Stay with me! ⚠️angsty⚠️ kinda

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~Dabi's POV~

"Sometimes I really wanna choke him... Like choke and throw him out a window" I said, "anyways, are you hungry?" I asked, Tomura got off my lap and began to put his clothes back on, along with me, "yea I'm fucking starving!" Tomura said, stomping on the ground, I gave a little chuckle, then put the rest of my clothes on. Once we were dressed again, we decided to race to the bar, which He won since his fast-ass wanna-be Sonic so bad. "HA! YOU SLOW AS FUCK!" he yelled, with a smile on his face. "Heh, yea yea bitch, you only won cause I barely run in my life" I chuckled, "well if your scary ass saw like 50 pros then your ass would be gone" he joked, my mouth dropped in offense, but funnily, "shut the fuck up, no I won't!" I laughed, as I shoved him a bit while he laughed.

"Hm, nice to see you two couples getting along," Kurogiri said, "and you haven't had a single world star in a while," Sako said, walking past me and Tomura while chomping on his pizza, "by the way... Did you buy or steal?" Tomura asked, "Stole, why?" Twice said, after chomping a big chunk of pizza. "Hm, no reason," Tomura said, he grabbed a pizza along with me.

Then everyone was eating.

~28 minutes of eating pizza~

"I'm... Sooo. Fucking fuuuuuull!" Toga whined, sliding slowly off from the side of the couch. "Talking bout you full?! Women I ate 8 slices!" Tomura yelled, as he let his head fall from his hand onto the counter, "see this is why I only eat two" I chuckled. "Well I hope you all aren't too lazy 'cause we're gonna go fuck up some U. A students, so y'all get the fuck up," Kurogiri said, "aw man... Well, I'mma bring my Katana and 3 knives" Toga said, after taking out her Katana, and knifes out of nowhere, I don't know where this woman keeps storing them. "Okay, everyone put your villain shit on, and let's skedaddle!" Kurogiri said, everyone including me went to our rooms and put our villain clothes on, once I was done, I stepped out of my room... Kinda feeling like shit.

But then I saw Tomura, who pretty much looked and felt like shit like me, "feel like shit?" I chuckled, he began to laugh but nodded to my question. "Not as excited for this mission I planned for 2 months as I was 2 months ago" he giggled, "well, you better get excited now 'cause we ain't backing down till we win" I teased, "bitch, you're the most lazy! Where this energy come from?!" He asked, looking at me up and down.

I chuckled.

"I get my energy now and then," I said, we walked off where Kurogiri was and the rest cause they were already done. "Ready to go?" Sako said, "Yeah we're ready to die" I joked, "Shull up!" Toga laughed, "What? Just saying ya never know what these U. A students be doin'" I joked, we all left the base and walked off to U. A.

~Narrator's POV~

It was becoming night, the group was in
U. A., getting ready to attack, shigaraki Tomura just got done explaining the mission, Dabi would have to fight his brother Shoto. Twice would have to fight Uravity,
Charge-bolt, and Creati, Toga went along with him to help fight since she's after Uravity a lot. Kurogiri and Sako had to fight as many pros as they could so they wouldn't be much of a problem later, Tomura assigned himself to what they call Red Riot and Deku. "Wow, leave me to my brother of all people" Dabi joked, "heh!? Well, excuse me, baby! You! Were all about dragging his ass! So here's your chance now bitch!" Tomura yelled, Dabi cracked a quick little smile while rolling his eyes with a slight blush on his face, "Now, any fucking questions to the people you were assigned to fight?" Tomura asked, Twice raising his hand, and was about to say something which Tomura quickly noticed, "Okay! Move out, people!" Tomura yelled, he began to walk off but noticed nobody was moving. He quickly turned around and saw them slowly shaking their heads, giving him a blank face, and puckering their lips. "What?!" Tomura asked.

"Bae! If you don't answer his question!" Dabi laughed, Tomura rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile a little bit, "What Twice? What is your idiotic question?" Tomura asked, "I just wanted to know... Are you gonna be okay fighting those two?" Twice asked, his question shocked them, mostly Tomura.

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