18+ ⚠️WARNING⚠

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~Shigaraki's POV~

Me and Dabi were now in the closet and I was regretting it even more to even play this damn game, it was embarrassing enough that they found us making out in my room, but it was even more embarrassing to play a fucking game like this. I wasn't even looking at him I was just crossing my arms and looking down at the floor while still kinda silently throwing a temper tantrum. "Ya know, we don't have to do anything... We can just stay in here" he said, in a kinda sad tone while rubbing his head in embarrassment, I was surprised he would do that for me... But I couldn't stand him looking sad and shit. And maybe I like kissing this emo son of a BITCH.

I slowly looked up at him as he was looking the other way, so I just decided... Fuck it. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in close, he was shocked, but not until I kissed him.

~Dabi's POV~

I was in shock that he just wrapped his arms around me, but then he kissed me, I didn't know what to do but kiss back, I melted into the kiss, and I slowly grabbed hold of Tomura's waist. Tomura quickly walked backward to the wall and pulled me forward making me pin him to the wall while biting my lip till I gave in and opened my mouth. Once I did he quickly stuck his tongue in and started swirling it around, until then he let me swirl my tongue around in his mouth. "Ahh~ mHmm~" he moaned, as I used one hand to grab a handful of his beautiful Grayish, blueish hair.

~Toga's POV~

"I think it's about time now, who's gonna tell'em," kurogiri said, "I will~," I said, as I sprung up and skipped to the closet. I made it to the closet, grabbed the doorknob, and swung the door open. My eyes widened for a second... But then went back to normal as I leaned on the door and put my free hand on my hip, "I fucking knew it~" I said, with a smooth smile. "Hate to love~ it's a fucking CLASSIC!" I said, as I clenched my hands into fists and swung my arms up and down because of my gay fantasy excitement.

~Thiccaraki's POV~

This is like the second time of being rudely interrupted when your fucking doing something with your lenemy (lover+enemy), well... Not lover yet. "Toga... Why?" I said I was angry... But I didn't show it, I just kept it nonchalant. But while Toga was babbling and saying minutes are up, I felt something poke my leg, I looked down and saw something in Dabi's pants. I was staring at it for 5 seconds to realize it was his dick, while I was looking at it, Dabi noticed and looked down to see why I was looking down. I looked back up at him, he did the same. I gave a little smile, grabbed his hand, and dragged him out of the closet, and into my room.

~Sako's POV~

"Umm, what was that about?" I asked after I saw Tomura dragging Dabi out of the closet. "Tomu noticed Dabi's boner~," Toga said, I don't think she understood fully what was gonna happen at night now, "Um, okay... Twice, Giri put pillows over your ears... And twice wrap some around Toga's head" I said, as I got up and walked to my room along with Giri following behind.

~Twice's POV~

"Um, Twicy? Why do we have to put pillows on our ears?" Toga asked, "Yeah uh, since you're a fan of gay stuff... Do you know yaoi?" I asked, "Yeah I just listened to one five hours ago~," She said, as she was slightly jumping up and down. "Well... That shit is about to come to life in Tomura's room, so I advise you to strap up" I said, as I grabbed four pillows and held them up. "Okie~," Toga said.

~Shigaraki's POV~

I dragged Dabi to my room to deal with his Little situation, surprised he didn't ask why, "so, you capable of helping me?~" he asked, once he pinned me to the wall, "only because it looks like it hurts" I said, as I turned the other way blushing. "Well, I think... It's because you're horny also~" he said, as he redirected me to face him with a seductive smile. "I will fucking railroad you, shut the fuck up," I said, before aggressively pulling him in for a big wet kiss, yea basically finishing what we started.

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