25 | 𝔹𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕝𝕪 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕥

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The picture above are what The Boyz are wearing :) The Stealer outfits

"Well If it does get messed up, It was for you, princess." He said looking back and winking at me. "SUNWOO YOU WEIRDO!" Hana said from the other bike. While my face got red, "WHAT, NOT LIKE THAT, I MEANT LIKE FIGHTING AND PROTECTING HER AND STUFF GOSH!" He defended, turning on his engine, getting ready to go.

Juyeon did the same, reversing backwards out of the driveway and onto the road. As we drove through the night, I started to feel cold, and started to regret not taking a jacket. It wasn't exactly my fault, it was Hana's!

Flashback to 20 minutes ago~

"Y/n! Don't bring that jacket." Hana said, stealing the piece of clothing that I was holding, and throwing it on the bed. "Why? I thought It looked ok though." I said walking back over to the closet that was full of jackets.

"No! Don't bring a jacket at all!" Hana said blocking my way to get to the closet. "And why?" I said dumbfounded.

"What is the rule for no jackets at the party...?" I said hesitantly, "What no! Just imagine! Tonight, when we are outside, you get cold and start to shiver! Them BAMM! Sunwoo comes over and gives you his jacket! It's a perfect k-drama scene!" She said using a bunch of hand movements.

"But why-?" I asked again, not understanding fully. "Y/n, you are seriously so- ugh do you not watch dramas?" She asked. "What of course I do!" I said, "Then how do you not know what I'm talking about!"

End of flashback~

We came to a stop sign, and the other pair caught up with us. I looked at Hana, giving her a little glare. She understood what I meant after seeing my whole body tremble, but instead, she gave me a smirk and a big thumbs up before the other two rode off.

I ended up holding up against the cold wind until we got to the venue, which was basically another giant mansion that was secluded from the rest of the community. I hopped off, and looked around the front of the home, many expensive cars, limos, motorbikes were parked and a few maids, butlers and servers stood around.

"You okay?" I heard Sunwoo say from behind me, I turned around seeing him in his outfit that we bought, but it looked a little different as he added a few other attachments probably with weapons inside. I didn't realize I was staring at him, so he pet me head, gaining my attention. I quickly turned around after hearing a scream come from one of the cars.

It was a maid who lay on the ground, Sunwoo quickly moved in front of me, blocking my view of the scene. "So it has started." We heard a familiar voice come out, It was Sangyeon and the others all walking over to us.

"Don't be too shocked if you hear a few things Y/n." Changmin said, also looking very good in his outfit. I was trying to direct my attention to something else, trying to block out the rushed chatter coming from the crowd around the body. Our group walked past, and into the walls of the giant marble mansion. Making our way to the big ball-like room, looking around, seeing many devilish faces. Sunwoo stayed next to me the whole time when we entered, which made me feel better and safer.

"Hyung, where are Sunmi and Mingyu?" Eric asked Hyunjae. "Mingyu hasn't turned up to practice or anywhere  these days, and Sunmi, well I'm not sure." He replied to the maknae. "Oh wait there she is." Younghoon said, pointing to Sunmi who was dressed in a long white dress, which honestly made her look like a-a ghost! I know I'm just being salty and I do dislike her for some reason, but it's true! I said to myself in my head.

She noticed our big group and walked over, "Hey boys." She said, lifting up her right hand to wave at us. When she waved at us, a thin, shiny, golden butterfly bracelet was seen, and I felt a bitter feeling. That bracelet was the one that Sunwoo had tried to hide from me, the one that I thought might have been for me, But I guess it wasn't. Over the past week, I had met Sunmi a few times, and let's just say she doesn't like me and I dislike her.

I pursed my lips together, looking down instead of meeting the triumphant gaze of Sunmi. I looked to the side seeing the boy with a unique name, pigging out at the food tables. I slipped out of the big group, not wanting to interact with a certain somebody,  walking over to him, "Hakyeon!" I say getting his attention.

"Oh Y/n! Try this! It's so good! Oh and this too!" He said stuffing his mouth once again, I chuckled at the sight, picking up the small bite size food, and chewing on it. I end up getting dragged along with Hakyeon, going on a fun food hunt, since he finished most of the plates on the first table.

We were walking over to another table that also had a few people there too. Hakyeon stopped me from walking further, "Y/n, be careful ok? Those guys are Seventeen, Sangyeon hyung said not to get close, but we need the food! So mission plan! That side of the table is empty, and that's where the prawn crackers are, you take the whole basket! And I'll go to the danger zone, In the middle where the spring rolls are, ok? Ok!"

He dashed off the middle, without letting me agree, I walked over to the empty side of the table, finding the crackers and was able to take the whole basket, probably getting a few stares since I took the whole thing but oh well.

I looked back to where Hakyeon was and saw that he already made it out, holding a plate of rolls, munching on them and giving me a thumbs up. I laughed while walking to him, but accidentally bumped into someone.

"Are you ok?!" I heard a familiar angelic voice call out, I immediately looked up, meeting eyes with him, Yoon Jeonghan, my older brother.

A/n - SAY THE NAME SEVENTEEN~ I just went over my plan for the next chapters and my ideas are very chaotic, since there are many characters, so send help cuz my brain is fried :)

Thank you for reading chapter 25 of 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕚~ ( at this point I have no idea why it is still called cafe boy but oh well-)

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𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕪|Kim SunwooWhere stories live. Discover now