40 | ℝ𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕦𝕖

409 16 1

Changmin pov

"Yah, Hyung, let's follow him." Sunwoo said, pulling me away from the group, to follow this Doyoung guy. I still couldn't put my finger on it, I know I have seen him somewhere else before. "Ugh, this is so annoying! Where do I know him from!" I said in frustration, only to get shushed by Sunwoo. "You probably saw him at the party, since he works for Hyunjun.

"NO BUT I'M SERIOUS, I'VE SEEN HIM SOMEWHERE ELSE AND I JUST CAN'T REMEMBER!" I whisper-yelled, getting shushed again. "He's getting away." I heard Sunwoo say, and he dragged me to where the guy disappeared from.

After what felt like forever, getting dragged around by Sunwoo and following this guy who was just walking around buying food, he finally stopped in front of a shop. "Dia note is a shop?" Sunwoo read the large name displayed. "So a clothing store, it's not even a company?? That's sad..." I said aloud, lifting a brow as Sunwoo mentioned to me, that we were gonna go in.  We entered the store, after covering up our faces.

"Where did he go?!" Sunwoo said, looking around. I also looked around, seeing multiple people who were just going through the racks of clothing. I saw that Doyoung guy's crimson sweater, just entered the changing rooms, so I called for Sunwoo.

"Hello, what would you like to try on?" A staff member asked, and I quickly took something from the rack, not even looking at what it was. "This please." I said, with a smile, trying to rush in and not lose Doyoung, Sunwoo did the same.

"Um, so two dresses?" She said awkwardly, the both of us looked away from where Doyoung went, finally realizing what we were holding. "UH, SORRY I MEANT THIS ONE!"  I squeaked out in embarrassment, rushing past the lady, so did Sunwoo.

"He went in number 9, the last one!" Sunwoo said, running to it. We opened the curtain, seeing no one inside, and a door that was closed shut. He pushed on the door, only for it to open slightly. We both looked around, to see if it was clear, and went in. "Woah, High tech!" I said, looking at the doorway within the wall, it was about to close so we both slipped through, barely making it into the dark corridor. 

Walking through the hallway, we made it to the other side revealing a whole office like area. We heard someone coming, so we both ran back to another door, leaving it open a bit. "Hyunjun." Sunwoo hissed, when a man with dark black hair stood talking to Doyoung who looked mad.

"What do you need from me? And make it quick! I need your help to get my sister back!"

"Hey, fine I just need you to find me a Hyunwoo. It should be someone related to this guy." Hyunjun said, holding up a picture of Sunwoo, I tapped his back, as he looked at me shrugging. I closed the door silently, "Who's Hyunwoo?" I asked quietly. "I don't know? I have no idea, I don't know a Hyunwoo..." Peeking out once again.

"Him? Why him?" Doyoung asked, looking at Sunwoo's picture. "Do you know him? You know he took your sister." Hynjun said. "Yeah I can easily get him If you want. Will I get my sister back though?" He asked. "Of course, you can take my guards not like I need them. They can help you get them back. If you can directly find Sunwoo, then forget about this Hyunwoo guy then. I guess we can let her go then."

When this Hyunjun guy said, her, I felt Sunwoo tense up. We both looked at each other, knowing he was talking about Y/n. "Who?" Doyoung asked. "Nah, just some girl I have locked up. Thought she was important but no. Get me that Sunwoo guy though I want him alive too." Hyunjun said walking out. While the Doyoung guy looked through his phone, me and Sunwoo looked at each other knowing this was our chance. We both burst open the door fully, walking in and grabbing the dude, pushing him onto a chair and tying him up.

"Oh? When did you learn to do that?" Sunwoo asked, looking at the secure tight knot I had made, "New taught me it." I said Chanhee's second name since we were out, finally getting a real look at this guy, as he still looked pretty shocked by our sudden surprise attack.

"WAIT! COME ON BRAIN JUST WORK!" I said, looking intently at his face. "KIM DOYOUNG, UH, AH NCT! IT'S NCT, NCT!!" I said jumping up and down in excitement for finally realizing who he was. "Q, you're being weird." Sunwoo said, as he tried to unlock the laptop on the table.

"Ok, ok, but can I just say, 2018, when you guys did that trick where you-" "Q FOCUS!" Sunwoo interrupted me. As I frowned, "I'm your fan!" I continued, only to get dragged away by Sunwoo. "There she is! In the basement on the left side, door 3. Let's go Q!" he said, opening the door slightly, figuring out where to go next. While he was, I smiled brightly at the Nct guy, "I really like your fighting skills, I'm your number one fan! I'm Q!" I said, only to get dragged away with Sunwoo once again, waving bye to the shocked guy with his mouth taped shut.

As we ran past, going down a staircase, into an elevator, and a whole bunch of other things, we made it to the basement that had a few rooms. Looking for Number 3, only to find it locked, Sunwoo banged on the door, in frustration, hearing a gasp inside. "Y/N!?" He said loudly, so I shushed him.

"Oh look what you did, now we gotta get our hands dirty!" I said seeing two guards come rushing into here, with bagels in their hands. "I TOLD YOU WE SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT!" One said. " BACK UP IN THE BASEMENT NOW!" The other said, into a small device. "Ugh, let's get this over with!" I said cracking my knuckles. "There's a card on the second guy." Sunwoo said, directing my attention to him, as he looked scared. "HEHE, COME HERE!" I say chasing him, and locking him in a headlock.

I quickly snatched the card off his belt, throwing it backwards to where Sunwoo was.

Y/n pov

BANG! At the loud sound of someone slamming the metal door, I gasped aloud. After a bit I heard a males voice call out, but couldn't hear the voice properly, since there was a thick metal door between the person and me. "Y/N!?"  I heard the voice call out. I tried to get up and go to the door to listen, but was pulled back by the chain attached to my foot. A key! I need to find a key.

I looked around, trying to see if it was on the table in the corner, My phone, purse, wallet, lipstick, Key! How the- why is the table so far away. I tried to reach out for it but it was too far, of course it was. I breathed out a heavy sigh, falling back down, onto my butt, in frustration. I was about to just fully give up, until I heard a beep from outside the door. It shifted open revealing... Sunwoo? Sunwoo!!

My eyes widened, he came for me? He really did! "Sunwoo-?" "Y/n!" He sailed quickly, coming over to me, embracing me??! My face burnt up, as It hid in his chest, he was sweating and breathing heavily too. "Woah, you two done?" I peeked out my head, being greeted by... "Changmin?" "Ah, no, when on missions it's Q!" He said cheerfully.

He walked over to the table, grabbing my stuff and the key. "Yah, Sunwoo if you want to get her out of here, you might wanna let her go~" Q said, teasing him, as he awkwardly backed away from me saying a soft apology. Q finally unlocked the chains around my ankle, "Thanks." I said, standing up fully straight, without the heavy weight dragging me down.

A/n - Ok Y/n is freeeeeeeee which means more Sunwoo and Y/n interactions soon!

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