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Quick little Haneul's pov (A/n- Yes you are now reading a dog's pov, just shh, shut up, it'll be quick. In his head, like the dog's thoughts- yeah ok pfft, like idk how to explain but the bold words are Haneul's thoughts, just go with it please.)

Haneul finished his food and looked to where Y/n had disappeared, seeing a small gap to the outside world, FREEDOM! Hehe, freedom~ finally~ That means that when I leave, miss owner will worry and shower me with treats, crying saying to never leave again. It's a win, win, I get treats, she gets cuddles.

Haneul quickly dashed outside, trying to squeeze through the small gap that Y/n had accidentally let open. Haneul briskly ran past Y/n, about to try and run away and make Y/n worry about him. But stopped, seeing that they were high in the air.

AhHRGH what is this?!? Why are we so high up?! Haneul stook out his tiny paw, under the glass fence, feeling a strong gust of wind, which frightened him greatly, making him decide to never try and escape again. FINE! I WON'T HAVE FREE TREATS, *sobs*. (A/n - I'm actually sorry this is so strange and dumb. But it's funny am I right hehe)

Haneul decided to retreat back into the safety of Y/n's home, but when he turned his little body around, he was again frightened by the sight in front of him.

He slowly approaches the small and fragile human body, putting a paw on the girl's head. She looked up seeing her dog, looking back at her curiously. Haneul was wondering why his owner's eyes were filled with ugly tears.

Y/n pov

I felt something very lightly tap my head, I looked up seeing haneul, looking back at me curiously. I let out a weak laugh, petting his fluffy head, before looking back at the sight behind me. I sigh silently, then stand up walking back inside with Haneul following me closely. I took out Sunwoo's phone from my pocket, placing it carefully back on the coffee table.

I turn off the light in the kitchen and living room, going back into my room with Haneul. He will come back for his phone and I don't think I want to see him right now. I sat on the bed, bringing my knees up to my head just thinking. I really don't want to see him right now. I sigh out another time, making Haneul's ears turn upwards. I stand up, walking over to my closet, taking out some outerwear and putting it on.

While I change, I dial someone's number and my phone starts to ring.

"Yah, Let me stay over at your place for a bit!" I asked him, only to hear him laugh sarcastically. "No." "Oh, come on Wooyoung! Please! I'll buy you food, take you out to eat food, I'll be your delivery person for food!" I said, trying to tempt him. "Uh no, No delivery, Yah Did you know Yeosang had the audacity to order food, when I was cooking at home! Aish, ungrateful!" He rants about what happened. "Wait since when did you cook?" I asked hysterically, laughing, "Ok but seriously, can I stay over at your dorm, just for the night?" I asked, sounding empathetic.

As I was talking I took my house keys, also grabbing Sunwoo's phone, walking out my front door and locking it.

"How about no?" I heard Wooyoung say. "Why not?!" I asked my friend. "Just go ask someone else, My friends are coming over and we are going out tonight. I huff out in frustration ending the call, cutting his voice off.

Wait, why did I take Sunwoo's phone? I look back at Miss Tanaka's home, knowing they were in there. Before I could react the door opened, and I quickly turned around, shutting my eyes not knowing what to do.

"Y/n?" Instead of hearing who I thought I was going to hear, an older lady's voice called out.  I turned around seeing Miss Tanaka smiling brightly as she waddled over to hug me. "Oh, how I have missed you, I haven't seen you for quite a while! Have you met Lina? She's my daughter, you should come in and meet her and her boyfriend!" The old lady said brightly with a happy attitude, but I was feeling down and upset when I heard what she had said.

"Uh, I already met them! Actually I have to go now, but could you pass this on to them?" I asked her, passing over Sunwoo's phone with a bitter smile.

I don't want to be mad at Miss Tanaka, wait why am I mad in the first place? Y/n get yourself together!

She nodded quickly, telling me to go if I was late for whatever I needed to do. I saw her walk back inside to give it back to them, I took this chance to leave, not wanting to see any of them. He will probably know I'm awake now, and might look for me so I should go. Wait what am I saying? Why would he want to look for me?

I signed out for the third time tonight, pressing another contact, since Wooyoung wasn't much of a help.

After quite a while, I finally hear the ringing stop and I hear his angelic voice. "Y/n?" I hear him call out. "Hannie, where are you?" I asked him with a smile on my face, just from hearing his voice. "Uh, well I'm doing some late night work!" he said quickly, making me confused. "Jeonghan, it's like 1 in the morning and you are still doing work?" I asked him, as I walked out into the streets, looking around, seeing the roads were empty.

"Yeah, well I'm hard working... Why? What do you need?" He asked me. "Well, I need a place to stay, just for the night! I can stay with you and your girlfriend!" I said thinking about them. "No, I don't want you to annoy her. If you need a place to stay you can stay at the dorm, since I moved out my room should be empty." He said, sighing. "Yes! You are the best, I love you oppa!" I said, brightly, as I sat down on a bench at a park.

"Wait but, aren't there like 12 other guys at the dorm?!" I asked, thinking about his friends. "Well technically, just 10 since three of us moved out, so you'll be stuck with the younger ones." Jeonghan said, then continued. "With that I'm willing to bet you need a ride?" He said, sighing again, as I laughed, saying yes.

A/n- Hehe Are you ready to love seventeen~~~ PFFT THAT WAS SO DUMB OK THANK YOU

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