13 | ℙ𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝

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"Sunwoo..." I say again looking at my wallpaper.

I unlock my phone, going into Sunwoo's contact.


Y/nie - Sunwoo?

I sent the text message without even thinking, I looked at the time as it read 1:39 am. I sat up in a panic realising that I might have just woken him up, just because I was being silly and wanted to talk to him?!?

Sunseonoo is typing ...

Sunseonoo - why are you still awake princess?

Y/nie - I can't sleep...

Sunseonoo - haha, and why not?

Y/nie - um it's your fault.

Sunseonoo - What?! Why?

Y/nie - I don't know it just is!

Y/nie - I just wanted to talk to you for some reason...

Sunseonoo - at 1 in the morning?


Sunseonoo - yeah you did but that's fine princess.

Sunseonoo - what should I do to help you go to sleep?

Y/nie - I don't know!

Sunseonoo - hmm

Sunseonoo is calling...

Suddenly Sunwoo started to call me, and I quickly answered.

"Princess, why can't you sleep?" I heard Sunwoo's raspy voice, since I'm pretty sure he just woke up. I knew blush had made its way to my cheeks again when I heard him speak.

"I don't know... "

" Yet somehow you say it's my fault, haha" I heard Sunwoo say.

"I'm sorry!" I say quickly, "no, no it's fine princess, if you want we can just stay on call until you fall asleep." He suggested.

"Ok" I say back softly, "can you keep saying stuff, anything... I want to hear your voice." I say hesitantly, not wanting to make him do something he didn't want to. "Mmh, ok princess."

Sunwoo pov

After another 10 minutes of me saying random things and y/n sometimes replying. I had realized she had fallen asleep as she wasn't responding anymore. I ended the call and texted her something.


Sunseonoo - Goodnight princess

After that, I put my phone to charge and went to sleep.

Time skip~

"HYUNG!!! KEBIN STOLE MY CHUCKY DOLL!! STOP IT KEBINN" I could hear Changmin screaming over his CHUCKY doll from outside my bedroom. The door opened revealing Younghoon, "Yah, get up and get ready we will be leaving soon for training."

I quickly got up remembering that Y/n would be coming too, I brushed my teeth, got changed and went into the living room where some of the other guys were.

"Oh wait a minute, where's Eric?" Juyeon said, after noticing their maknae wasn't present for breakfast.

"Chanhee! Why didn't you wake him up?" Hyunjae asked.


"CUZ YOU'RE HIS ROOMATE?!" Hakyeon screamed aloud even though his mouth was stuffed with food.

"Ugh I already tried but he's sleeping like a rock-" Chanhee was cut off when his bedroom door opened.

"I'M LATE WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS WAKE ME UP?!" Eric said, coming out with his bed hair still very noticeable.

Y/n pov

I opened my eyes as the bright sun was shining through the window. I looked to my left to see Haneul lying down right next to my phone. I rubbed my eyes tiredly, yawning and stretching out my arms and legs. Before finally sitting up, and petting Haneul, making him wake up as well.

Catching a sight of my phone, I see I have a new message. I opened it and saw that it was from Sunwoo!


Sunseonoo - Goodnight princess

My cheeks were flushed with a pink shade, remembering last night. I got up, walked to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. After drying my hair and doing my skin care routine, I went back into my room to find a nice outfit for the day.

After I put on my fit, I turned to Haneul posing as he looked at me confused. He barked in response to my little pose and walked away. I laughed and put my stuff into a handbag, walking out to my living room. Doing a few house chores since it was still a bit too early to leave yet.

After a bit, I said my goodbye to Haneul, petting him on the head and giving him a treat. Before walking to my bus stop, waiting for it's arrival.

Time skip to Cre.ker ~

I was walking around the company, trying to recognise the long hallways and marble walls as I proceeded to enter the elevator, pressing the 3rd floor, like last time when Hana was leading me up to the large room. I exited the elevator, and walked up to the familiar black painted door that I remembered from the last time I was here. Before I could even place my hand onto the door handle, It was pushed open by Hakyeon.

"Oh! Y/n, what are you doing here?"

No ones pov

The moment Y/n's name came out of Hakyeon's mouth, Sunwoo's head whipped to the door, catching sight of Y/n. He smiled subconsciously seeing her outfit, which was just a simple white shirt, paired with a black skirt, along with a nice cardigan on top. Even this made Sunwoo slightly blush and smile, The sight of Y/n.

When both Y/n and Sunwoo's eyes met, they both remembered last night. Even though they recalled the same memory, they were still thinking of specific things about last night. Y/n was remembering Sunwoo's soft, deep and very calming voice, she remembered falling asleep slowly when listening to his voice. Whereas Sunwoo was thinking about how cute she was last night, how she couldn't sleep, and the first thing she wanted to do was to talk to him.

"Y/n! What are you doing here!? Oh my gosh! Did you come here to watch me beat Chanhee up?" Changmin said, looking excited. Whilst Chanhee looked offended and jokingly grabbed Changmin's collar, jokingly...

"No! She came to watch me beat all of you today!" Hyunjae said, sprinting over the Y/n and putting his shoulder around her.

"When did she say that?" A deep and annoyed voice came out, immediately after Hyunjae's arm made contact with Y/n's shoulders, It was Sunwoo, glaring at Hyunjae. Everyone in the room felt chills go down their spine, after hearing Sunwoo. Eventually the door bursts open, a loud voice breaking the silence. Hana waltzes in with multiple bags in her hands, as she carries them in, putting them in the center of the room. Once she looked up, she was surprised to see Y/n standing there along with the boys. 

"Huh, Y/n? I was gonna ask you to come over later, since they will be training." Hana said, shooing away Hakyeon as he tried to see what food lay inside the plastic bags. "Mmh, But I wanted to see them train!" Y/n says. "See I told you guys! She came to watch me beat all of you!" Hyunjae said, coming back to my side, only standing there this time, since Sunwoo was still watching from behind.

"Oh ok, then let's go!! Yah Hakyeon, no food until you have  finished." Hana said, dragging him to the training room. "HAH! BUT-BUT IT'S GONNA GET COLD!" Hakyeon whined as he was being dragged by Hana.

Y/n pov.

I was following the large group from behind, trying to find Sunwoo, but was unsuccessful as there were seriously just too many of them. That was until he popped out of the large group of 11 people, making his way towards me. A smile quickly formed on my face, when he stood ahead, waiting for me to catch up to him. Which I quickly did, taking a few big steps, so I could be next to him.

"Good Morning Princess."

A/n - Heyo~ This will probably be the only update for today, since I was a little busy! But I'll try and make up for it, by writing then releasing more! Btw omg its so cute! :)

Thank you for reading chapter 13 of 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕚~

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𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕪|Kim SunwooWhere stories live. Discover now