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(This chapter is about Dabi getting his heart broken when he was visiting his now ex-bf... Idk I was running out of ideas at the moment)

~Dabi's POV~

I and the league just got back from a bloody mission, not gonna lie it was kind of fun. But what's gonna be more fun is me visiting Hawks, well the reason I'm visiting is because he hasn't been answering my calls or texts and it was driving me nuts! I changed into some normal clothes... Well, I just put on a black shirt, jeans, shoes, a hoodie, and a cap. I was about to walk out the door, but before I did I wanted to bully the boss man a little. But only because he didn't go on the mission, I don't know why though... Maybe he finally knows how pathetic and weak he is. I showed up at his door but only saw Kurogiri open the door, rush out, and close the door shut. "Um, kurogiri?" I said as he jumped in surprise. "Um, hi- umm... Don't go into Tomura's room... He's uhh, going through some things-" Kurogiri said, before hearing an internal scream and rushing back in.

I was kinda curious but I didn't care at the same time, I left the base 5 minutes later after texting Hawks I was coming to see him. And still no reply, Jesus he must be mad at me cause I haven't visited in a week.

-he fookin arrived-

I was about to knock but then I saw that his door was cracked open, what type of person leaves their door cracked open?! I slowly push the door open and walk in quietly cause I'm legit at his house at fucking 4:57 in the morning, but when I went in... I see Hawks making out with another fucking person. I stood there in shock as they finally realized I was standing at the door, "T-Touya!?" He said as he sprung up off the couch to see me with an intimidating look on my face.

To be honest, I could not believe what I was fucking lookin at, "Touya... I didn't think you were gonna come to visit today... " he said, "well maybe you would know if you looked at the fucking messages I've been sending you for the past few days!" I said as fire started to spring out from my hair. But then I just calmed my flames cause he wasn't worth it, I slammed the door shut and quickly started to walk off. But as I was like 13 feet away from his house, I heard his voice... I'm guessing he was chasing after me. I was walking a little bit faster but he somehow caught up with me and grabbed me by my arm, "Touya, please! I didn't mean it I promise!" He yelled as he was trying to make me look at him. But the only thing he got was a third-degree burn on his hand when I lit my arm on fire, "you take my heart and break it... I'll take your stupid wings and burn them" I said, as I was summoning fire upon my hands.

And I burned those stupid wings right off... And leaving him quirkless.

I headed back to the base while trying not to break out crying, but as soon as I got into the base... I see the boss man sitting at the bar once again. I didn't want him to notice me so I tried to walk past as swiftly as possible, "wow, got cheated on by a bird~" he said, as I stopped in complete shock. "What!? How the fuck did you know?!?" I said, as I walked over and grabbed him by the shirt. "You look like the type to be cheated on number 1, number 2 he probably didn't love you anyways, and number fucking 3! He's a hero... You're a villain... Of course he's gonna cheat on you" he laughed, as tears started to form in my eyes. I let go of him and tried to walk off, "tsk, and you call me a cry baby, go suck a dick!" He yelled, while I fucking tried to hold back tears of hell. I quickly rushed to my room with no eye contact of anyone and shut my door.

I flopped on my bed with my face in a pillow as it was now safe to cry my fucking eyes out, I sounded so pathetic... And the fact that Shigaraki said all that with no regret in his eyes... Now I know how it feels to be bullied back by the victim, cause they will find some dirt on you and hit you back even harder. While I was crying, I heard a knock at my door... I quickly sat up and wiped my face dry. I walked over to the door and slowly cracked it open to see Tomura and Kurogiri standing at my door, well Tomura looking guilty, and Kurogiri lookin... I couldn't tell his expression.

"Apologies" Kurogiri demanded, "I'm-... sorry Dabi... " Tomura muttered, he was looking down in shame but I just know he had to be plotting my fucking demise. He did sound serious though and most likely sounded like he just got yelled at by Kurogiri by the way his voice sounded pitiful... I didn't hear any insult in that apology. "Now you! He told me the reason why he was in the bathtub with his wrists bleeding... And internally screaming...apologies" Kurogiri demanded, I'm not even gonna ask how he found out what Tomura said to me, but I guess he's gonna answer by...'I have my ways' thing. I was hesitant about it because what the fuck do I look like saying sorry, I'm fucking villain for fucks sake. But by my fucking soul I managed to say what Kurogiri demanded. "I'm sorry Tomura... " I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes. That's gonna be the first and last time I would ever say fucking sorry like that solves anything.

"Now, to bed with you both. Remember Tomura you have to go on an upcoming mission with the others. You to Dabi." Kurogiri said he walked Tomura back to his room, probably to make sure he was able to sleep tonight. Intrusive thoughts are telling me to bust in here later and remove "boss man" from the planet but I'm not gonna because I have good self-control. For the most part at least.

Now I'm starting to wonder if Kurogiri was his dad or something... But they look nothing alike so that's out of my thoughts... I wonder who his dad is...

(Sadly, I'm not doing that AU I made up. If you don't know the AU that I made up...read my other books, IF! you're interested.) (Ugh! I'm so sad 😭)

(Or I can just tell you, the AU I made up is that, what if AFO was Tenko and Hana's real father and Nao's real husband. Ik ik that AU isn't popular whatsoever... I swear I gotta be the first to make up that AU) (🤣)

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