30 | 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜

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"Did you like her?" I asked the boy in front of me. Sunwoo looked up at me, opening his mouth to speak. "What If I say I did? What would you say?" He asked, leaning closer to me. "Then, Do you still like her?" I said looking back at him.

He chuckled at my determined face, "Don't worry princess, If I did like her back, I would have gone after her and flown away to Japan. Good thing I didn't like her." He picked up Haneul, playing with him. "Why?"

"Because, If I chased after her and went to Japan, I wouldn't have met you, princess. Plus, I'm telling you the truth, she wasn't my type." Sunwoo continued to pet Haneul. "Then what is your type?"

"Someone who is very dumb, gets jealous easily, has a pet dog, uh small but cozy apartment? I already know who that person is, princess." He with no hesitation. I scoffed, "Come on! Who!" I said, going closer to him, intimidating him into telling me.

"Let me add, that she is an airhead, very gullible and uh it's you." He said, also coming in closer to my face, smirking. I backed off, getting a bit flustered, I quickly stole Haneul from his grasp, running off to my bedroom.

An Hour later~

I finally finished taking off my makeup, taking a shower and basically doing my night routine. I climbed into bed, completely forgetting that Sunwoo was still here. How did I forget? Well I was in the bathroom for a whole hour, and haven't actually seen him or heard him around my house, so I kinda just thought he left. But to my surprise, my bedroom door opened, revealing Sunwoo in some comfy clothes.

"Oh, you're still here? Wait, where did you get the clothes?" "Uh, I kinda went through your closet outside, and found these, I think they are Sanha's." He said fully coming into my room. I sat up, raising a brow. "So you really are staying here tonight?" I asked and he nodded.

"I can't leave you here alone anymore, Hyunjun might have seen you with me tonight, and could be hunting you down right now trying to kill you~" he said sitting on my bed. I kicked his back teasingly, "When did I say you could sit on my bed! Also when did I let you go through my closet, and wear Sanha's clothes? And, actually on second thought, please do stay, I don't want to be dead tomorrow morning..." I said cooly, getting under my blanket, pretending to sleep.

I felt Sunwoo move around, on my right, trying to get under the blanket as well, and Haneul rolling around on top of my blanket on my left side. "I'm cold, I'm not sleeping outside." I heard Sunwoo say behind me, as I turned around to face him. I watched him as he opened his eyes and he started smirking. "Hi princess." He said with a creepy, funny-ish face. Resulting in my laughing and throwing a pillow into his face.

The next day~

At Cre.ker~

"Sangyeon, I think we all deserve an explanation!" Younghoon said, directing everyone's attention to our leader, who sighed loudly. He pointed towards Sunwoo, "I'm not a part of this one, he is." Sangyeon said, which then directed our group's attention to the boy sitting next to me. "Tell them everything, I want to know as well." Sangyeon continued, sitting back.

"Well..." Sunwoo started.

After Sunwoo finished retelling the story he told me last night to the group, Hyunjae remembered something. "Wait, so Sunmi has the fake bracelet right now, and was captured by his men. So will Hyunjun be able to realise that the bracelet is a fake?" He asked his question, directing it mostly towards Sunwoo, who shrugged. "We'll have to see, if he comes after us, that means yes, and If not, I guess that means no."

"Well, the party is over, training for today is finished, me and Y/n went over all the mission files, so what now?" I heard Hana say, falling onto her back, looking up at the ceiling tiredly. I looked at the time, and it only read 12:28pm, "Are there any other things that need to be done?" I asked them, and Sangyeon shook his head.

"WELL GOOD, Because i'm tired, and want a break!" Hyunjae said, also falling onto his back, in the same position as Hana. "A break huh, HOW ABOUT WE ALL HAVE A DAY OUT!" Eric suggested energetically, shooting puppy eyes towards Sangyeon. "How about no." Our leader said, which attracted multiple complaints.

"WAE?! JUST WHY!? KEEPING US HERE IS TORTURE!" Kevin exclaimed, doing a dramatic pose.

"Sangyeon hyung, maybe they do need a break..." Jacob said siding with Kevin.

"YEAH, AFTER LAST NIGHT WE DESERVE IT!" Younghoon said, joining in on persuading Sangyeon.

"MHM, MHM, I WANT SOMETHING BIG FOR LUNCH, PLEASE HYUNG?" Hakyeon said, clinging onto an annoyed Sangyeon.

"KEBIN STOP IT!" Changmin said, trying to push off Kevin, who was still dramatically dying on the floor.

"The team has spoken, SANGYEON LET US FREE." Chanhee said.

"Ok, where though?" Juyeon asked. "DAY TRIP TO JEJU ISLAND, ANYONE?" Hakyeon asked loudly, getting excited. "NAH, I WANNA GO TO A THEME PARK, HOW ABOUT LOTTE WORLD?!" Eric said, jumping up and down.

"How about somewhere a bit less expensive? We don't want Sangyeon to get mad from using his wallet, haha" Jacob said in an angelic voice. "WAIT WHO SAID THIS WAS ON ME?!" Sangyeon screamed.

The two that were on the ground shoot up. "THE BEACH!" Hana, and Hyunjae said energetically, with wide eyes.

I heard the leader sigh out in relief, or somewhere that wouldn't burn out his whole wallet. "All right guys, but we need to get our stuff. I'll get the essentials, and whatever you need. Kevin, come help me. You guys can just sort out your clothes, we will meet back here in about an hour, and go ok." "YEAH LETS GO!" Kevin said, finally getting out of his dumb act on the floor, and following Sangyeon out the door.

"OK, OLD MAN!" Changmin said running past him at the speed of light, cackling evilly, as Sangyeon chased after the boy.

"Need a ride back home princess?"


This is gonna be long, You don't have to read, it more of just a 'sorry' letter, reasons, plans etc. -->

A/n - 

It's been taking a while to write out my chapters... And It wasn't that I didn't know what to write next, but more I just couldn't get it out. There are so many ideas in my head, that I want to get out and write for this book in the future, but I didn't want to rush things, and go straight into it.

So I have done a short sort of filler? It will be like a cute, refreshing and fun scenario where the boyz, Y/n and the characters I have made like 'Hana' can hang out. Because for one I just want to write something like that, and two it would be a nice break for the characters in the story :)

I hope that all my readers ( HAHA IF I HAVE ANY-) will understand and be patient, when I do have to take a bit of time to get these chapters out, Thank you! !

Thank you for reading chapter 30, '𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜'.

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