50 | 𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕪

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The cool breeze blowing through my hair, and blowing against my hot face felt refreshing, however I was too tired to fully enjoy this moment with open eyes.


"If you're tired, you can go to sleep, princess." Sunwoo's deep voice could be heard faintly, as I was already busy falling asleep, loosely holding onto his waist.

I felt that we came to a sudden stop, probably at a red light, but I didn't want to open my eyes. I felt Sunwoo grab my arms, tightening my grip on him and pushing my head into his neck, for me to sleep more comfortably. I like how he smells- That's weird stop Y/n!

Sunwoo pov

Adorable little snores could be heard as I continued driving down the quiet empty roads.

This past month or so, it felt like it was brighter and calmer than how we normally are, how I normally am. Ever since last month, we have sort of reduced our amount of missions, we haven't been doing what we normally do.

Honestly it feels better, not having to always be on the run, not always having to deal with illegal... substances... as much and not having to be risking my life every night.

I do miss the thrill and excitement, and I'm sure the others feel the same way, but something is always stopping me from thinking about that further. It was Y/n. The thought of when Luna found out, she immediately distanced herself with me and Hyunju, she feared me.

Luna wasn't a crush or anything, but she was still an important person in my life, one of my best friends. Just knowing that when she found out about who I really am, scares me that it might happen again.

Sure, Y/n knows about us being mafia's and having to do this as our job, but I'm still scared that she might leave me as well, if she finds out what we do without her knowing. What were we doing? Well, every night that I'm not spending at Y/n's home, is when Sangyeon distributes more missions.

Stakeouts, spying, weapon shipments that need to be delivered, assassinations, quite a number of murders and some other things that don't need to be named.

Tonight luckily, I'm not on duty and I can spend the night with this little dumbass.
(Referring to Y/n who was now snoring, not cutely but fun-ily? She was loud and Sunwoo was laughing at her ok... :))

We made it to her apartment without my mind overflowing with thoughts. I steadily parked my bike, trying not to wake up the girl behind me. I cautiously stood up, letting her lean on my shoulder. What? She's out cold. Pffft, ... cute.

There was no one else around, since it was already midnight, I picked up Y/n holding her in my arms (A/n- bridal style* cough cough* so cute.)
I made my way to the elevator, pressing the button that said 19. The doors closed and we started to go up. I felt Y/n move a bit, nuzzling closer into my chest, making my face burn up.

It's ok Sunwoo, no one's here to see your red face.

I said to myself, letting my smile come out as I looked at the girl in my arms. I chuckled a bit at her cute, sleepy self, but immediately stopped when the doors of the elevator opened revealing her, Tanaka Lina or as she wanted me to always call her... Luna.

We looked at each other with shocked faces for a good few seconds, before the elevator started beeping loudly, since the doors were open for too long. I quickly walked out, the beeping stopped and the doors of the elevator closed.

"Sunwoo..." Luna said, almost having tears in her eyes. I didn't look up at her, instead my eyes landed on Y/n's asleep figure. I held onto her tightly, as I waited for the other girl in front of me to speak up.
"Why are you holding her? Isn't that the girl from room 216?" She asked with a hesitant voice, making me look at her for once.

"Aren't you scared of me?" I asked her back, instead of answering her question. "W-what?"

"I'm a killer, don't you remember?" I asked the girl with a cold voice, as she backed away from me. I was about to say something else, but Y/n moved a bit, before continuing to quietly snore aloud. "I should go." I say walking past her, but she grabbed onto my arm. "Can we talk?" I thought for a second, looking down at Y/n.

Y/n pov


I tried to open my eyes, but only like 3 seconds after my eyes closed once again. I rolled over, finally opening my eyes, staring at an empty side of my bed. I checked the time and it read, 12:39am, where's Sunwoo? I sat up, still half asleep, seeing that I was still in my outfit that I wore outside, so I quickly changed into some comfy clothes, walking out of my bedroom, checking the Sofa. He isn't here...

I went into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water, I took a few gulps of water, eyes finally noticing a black phone on the coffee table. That's his phone, so where is he? I walked over, taking a seat on the ground.

I heard a few taps coming from behind the couch, already knowing who it was, I called out for his name. "Haneul~" I said, making the while fluff ball reveal himself, as he barked coming over to me.
After letting Haneul eat his food, yes at 12 in the morning, but whatever...

I just stared at Sunwoo's phone that lay still on the short coffee table, maybe he went home, and left it here? I picked up his phone, and looked at the wallpaper. It was a photo of me? Wait, when did he take that? I was wearing the dress from the night of that Mafia gathering, so I'm guessing He took it without me knowing. I instantly smile, putting it in my pocket as I grab my own phone, walking out onto the balcony.

Let's call one of the guys and tell them Sunwoo left his phone here- My own thoughts were interrupted by laughter coming from just a little far from my left. I saw two people talking to each other, it seems like they are having a good time.

A couple? I don't remember any residents that were dating, hah most of the people here are broke college students or older people. They look like a younger couple... I tried to have a closer look at the two, kind of spying on them, as I was curious.

"What?! Haha, yeah, that's so dumb!" A girls voice called out. "Haha! yeah and remember when Hwall tried to dress up and look fancy, but ended up falling down when we were playing tag, because of his heavy shoes! He looked so dumb!"

That male voice sound familiar, it's sounded just like Sunwoo?

I was in disbelief when I saw his face turn around and look out to the view with a big smile on his face. Why was he over there with... is that Luna?

A/n - so heyyy hehe, I would like to tell you guys that this story might be ending soon~~ BECUASE I AM AN IMPATIENT DUMBASS THAT HAS ANOTHER IDEA FOR ANOTHER SUNWOO FF AND I WANNA DO THAT LOL


ANYWAY~~ what do you guys think will happen😳 thank you for reading this chapter!

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