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After an hour and a half of Hana and I complaining about how our bodies were aching from the training that they were making us do. Sangyeon finally felt pity on the two of us, saying we could take a break and maybe finish up.

"AH! FINALLY!" Hana said, stretching her arms out above her as she sat down already thinking about what to eat for lunch, Hakyeon also doing the same thing. "I'm In the mood for pizza~!" Hakyeon said, already drooling just at the thought of the cheesy food. "I second that!" Hyunjae said desperately, looking at the oldest with pleading eyes.

"You two are gonna get a stomach ache, chicken, pizza everyday! You should try eating healthy for once." Kevin said, suggesting salads, which made everyone look at him like he was crazy. "SALAD? WHAT A DISGRACE KEVIN! COME ON THINK ABOUT THE WARM CHEESE!" Hana exclaimed, surprised, that someone could actually want to willingly eat a salad.

Sangyeon Pov

Seriously, these kids!

"Fine, stop your whining!" I said, passing Hana and Hyunjae some money, just to shut them up. I watched as their faces brightened as they thanked me in unison, before running to grab their phones to order. I sighed aloud, as Jacob laughed at me, patting my shoulder.

"Jacob, you take care of them okay? I'm going back home." I say, grabbing my bag. "Why? We aren't that bad! We all know you love us~" Kevin said, smiling innocently. "I have work to do, go eat your pizza." I left the group, going to the parking lot, as I started the engine of my motorbike.

When I got back, I dropped my bag on my bed, tiredly.She seriously won't budge nor tell me anything. Who was I talking about? Well her name is Kim Tay, or at least that's what I know. Age 24, working as Hyunjuns assistant and seems to be related to someone called Kim Doyoung. I went back down to the basement where we were keeping her. Opening the large doors, revealing her sleeping on the floor. I crouched down, next to her, hearing her soft snores. Should I wake her up?

I sat down, next to her, just watching her sleep. Not creepily, just normally if that makes sense. She looks uncomfortable. I thought seeing as her head was on the cold ground. I reached out, wanting to lift her head up or something.

But before I could make it any closer, her eyes shot open, grabbing my arm with great strength, pinning me down on the floor. She searched my pockets, pulling out my knife. "Let me out." She threatened me with the weapon, putting it against my throat.

"Put the knife down, if you kill me, the others will only make your stay here worse." I said calmly. "Hah, Yeah right! Last time your friends were too scared to even hurt me. You guys are some cowards for being mafias." She said, doubting us.

"You would have already been dead, if it weren't for me." I said, once again in the same monotone voice, remembering that night.

Flashback to the night, Y/n was kidnapped, The boyz home.

"Hyung, I think she's a lost cause, she won't say anything or corporate with us! I hate her personality too, she's annoying." Eric said, complaining to me as he came out of the room with Hakyeon. "Yeah and she's so violent, SHE TRIED TO FLIPPING CHOKE ME WITH CHAINS JUST BEFORE!" Hakyeon complained as well. "Then let's just get rid of her." Sunwoo said, coming out of nowhere.

"If she's got something to do with Hyunjun, just fucking kill her." The boy said in a harsh tone, still angry about the events of before. "No swearing!" we heard Jacob say aloud from the kitchen. "Anyway, I agree! It's been so long since we have, good practice?" Eric said, turning around going back into the room, but I quickly pulled him back, preventing him from doing so. "No, just leave her alone." I said to the maknae group in front of me.

"Why?! She fucking choked Hana, making her go unconscious and now she's in the fucking hospital! Jacob Hyung, don't-!" Juyeon said "-No swearing!" "I said don't!"

"Why are we leaving her alone? Just kill her! Then it's over!" Hakyeon said, as Juyeon, Sunwoo and Eric agreed, even Jacob. Wait, why should we leave her alone? What's stopping me, I just don't want to kill her? Whatever, maybe she will be of use later or something...? " Just listen to me, I'm the leader right?!" I said, raising my voice a bit. As the others backed down.

End of Flashback

"Whatever, just let me go, I'm not even important, and I don't know anything about Hyunjun okay? I just work for him, for the money! I don't know anything" I grabbed onto her wrist, easily making her drop the knife. "Liar, tell me everything about his plan, where, why, when anything you know." I said, staring at her.

"Why should I?" She asked, shaking a bit. " I'll give you more money than Hyunjun does, Just tell me." She snickered, "He pays a pretty big sum though, I'm not sure if you can keep your promise." I glared at her, making her clear her throat. "Well... He just wants to impress his father!" Her voice went higher. "The truth?"

"Of course that's the truth, that's all I know. I only follow him around and help him with organizing things, so please let go of me!" She said, pushing me off her. "Gosh! Now let me go!" She said, annoyingly. "Hmm, no." I said walking out the room, while she screamed at me. "YAHHH YOU SAID YOU WOULD LET ME GO!" She said, in a deafening volume. "I said that if you would tell me the truth." I respond, looking back at her. "I did though!"

She's easy to read, her voice goes higher and her eyes shake. "Learn how to lie, if you want to keep this up." I was about to walk out, but she asked me something. "BUT I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" She said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

I gave her an 'are you serious' look and she gave me a serious look in return.

I ended up letting her go to the bathroom just down the hall, as I waited outside. "Are you done?" I asked her. "I CAN'T GO IF YOU ARE JUST STANDING THERE!" She said, screaming, and I sigh.

"Goodness, you didn't even let me lock the door, are you some pervert?!" She said, as I heard the toilet flush, and she walked out.

"SANGYEON HYUNG WE LEFT SOME PIZZA FOR YOU!" I heard Changmin screaming from the front door. I heard multiple loud footsteps flooding the house. My eyes widened as I grabbed Tay, pushing her into my room. Wait, why did I hide her?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? "Yah! Why are you hiding me!?" She asked, slapping my hands off her. I put my hand over her mouth, shutting her up.

A/n - So I thought it would be Sangyeon's time to shine in the book! Haha, Also I needed to provide what happens with Tay! I hope you guys like this chapter, Honestly, I will try and finish the next chapter soon, I will continue working on it right now! Like I said, I need to make up for the days I have been gone! <3

Also thank you to all of the people who, told me it was okay and I can take my time, You guys are so nice! but I will still try and write more chapters :)

Thank you for reading this chapter!

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