5 | 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕖

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"Since when did I become 'Princess'?" I said laughing a bit.

"Since when I first saw you Princess" He replied, laughing at my slightly red face.


It was almost 5:00, when I got home, I took a shower, cleaned my apartment and played with Haneul, my 4 month old dog. He was a small fluffy pomeranian that my mother and I bought together when she was going through the breakup with my father. She wanted to keep Haneul at home with her, but my her new boyfriend, otherwise my 'dad' was allergic to dogs so Haneul ended up following me to my home. He was normally quiet and wasn't very active, but loved cuddles and was pretty fond of me if I do say so myself!

During the next hour I was just thinking about everything that happened. So they are basically in a mafia company, and I'm a part of it now too. Ugh What would my mum do if she knew? Well for one she would cry and tell me to come home to her. And I wouldn't want to drag her into this, ugh I knew I shouldn't have signed that contract, the employees were standing on the streets recruiting a bunch of people. And during the interview they only asked for a resume and had a casual talk with one another. Now I have to freaking seduce Hana's ex? Honestly this isn't making total sense in my brain but whatever...

At around 6:00 I started to change into a dress that I found in my closet since before I hadn't bought the other one. I'm planning on telling Hana that I was running late and Just didn't have time to iron it or something... 

                          The Boyz + 2 Princesses

BigYeon - Hey Y/n, Sunwoo said he'll pick you up soon, and go to the club.

Y/nie - Ok, I'm ready Sunwoo so just text me when you get here.

Sunseonoo - mhm

Haha.HANA - We should go over the plan!

ERiCaA - Wait what was the plan?

NewYorker - Y/n go party around Baekhyun and make sure he notices you.

Hyunjae.0^0 - Then when he comes up to you, try to ask him if he could take you home or say something to get you guys alone outside.

Y/nie - You guys sure that's going to work? It seems very simple...

JUNGLe.Juyeon - It will work, Baekhyun is pretty dumb and he'll be really drunk.

Haha.HANA - exactly! Thanks Y/n for doing this!

Y/nie -No problem I guess?

Breadhoon - Since it's an easy and short mission, can some of us party tonight?

Hyunjae.0^0 - Younghoon's right, we don't all have to look out for Y/n!

Mukyeontime - Drinks on Mr mOoOn!

Mukyeontime - KEVIN?

Cereal.lover- Where is he? He normally texts back first?

Chuckysmum.Q - Nah he's probably avoiding you guys on purpose since he doesn't want to pay.

Moonlight.Kebin - Ah you know me so well Changmin~.

I close the chat as I get an incoming call from Sunwoo.

"Hey princess, you ready?"

" I told you I was ready 10 minutes ago dummy."

"Yah since when did I let you call me dummy, Dummy!"

"Well since when did I let you call me princess?" I say back to Sunwoo over the phone as I lock my front door.

"Whatever princess, Just come down already it's cold out here!"

"Hmph i'm going as fast as I can in heels!" I protest, and hear him laugh on the other side.

"Hey princess." "Sunwoo.."  I say, ending the call, since I'm standing right in front of him.

"Is that the same dress as before? I thought it had sleeves before..." He asked, looking at my fit for the night. "Uh right, I just didn't have enough time to iron it!" I replied.

"Well This one looks good on you too," He said.

I was about to grab the helmet, but Sunwoo grabbed it away from my grasp.

"Don't wear it" He said putting it away "Why? Won't we get a fine or something If I don't? Plus what if-"

"No we won't get in trouble, and no what if's, I'm a good driver I told you before! If you put this on, it'll ruin you makeup and hair"

I stand there saying I don't want him to get a fine because of me, but he grabs my wrist again lightly and pulls me onto his bike, driving off into the night. My hands went back to its position a few hours ago, which was around his waist. We arrived at the club, Sunwoo parked his bike at the back door and we entered through trying to locate the others. When they saw us they gave us a nod over to some guy sitting with a few girls and the table in front of them full of drinks.

"That's him, remember I'll be here to kill him if he touches you. Also take this, everyone has one, If anything bad happens the code word is 'B'." Sunwoo said in my ear, which made my face go warm, and handed me an ear piece. He left and walked away in the sea of drunk, sweaty people, trying not to be noticed by Baekhyun. I breathe in and out trying to recollect my thoughts.

Wait a second, how am I meant to incorporate 'B' into a conversation?!?

The loud banging music made my ears pound a little, but as time went by I got used to it. I sat at a table near Baekhyun and started to look at him every so often, trying to get his attention. And surprisingly, even with my terrible flirting(?) skills he still seemed to notice me, and walked over to my table.

"Hey" "Hi, I'm Y/n."

"Baekhyun" He said, putting out his hand a little lopsided as he was clearly wasted.

I return the handshake, and we make small conversation, which eventually leads to this.

"Take me home!"

These were the words that surprisingly didn't even need to come out of my mouth. Instead the very drunk man I'm front of me asked me, If I could take him home... He ended up seriously just falling asleep on the table, so I just simply gestured to Hana what was going on. She came over slowly with Juyeon and Sunwoo, as the other guys were in a private room getting drinks.

"What the fuck? He just passed out??! What's wrong with him? What did you guys talk about?" Hana said all in a rush. "He told her she looked Sexy, tried to fucking touch her, then passed out" Sunwoo said glaring at the dude.

"You were listening to them the whole time?" Juyeon asked, to which Sunwoo replied with a small nod.

"Well that was pretty easy! I mean no fights broke out, Sunwoo didn't punch Beakhyun in the end and no guns were pulled out! So i'd say this was pretty calm." "Sure... " I say looking at Hana who was shooting death glares into Beakhyun's head. 

"Wait punch him? Guns? I thought you were just gonna like tell him off..." I said thinking that they were real killers? No way, they are way too cute for that, I mean have you seen the youngest? He's like a tiny energy pill that would be scared to hurt a fly! And Changmin looks like a baby squirrel! Don't get me started on Hyunjae! How could they be carrying around guns and knives ready to- to kill someone?!

"Sunwoo take Y/n back to the room, Me and Hana are gonna take care of this guy" Juyeon told Sunwoo. He took me back to where the rest of the guys were hanging out, as we walked past the crowds, Sunwoo held my hand to keep me close to him.

"Actually on second thought maybe we shouldn't go in..." He said looking at the small rectangular window that showed inside.

"Why? What are they doing?" They wouldn't be trying to kill each other right?! They look innocent, but maybe I should have a second thought? Maybe I underestimated them. Maybe they're-

"It's a room full of drunk guys, I don't think I want you going in there"

A/n - This was a pretty short way to finish the small 'mission' But I didn't want anything spicy to happen, at least not yet :) Thank you for reading chapter 5 of 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕚~

𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕪|Kim SunwooWhere stories live. Discover now