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"Want to come with me then? If you're so worried."

"What! No! I don't need to come along... I'm safe here, not there." I said frantically.

"Why not? Are you scared that my parents might hate you then decide 'oh lets kill her for fun'." He said supposedly trying to joke around, but I still felt unsure. "Yah, I'm just kidding, I think." He said, which calmed my heart a bit, until I heard him say 'I think'. "If they do try and kill you, I'll just protect you like always." he said, making my heart race again.

"Well you didn't do a very good job last time..." I said, thinking back to when we were at that mafia party, where I saw Jeonghan...

Jeonghan? Well after seeing him there, and somehow making it out. These days he's been sending texts and calls me on the daily, I either leave him on read, or plainly reply to his questions of 'Have you eaten?' 'Where are you?' 'Can I come over?'.  But then whenever he does comes over to my home, knocks on the door and calls out my name, I just stay silent from inside. It's not that I'm scared of him, or hate him... I just don't feel like I have the courage to speak up about it...

But moving on and back to the current situation...

"Well that's yours and Hakyeon's fault! You left without me knowing, and Hakyeon couldn't even protect you, since his eyes were on the food the whole time!" He said, making me laugh remembering when the two were fighting over sharing a slice of cake-

"Yeah, yeah." I noticed that Sunwoo was looking at me, "Wait you were serious?" I said, referring to when he asked me to come along. He calmly nodded, "Well will you come?"

"No way!" "But I promise I'll protect you!" I looked at him with wider eyes than before. "But you said It yourself, it was a family dinner! Why would I be there?!" He mumbled something in reply but I didn't hear exactly what he said. "If you come, maybe I will actually smile tonight..." He said, looking into my eyes once again smiling cheekily. "Are you trying to win me over with sympathy?" I said, crossing my arms, as he shamely nodded.

"Kim Sunwoo! Promise I won't die!" "Uhh Okay?" He said, "Sunwoo! What do you mean 'uhh'?!" He chuckled at my unsettled state. "OK!" He said with a louder voice, with a gummy smile.

"You really want me to go?!" 

"Yes Ma'am! It will be fun!" He said with a smile, while I glared at him. 

"Sure, going to one of the most feared mafia houses, where I could possibly die will be fun... Sure Sunwoo." I say as he starts to quiet down. 

"Maybe you shouldn't go-" 

"I'll go, only for you." I whispered the last part to myself, as I saw the boy in front of me run his hand through his hair. "I'll pick you up at 6:00, okay?" "Okay..." I replied seeing the boy leave my house.

As I closed the door, I slowly looked to Haneul, who was standing near my feet. "Ah! Haneul what did I just agree to!?" I said to the poor dog, who was always listening to me rant all the time. After snacking like a pig and watching some dramas, I looked up at the clock finally realizing reality. I noticed that 6:00 was only an hour away, so I quickly got up to search for something to wear.

I walked out to my front door curious, as I was hearing someone outside. I opened the door thinking Sunwoo might be outside, but when I opened the door, I saw someone else.

"Officer Park?" I asked aloud.

Officer Park was an old man, who was a local police guard for this apartment. He was a very kind man, and always looked out for all residents in the apartment.

"Oh! Y/n! You look different from usual, It looks great! That means I can tell your mum that you're finally going out, am I right?" he said, chuckling. "Oh, please don't! It's just that I'm going out to dinner with a friend."

"That's still a chance for you!" He said innocently. I mean he's right, I never go out...

"What's going on?" I asked him, and he replied, "Ah, Well just a few hours ago at about 12:30, or at least I think 12:30, there was a break in. Here in Miss Tanaka's home while she was out shopping! Poor old lady, she's been living here all by herself, even when she's not from here!"

Miss Tanaka was my adorable, polite and caring neighbor, she wasn't born in Korea, she's actually Japanese. When I first moved in, she was already living in her apartment, and would always come over, without notice, not that I complained. She would come over and cook food for me, sometimes we even had dinner together, since, well, we both lived alone and thought it would be nice.

I always found her company warm, and she used to always tell me stories about her life. She told me she had a daughter. She said that she lived here in Korea with her daughter and husband, but when her Husband passed away, her daughter decided to leave back home to Japan for no reason, she still decided to stay here though.

"Is she okay?!" I say quickly. "I'm fine, Y/n-ah!" I heard Miss Tanaka come out from her door. "The weird thing is that they just broke into the door, but then that was it, there's nothing wrong with the apartment. It's just that the door was broken down..." Officer Park said, ushering the old lady to go back inside.

"Y/n, did you see anyone suspicious or someone you haven't seen from around here?" I heard Officer Park ask me. I was about to answer thinking about those two men I had seen just before leaving for the beach, but Officer Park said something loudly. "YOU! I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU HERE BEFORE! DID YOU BREAK IN?!" He walked past me, charging at someone... Sunwoo?!

"Ah! Wait, sir, no! That's my friend!" I said, trying to break up the two. "ARE YOU SURE?!" He asked frantically, getting off Sunwoo, and I nodded quickly in response. "Oh! Well, um I'm sorry young man." He was coughing, and looking away. "What's wrong?" Sunwoo asked, still surprised that he didn't throw off the old man or something.

"Well, there was a break in at my neighbor's house, but it seems it was a false alarm? Since they didn't do anything but break down the door... Um Sunwoo can you wait a sec, I need to get my purse." I said walking back to my apartment.

Sunwoo pov

I looked back at Y/n smiling to myself a bit. "Young man, I think you should stay close to Y/n, and keep her safe. With the looks of how, whoever broke down this door, they seem dangerous. And I'm honestly too old to protect everyone here." he said with airy chuckles. "Of course sir, Don't worry, she's safe with me." I said back to him, right before Y/n came back out.

A/n - Thank you so much guys for reading this chapter... Can you guys comment what you think will happen next down the story line??? haha I wanna see what you guys predict will happen, just comment what you think please!

This was chapter 35 of 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕚~ thank you!

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