7 | 𝕃𝕚𝕡 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟

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I felt multiple small steps start to come closer to my head, as the steps came to a halt I felt something fluffy touch my face. I open my eyes slightly and see Haneul close to my face, probably wanting food in the morning. It was already 9:00am, so I put on a hoodie and walked to my small living room to feed him. I went into the bathroom to get ready, I was brushing my teeth and hair at the same time, when I heard Haneul bark loudly and come into the bathroom. He was trying to get my attention running back and forth between the bathroom doorway. I followed him into the living room while still brushing my hair and teeth. I thought he had probably knocked over his food bowl, but he instead went past it and towards the front door.

He started scratching the door at first, then after the doorbell rang he barked a few times. I pushed him away from the door with my foot. I opened the door a bit to look outside, only to be face to face with Sunwoo? I blushed remembering last night, how he basically did call me cutie, literally pet my head and winked at me.

"Hey Princess"

I opened the door wider and waved to him, since I was still brushing my teeth. He laughed a bit and let himself in.

I sprinted to the bathroom to finish up and went to change quickly before coming back out to the living room. Sunwoo was sitting on the couch with Haneul on his lap as he was scrolling through his phone.

"So Sunwoo? What are you doing here?"

"To take you out princess" He said chuckling at my face after hearing what he said. "Don't worry, the others are gonna be there too, didn't you read the group chat?" I shook my head, still a little sleepy from just waking up. I yawned and sat down next to him, putting Haneul on my lap to warm me up. I pulled out my phone and went to check the group chat, seeing 42 messages about going out for breakfast. As I was reading the chat, I felt Haneul being picked up and moved from my legs to the ground. I watched Sunwoo stand up and hold his hand out towards me.


"Don't you wanna go eat breakfast?" He said giggling.

I took his hand standing up and walked towards the door, putting my shoes on. I said bye to Haneul and walked outside with Sunwoo to his Motorbike. As he was driving to the meetup point which was a cafe, I ended up falling asleep comfortably on his shoulder. Lips planted right on his shoulder accidentally, when we arrived he nudged me to get up. As I slowly opened my eyes, they also slowly widened. I gasped aloud and he looked at me weirdly asking what was wrong. To which I pointed to his left shoulder, which had a red, pinkish lip stained mark from my sleeping position on the way here.

"SUNWOO I"M SO SORRY!" I said taking out a tissue from my handbag and gently trying to get it off, without smudging it further. "OMG ITS NOT COMING OFF! SUNWOO I"M SO SO SO SORRY!" I was about to try and wipe it off again, but his hand stopped mine from doing so. He didn't say anything before, so I assumed he was mad at me. I didn't have the courage to look up to his face, instead I was facing straight down, staring at the floor scared he was angry. " I-Is it e-expensive?" I asked quietly, and he started to laugh a bit. He lifted up my head with his other hand.

"Do you think I'm mad?" He asked in a deep voice, to which I nodded quickly, closing my eyes, scared for a second. Thinking back to how scary but handsome he looked yesterday when he was fighting those people who broke into the company. "Open your eyes" He said seriously. I slowly opened them, trying to look away.

He huffed out, "I'm not mad princess," He chuckled "I kinda like it"

I looked at him wide eyed "What do you mean, I ruined your white shirt!"

"Yeah, but if you look at it, It kinda looks like you kissed my shoulder!" he said giggling.

I looked at him in the eyes, "Are you sure?! What if it doesn't come off?! I can take it and wash it for you! Or I'll pay for it and-" He shushed me by putting his finger on my lips. "No need"

"SUNWOO, Y/N!" A loud voice popped in from in front of us. We both look up seeing Hakyeon running towards us with a big smile on his face. As he got closer, I quickly held onto Sunwoo's shoulder, covering up the lip stain I had made before. Pursing my lips together trying to not let the others see it. Sunwoo looked at me and smirked.

"Hey Chanhee, can I steal your jacket?" Sunwoo asked, pointing to the jacket tied around his waist.

"Oh okay? Are you cold or something?" He asked, while giving the jacket to Sunwoo. "Mhm"

He put on the jacket successfully without anyone seeing the stain.

Hana Short Pov

"Y/n!" I said loudly, getting her attention as I wrapped my arm around her one. Pulling her with me, as we walked to the cafe. We were guided to a large table near the back of the cafe. A waitress came up to our table, trying to be extra flirty since there were a bunch of guys here. "Hi!! What can I get for you guys!?" I sat uncomfortably as she started looking around the table, I also followed her eyes as it landed on Juyeon who was nearest to her. She smiled fakely and started to lean in a little closer pretending to see which menu Item he is talking about. And of course he was oblivious about her actions as he just calmly said which item he wanted. She giggled and hit Juyeon playfully saying "Oh! I love that too, you should try it with the strawberry frappe! Its my favourite one!" She said directly to Juyeon. And he nodded saying maybe next time.

At this point I was unconsciously glaring holes into Juyeon for being oblivious about this whole situation.

"Why are you looking at him like that?" Y/n asked me. "Huh, what do you mean?"

"You are literally glaring holes into Juyeons head!" She said, looking at Juyeon and the waitress. "Hmph, what do you mean! I was not! If he wants to fuck around with some stranger then let him go ahead! It's not like I'm his girlfriend so why should I care huh!" "Ok, ok! I didn't mean it like that..." She said in defeat, as I was now staring holes into the waitresses head. She must have sensed the feeling and looked up only to meet my death glare.

Y/n Pov

I laughed quietly while watching Hana get jealous over seeing the waitress. "What's so funny?" Sunwoo whispered into my ear. I turned around to whisper back, but was startled by how close our faces were.


A/n - Thank you for reading chapter 7 of cafe boy ~

This lip stain scenario is so cute 🥰 Please comment and vote <3

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