!" He quickly said. He pushed my hand aside and backed up a little. I knew he was hiding something nasty by the way he was blushing. "Yeah, whatever Tomu. I'll find out what it is soon" I joked.
"In your dreams ya little shit" He growled.
I rolled my eyes and looked at the things that were surrounding us.
Knives, games, clothes, shoes, etc.
"We'll stay here until Kurogiri teleports to us Toga," Tomura said. I hummed in agreement as we waited. We waited. And waited. And fucking waited.

It was fucking 7:30 pm. We left at 5 pm. What the fuck.

Me and Tomu got tired of waiting and we were about to walk off but then I just realized I still had this box. My attention was on the box, I was so focused on it that I wasn't even breathing I don't think. It was like I was hypnotized.

⏤͟͟͞͞☆◈Tomura's POV◈⏤͟͟͞͞☆

I was digging around my bag of stuff I got from the game store while I had the other bag or things for me and Dabi hanging from my arm.
I kept digging till I got bored and checked my phone, it was now 7:56 pm.

"Okay, where the fuck are those two?! It's been fucking hou-"

"Tomura Shigaraki, Himiko Toga."

I jumped to Kurogiri's voice and got interrupted mid-sentence.
I pouted like a fucking toddler and walked over to Compress and pushed his head with my two fingers. His head back farther than it should have and of course he had to make a big deal out of it.

"Um! Ow!" He whined rubbing where I pushed his big skyscraper of a forehead. I rolled my eyes and said, "Oh please I didn't even touch you".
"How come you didn't push Giri?!" he said.

"Because you are closer," I said.

He huffed and crossed his arms, "Whatever".

"Are we ready to go?" Kurogiri asked we all said yes and he teleported us back to the base in seconds.
I instantly headed off to my room, not even saying a word to the fucking dimwits that were lying on the couch with fucking ice packs.
"Oh, you guys finally fought it out?" Toga laughed.
Everyone started chatting but their voices became distant the deeper I went into the dimly lit halls.
I finally made it to my room and I didn't hear anyone anymore, I walked in not even gonna bother closing my door because I felt like one of them was gonna bust or walk in any few minutes now.

I threw the bags aside onto a nearby chair and ran falling face first onto the bed, I laid there for a few minutes until it was becoming difficult to breathe. I lay on my back and took a breath because I wasn't breathing, sometimes I hold my breath for no reason. I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling till I zoned out.


After chatting with everyone, I decided I should finally get to see what was in that box. I set the box on the counter so I got up and walked over but just to see Sako looking at it.
"Hm. Funny-looking box aren't you?" he was about to touch it but I couldn't let him.

"I'll take that thank you!" I said quickly as I ran and snagged it. I skipped down the hallway out of excitement, and couldn't wait to see what was inside this box. Out of all the knives I saw I grabbed a box, AND WE DON'T GO BACK TO THE STORE UNTIL NEXT WEDNESDAY!!
That's our privilege. Going to the store every Wednesday for food and shit. It wasn't made by Giri though, it was made by what seems like Tomu's foster parent. I forgot his name.

I finally made it to my room, I ran in and slam the door shut with my back, and slid down because my patience cannot handle shit like this.
I was hypnotized but the red designs once again but I shook my head popped the lid off and threw it somewhere.

And what I saw was like a fucking! DREAM!

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