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Changmin pov

"So Is it ok to come out now?" A female voice called out.

There was the girl who I saw with Sangyeon, in his room! Why is this so shocking? Well that's because, let me say this again, there was a girl, WITH SANGYEON, IN HIS ROOM.

"You really are clueless!" Sangyeon said, turning around to the girl. Hang on, what is this? His voice softened when he talked to her? Or is that normal, since she's a girl, but he doesn't do that for Hana! Oh wait Hana isn't even a girl, she's a witch. An evil witch at that.

"Oh really now? Then maybe you should just let me go! YOU FIRST KISS STEALER!!" KISS?! So let me say this again, there was a girl, WITH SANGYEON, IN HIS ROOM AND THEY KISSED?!

"HUH? WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT HYUNG?" Chanhee asked only to get shushed by our leader. "It's your own fault."

"What the fuck are you talking about!? You fucking kissed me!" OOooh where's Jacob~ "I only did that because you wouldn't shut up!" Sangyeon said, getting annoyed. "YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME TO SHUT UP!" The hostage said, also getting agitated.

"I tried to, but you wouldn't-!" "-Well, yeah, I mean you were holding me hostage so- WELL STILL! HOW COULD YOU KISS ME?!"

"Uh Hyung we are gonna just go first- okay nope, we'll stay!" Chanhee tried to leave, but was held back.

"Go." Sangyeon said, pointing back at the basement. "No! Why should I? I could run away!" "You're still here though, and I have a gun."

Eventually she went back, only after sticking out a tongue at Sangyeon and talking bad about him. "YOU KNOW, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO KISS!" "YOU WERE THE ONE THAT SAID IT WAS YOUR FIRST!" Sangyeon said, rubbing his temples. "What?" He said, as he saw me and Chanhee holding up thumbs. "You kissed a girl." Chanhee blurted out, making him tell us to go to our rooms.

Y/n pov

After running out of the home and in the lobby of their apartment, me and Sunwoo saw the rest of the group standing outside arguing. "NO ITS ERIC'S FAULT HE STARTED IT!" Hakyeon said, pointing at the maknae, who defended himself. "STOP! It's all our faults okay? Wait, where's Changmin and Chanhee?" Jacob realized that the two boys were missing from the group. "OH SHIT, I BET SANGYEON GOT THEM-" Hyunjae got shushed by Kevin before Jacob could even say anything.

Even though me and Sunwoo were standing inside, and there was a thick glass door standing in between them and us, we could hear them very clearly. Before making it outside to the group, I quickly broke up our once intertwined hands when I did, Sunwoo's head immediately turned looking at me. "Why?" he said trying to catch my hand, I laughed at him. "We aren't dating or anything am I right?" I said teasing him, using his own words against him. He gave me an annoyed expression, as I walked past him, outside.

"So, is anyone still up for tteokbokki?" Hakyeon said, licking his lips thinking of eating spicy rice cakes. "Well it is almost time for dinner." Eric said joining in. "But we just ate pizza-! Yah- where are you guys going?!" Younghoon said, trying to keep up with us.

*Ding Ding*

"Welcome to TeokTeok-? HAH!?" I heard a very loud voice ring from the inside of the restaurant. Eric's, Sunwoo's and my head pop out from behind the others, finally seeing her. "Riley!" I shouted out, giving her a big hug. "What are you doing here?" She asked with her bright smile as always. "What are YOU doing here?!" Eric asked her. "Yeah, last time you told us you were working at a kindergarten right?" Sunwoo asked, and she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Fired?!" I asked my friend, as she set down multiple plates on our table, then sat down in front of me. "Yeah... I mean it wasn't my fault! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT THERE'S WAS A HOLE IN THE FENCE AT THE BACK, AND A KID ESCAPED I MEAN HELLO? I ONLY HAVE TWO EYES!? Besides, I don't like kids! I like Haneul!" Goodness this girl, hates kids and chose to take a part time job there, loves Haneul but Haneul hates her. Yes this is Park Riley for you.

The others all looked at the girl with terrified expressions, excluding me and Kevin. "I like her." The moonlight boy let the words slip out of his mouth, shocking himself as well. I could definitely see the blush on Riley's cheeks, as she became quiet for once. "Don't get too excited, Kevin is always like that! He likes everyone." Juyeon said, getting a slap from Kevin. "No I don't! Shut up!" He said, getting embarrassed, as we all laughed.

"But he's right! I like you too!" Hana said, high fiving Riley. "As long as you don't steal Y/n away from me." She said, making Riley chuckle. "I was gone for only like 4 months, and you already replaced me?!" Riley asked me, making me feel guilty. "Uh..." I started, but then was cut off.

"AHeM, What are you guys talking about Y/n's Mah bestay!" I heard Hakyeon say, giving me a wink from the end of the table, where two empty plates were. "Riley! You're still on shift, get back to work!" Another employee says from inside the kitchen, making the girl in front of me groan. "I have to go, otherwise she's gonna ask me to work overtime." She said, sadly waving goodbye to our big group, as she grabbed an apron tying it around her waist.

"Yah! We need to come here more often! This is so good!" Hakyeon said, stuffing his mouth with another spoon. "You pig! You already finished two plates, give me that!" Hana said, snatching away Hakyeion's third plate and placing it in the middle, so that everyone could share. While we all started to eat, I saw Hakyeon stare at the food with sad puppy eyes, since The others were trying to tell him, he can't eat anymore and should leave the rest for us.

I laughed at his saddened expression, getting a small plate and placing a bunch of food on it. I stood up, walking to the other side of the table, placing it in front of the poor boy. His eyes immediately lit up as he hugged me with a giant smile. "THANK YOUU! Y/n You are the best!" He said, filling his mouth once again. He looks like a hamster! Cute- Huh?

While looking back up, my eyes met with an upset Sunwoo. Nevermind, that's cuter. I thought about walking back to my seat, next to him, calmly continuing to eat my food. Trying to ignore his stare, I think his intention was meant to scare me or at least intimidate me? But it was doing the complete opposite, I smile knowing that not even having to look at him, his eyes are probably wide and adorable, huffing out his cheeks in frustration of me nor giving him attention.

He nudged my leg with his knee, making me look at him with a questionable face. I mouthed 'what?', and he just opened his mouth, looking at me. "What?" I whispered this time. "Feed me." He said with no hesitation. "W-what?" I asked, laughing out loud attracting the group's attention. "Why are you laughing?" One of the members asked me, "Sunwoo, you aren't a baby. Why do you need me to feed you?" I said loudly for the group to hear, making everyone laugh and tease him, for the first time, Kim Sunwoo's face went fully red.

"Wah, if you want I can feed you, our maknae!!" Hyunjae said, holding up a piece of tteokbokki, trying to feed it to him. Sunwoo quickly hit Hyunjae's hand away, staying quiet. 

"Yah i'm the real maknae!" Eric said opening his mouth, but Hyunjae ignored the poor boy. 

A/n - 

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