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(How I feel when my battery is on 2% and I'm still finishing a fucking chapter 👆🏾)

~Dabi's POV~

Kurogiri took me and this crazy psyco down the hallway to our rooms, first, he took Toga to hers which was right by Twice. Then we walked over to mine, but once we made it he turned to me, "I hope you won't mind that your room is beside Tomura's... If you do I can find another r-" he said, but I cut him off. "No, it's fine thanks," I said, as he nodded and walked off. I went inside my room and walked around, it looked pretty nice, to be honest. I flopped onto the bed which was comfy, I didn't know what to do after so I just stayed in bed and looked at the ceiling. Looking at the ceiling helps me think for some reason, but what I couldn't get off my mind was that horrible ass greeting from our so-called "leader", that bastard fucking slapped me across my face! He had what was fucking coming... Yeah, he may have bopped me in my head multiple times but I still won, even though he tackled me out of nowhere... Little shit.

~29 minutes later~

I was still lying in the same spot on my bed and thinking of what I would do to a puny hero, but then I got bored. So I decided to piss off the leader since his room is beside mine, I got up and walked out of my room and turned to my left. His door was cracked open, so I pushed open the door and saw no one. I'm guessing he was in the bar 'cause the lights were on, so I walked into the bar and saw him sitting on a stool and holdin' a cup of whatever the fuck he was drinking. I walked up behind him checking him out, his ass looked good in those pants he was wearing. "Whatcha drinkin'?" I said, with a smirk. As he heard my voice, he quickly turned around and saw me, he was about to react but he almost fell out of his seat. I laughed, "bitch you are a fucking mess," I said, as I was pushing him around. He was Stumbling around everywhere as he tried to hit me, but I blocked them cause he was swinging hard.

"Tsk, you're pathetic," I said, as I pushed him to the ground, I was thinking of beating him... But I'm not the type to do that, at least maybe not yet if he pisses me off to the point I will beat him every time I see him.

"And your a burnt, sad, emo little bitch!" He said, attempting to swing a right hook at my face. I quickly reacted by dunking, tackling him, and pinning him to the ground, "And your a small, pathetic, useless little bitch that got scars all over! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I said he had scars everywhere... It looked dumb to me. "Fuck... You" he whispered, as he had the strength to push me off him. We both got up and glared at each other, I'd never met a man like him... It's like I can easily make him my bitch. "Ya know... You got balls, but the next time you wanna fuck with me... I might just use my quirk and burn your skin off like acid~" I said, with a smirk on my face. "Same goes for you... 5 fingers on your neck... you're nothing but dust, try me if you wanna~," he said, as he walked past me but hit my shoulder as he did.

I soon went back to my room and went to sleep with anger fueling my body with my blood, that little bastard was messing with the wrong person.

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