i love you too~

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~Twice's POV~

I and Toga went back to our rooms after being woken by these two lenemies because of them having fucking loud ass hardcore sex, "yea, everyone knows that Shiggy isn't gonna be walking tomorrow" Toga said, as she opened her room door, "hell yea" I laughed, as we both went into our rooms. I slowly closed the door and put my back up against it as I slid down, just thinking about Toga makes me want her more, "ya know what... I'mma ask her out" I said, as I quickly got up, opened my door, and walked over to her room. As I was standing in front of the door I was about to knock, but then my hesitation wanted to join the party, along with my negative mixed with my worried side. All the thoughts in my head were just piling with, "She doesn't like you", "she just wants to be friends", or, "You're not her type", I was just about to leave. But right when I was about to walk away, Toga's door swung open before Toga quickly rushed out but stopped when she saw me as she jumped back in fright, "Ah! Twice... Um, I thought you were in your room..." She said as she was oddly stroking her shiny blonde hair. "I was... But I wanted to ask you something..." I said, as I began to rub my arm, I do that when I'm nervous. "Oh... I was going to ask you something too" she said, as she nervously smiled, "d-do you wanna go first?" I asked, "No, you go..." She said, I was nervous, but I couldn't just wait till some other time... It might go wrong if I do, shit she would probably find another person to love if I wait! "Okay, I gathered a good amount of courage to ask you this... Will you go out with me?" I asked, Toga's face lit up, it was like she had gone to heaven and back. "I-i was gonna ask you the same shit!" Toga said, as she excitedly jumped around, "Wait... Really?! Phew, I thought I would be a real goner" I said, as relief washed over me.

"Of course, I would love to go out with you Twicy~ we'll be together forever~," she said, yea I think that's her yandere talking but... I wouldn't mind spending my life with the beauty that's a part of my heart. She was so happy as she jumped around and stuff that I didn't realize how quick she was to pull me in for a kiss, and I kissed back as my hand was wrapped around her waist and her arms wrapped around my neck. "NOW THAT YOU HAVE YOUR LITTLE HAPPY ENDING! GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP!" Sako said, after swinging the door open, revealing his tired lookin ass eyes and his... Nightgown... This little family of mine is fucking weird.

~The Next Day~

~Dabi's POV~

I was slowly waking up to Shiggy wiggling and struggling to get up out of bed, but he couldn't cause he was in my tight asS grip, he can't get away from me. Once he knew he couldn't get away from me, I decided to wake up. I sat up a little to see his pretty face and with a smile on mine, "Morning sexy~" I said, as I started to play with Shiggy's hair. "Morning~ now let me go before you fucking strangle me~," he said, with a sarcastic smile on his face. I finally let go to see him get out of bed, and naked as fuck, "I'm going to the bathroom" he said, but I wasn't paying attention, I was looking at his ass the whole time. While he was using the bathroom, I just decided to get up, take a shower, and put my clothes on. Once I was done with all those things, I went into the bar and waited for Tomura to come along to see what he wanted to talk about. "Hey, Dabi~," Toga said, "hey Toga," I said, I've started to warm up to everyone, Tomura mostly~ "anyways, how was the hardcore fucking~" she joked, "it was great, you fucking weirdo why would you wanna know?" I said, in a chill tone. "Because~ I have something to do for someone~," she said, as she casually winked, she probably wanted to fuck Twice or something. "Well, good luck with that," I said, as I was taking out my Phone and strolling through shit, "by me, you mean you~," she said, as she quickly walked away. I didn't pay any mind cause she is crazy as fuck and the shit she says is just... I don't even know what to call the shit she says.

As soon as Toga walked away, I turned around and saw Tomura walk in. He sat down in "his" seat right beside me and looked down, "Hey sexy~ what did you want to talk about?" I said, with a small smile on my face. He didn't answer, he was just sitting there silent and he looked like he was panicking or something, "hey...you okay?" I said, as I lightly moved some of his hair and put it behind his ear, he wasn't wearing his hand or anything. As I did, he slowly turned his head and showed his red ass face, at this point, he was just facing me with a red face that looks like it was gonna explode into a million cherries. "Dabi... I love you! Ehhhh!" He said, as he quickly got up and ran out of the bar to wherever the fuck he ran to while covering his face, "Wow... Who else saw that coming?" Twice said, "I did!" Everyone said, I turned around and gave everyone a blank face before they all went back to minding their business.

I quickly got up off my stool and ran where Tomura went and thankfully I ran fast enough to catch him cause he was about to bump Into one of the heroes that I saw up ahead, I quickly grabbed him and pulled him while catching him in my arms, but as soon as I did... two heroes in training was standing there speechless, I slowly turn my head to see who Tomura was about to bump Into, but not to my surprise, I see a kid that looks like a broccoli... And my little brother Shoto.

(Sry, I just love the Dabi and Shoto rivalry~)

"Villians?!" The broccoli-looking kid said, in a calm but triggered voice, He and Shoto quickly backed up as they saw who we were and mostly Tomura. Shoto began to activate his ice quirk while the other kid activated his, "Don't waste your energy dipshits! We're not here to fight... " I said, as I slowly looked back at Tomura which I was still holding in my arm. "Oh... Well, you're lucky we can't turn you in! At this time you would have been locked up by now" Shoto yelled, he was trying to get Tomura's attention but failed to. "Yea yea, fuck off dipshit," I said, I was shooing them away with my free hand while staring deep into Tomura's eyes. They awkwardly walked away when I was shooing them, then I stopped when I didn't see them in the corner of my eye anymore. Once they were gone, I held Tomura close, "Dabi..?" He said he looked confused and red. I didn't care, I fell in love with someone I'm never gonna get along with, and I'm fucking happy. I quickly pulled him in for a kiss with my heart full, and my depression of my ex.. Just an old bad memory that will soon be forgotten.

He slowly wrapped his arms around my neck, so I'm guessing he knows I love him too, I break the kiss slowly and stare into his red eyes... "I love you too~," I said, with a warm smile on my face, and an adorable smile on his...

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