17 | 𝕄𝕒𝕗𝕚𝕒 𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕖

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No one pov

"Yah, Y/n! Jae got a boyfriend before both of us, we need to try harder!" She said leaning out, so I could also see her from behind Wooyoung. "You know, I have this friend from my old course, she met her boyfriend through some blind dates! We should go on a double blind date together! Then out of the two of us, whoever gets a boyfriend first won't lose to the challenge we made last year!!

Everyone choked on their food, all for different reasons. Y/n for one was choking since Riley had just said all that In front of Sunwoo. Sunwoo Choked on his seasoned chicken after hearing Riley suggest that in front of him. Wooyoung just seriously choked before the others, but then choked a second time after hearing Rileys suggestion.

Jeonghan gagged thinking of the idea of his baby sister getting a real boyfriend, a second time. The couple, Jae and Eric both started to cough in embarrassment, as they were mentioned in the whole statement as being a couple. Sanha choked as well, after hearing Jae was dating Eric, for like the fifth time now, since it was also a bit of a talk around his school.

"What the heck? Are all of you okay? You even scared Haneul!" The girl said holding up the shaky dog, but Haneul wasn't scared of the sudden coughs, but of the girl who was holding him. I clear my throat.

"Riley! I'm not going on a blind date! Plus I don't need to find a boyfriend!" I say to her, attempting to grab the scared dog out of her hands. But she quickly pulled him back into her chest, "WHAT SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET A BOYFRIEND?! OR WHO ARE YOU THINKING OF?!" She said, almost screaming in shock.

"No! I JUST MEANT THAT- I-" I looked away from her intense gaze, only to find my eyes locking with Sunwoo's. I hastily look away, grabbing a pillow, and stuffing my face into it, trying to hide from everyone.

"Aigoo~ My baby sister is so awkward!" Jeonghan said, standing up to start packing away the food, and everyone else followed his actions.

"Ahh~ What should we do now?" Wooyoung said, jumping onto the couch, taking up all of it. "Move fatass, let's play a game!" Riley said, while moving Wooyoung's legs to the side. "How about seven minutes in heaven!" Wooyoung said, devilishly smirking.

"UH NO! For one, we have a set of siblings here and two, we got a couple. So pick something else fatass." Riley said, taking a few chips from the bag. "Says the fatass sitting right in front of me." He says again, rolling his eyes jokingly as Riley throws some at him. "How about the Mafia game!" Sanha said, stealing some chips from Riley, some people in the room tensed after hearing the word 'Mafia'.

After a bit of set up, and talking about rules, we started the game. Jeonghan was chosen to be the narrator or the person who chooses the roles and stuff.

Eric and Sunwoo actually got the role of Mafia during the game by coincidence, smirking at each other when they found out. Y/n was chosen as the doctor, and Jae was the detective. After the first round Riley died after screaming her lungs out, trying to accuse Wooyoung, saying she knew it by the feeling in her gut. The next round Sunwoo died, as Sanha said he just looked scary, which seemed like a funny reason, so we all voted him off for fun. Soon Jae also died and It was just Y/n, Wooyoung, Sanha and Eric.

Y/n had a feeling it was Sanha or Wooyoung because they were both helping each other. Eric was panicking inside, not sure of how he could win. Wooyoung was just accusing anyone he could find an excuse to accuse them for. And Sanha was just straight up having mafia vibes, even though he really wasn't.



"Y/N IT'S YOU!" Wooyoung said pointing at my face.

"ERIC, DON'T YOU SEE, THEY ARE TEAMING UP TOGETHER THEY HAVE TO BE THE MAFIAS!" I said standing up, way too invested into this game.

"Ok, ok so time to vote guys~!" Jeonghan said. "I say Sanha!" I pointed right at him, smirking evilly. "LOOK AT HER FACE SHE'S A KILLER!"

"I agree with Y/n!" Eric said quickly.

"YEAH LETS KILL HIM!" Wooyoung joined in.

"WHAT HYUNG YOU WERE MEANT TO BE ON MY TEAM!" Sanha said, complaining.

"Yah, Sanha, never trust that fatass." Riley said, laughing a lot. "THE DEAD CAN'T SPEAK RILEY!" Wooyoung said snickering at her, which Riley returned.

"Ok Sanha out!" Jeopnghan said, trying to hide his laugh.

"UGH, SUNWOO HYUNG YOU COULD'VE HELPED ME!" Sanha said, falling onto the couch in defeat. "The dead can't speak-" Sunwoo defended himself, before getting cut off by Sanha saying, "I know, I know! Hmph."

"WHAT THE GAMES STILL NOT OVER?!?" Wooyoung said, after Jeonghan told them to put their heads down.


"Oh I guess you are right..." Jeonghan said, face palming himself.

"Eric and Sunwoo win!" He continued.

"AW I KNEW IT WAS YOU, YOU WERE SO QUIET!" Wooyoung said, pouting in defeat.

"Ok, guys, we should all go home now. I'll drive you guys home If you want." Jeonghan said, getting his car keys out of his pocket, insisting since some of them took public transport here.

"Uh It's ok, I can drive myself and Jae!" Eric said smiling, still trying to be discreet in front of Sunwoo, until.

"Eric, No need to hide, you can't keep secrets from me." Sunwoo said casually, lifting a brow up teasingly.

"Then the rest of you lot, come with me!" Jeonghan said, walking out of my home with Riley and Wooyoung still being very loud, and an upset Sanha, who I assume was a bit unhappy seeing Eric and Jae getting closer. They all said their goodbyes and left my house.

Leaving my home, with just me, Sunwoo and Haneul inside. "Well, I should go too." Sunwoo said smiling, walking over to the front door.

"Mmh, wait!" I say loud enough for him to hear, he turns back around to me, while I quickly run to my room, slipping on a jumper, and dashing back to the front door, all wrapped in layers as it was quite cold outside. "Let me walk you out!" I say smiling brightly, walking over to a mini closet where I kept my shoes. "No, it's too cold, there's no need for you to come out." He said, pouting a bit. "Well, I don't care! I want to spend more time with you! Uh well, I mean just as like- LETS JUST GO!" I say walking out first, as he follows along.

We make it outside, and a gust of wind blows against my skin, making me shiver. "I told you before, it's too cold out here! Go inside before you catch a cold!" He said being worried. I shook my head in return, getting a boost of confidence, like before in the elevator. I mustered up the words "Then can you warm me up?" I say cheekily.

A/n - Heyo! Thank you for reading todays chapter of 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕚~ I hope you are enjoying my book, and please do comment what you think! Thank you!

This was chapter 17 of 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕚~

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𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕪|Kim SunwooWhere stories live. Discover now