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"Well, first of all. The guy's name is Hyunjun, otherwise he used to be known as Hwall... But he doesn't use that name anymore." 

Sunwoo talking →

Hyunjun and I used to be really close, he was my best friend at the time, which seemed impossible because our families were enemies. In the whole mafia society, both our parents were fighting for that one spot, for the biggest and best mafia name. As well as that, they have a bit of history with each other when they were younger, so our families had many reasons to hate each other.

Since I was a child, my mum and dad taught me how to fight, and I would  be a part of the family, which meant being another part of our mafia name and stuff, same for Hyunjun. In highschool, we finally met. At first, we acted like we didn't know each other, since we couldn't even really show it at school. So everything was fine, and one day we ended up becoming friends, and ended up telling each other about how our families were forcing us into this mafia thing.

We both become closer, eventually best friends, without our parents knowing. We were close friends, and were nothing like how our parents acted towards each other. But that didn't last long, Hyunjun noticed this girl that was in my class a year later. And ended up developing a crush on her, and asked me about her, since the girl was in my class. She became a part of our friend group, and I didn't mind, actually I was happy that Hyunjun found a girl he liked. He was always brighter and happy when she was around.

Her name was Luna, an exchange student I think, and by our second year together as a trio, he was whipped for her. It was her birthday, September 25th, Hyunjun planned to confess to her, and made a whole set up on the rooftop. We invited her up there at night time, since we had some lights set up as well, hanging over the ledges and everything. But that was when everything turned around, after my best friend confessed, she also confessed that she had a crush, and that it was me.

I remember we all just stood there, on that cold night. She ended up leaving first, me and Hyunjun stayed on the roof top. I told him we should leave, since it was late, but he changed how he acted towards me. He was really mad, confused and had a look, a look our parents had when they were mad. From that day on, at school we became enemies, like our parents. I wanted to become friends again, but he never listened, even after a few months he kept that grudge against me. Resulting in me also giving him a bad attitude back...

Luna and I were still friends, and that made it worse for Hyunjun. My memory is a bit blurry, but I remember one night, we just ended up fighting. Bruises on our faces and everything, which lead to us coming to school, and becoming centers of attention. The thing that really made Hyunjun go crazy mad, was that Luna only asked if I was ok, not him. He started to not turn up to school, for a whole week or so.

Um, then there was a party... There were drunk people everywhere, and surprisingly, Hyunjun came too. Luna ended up asking If I could take her home, since it was late, and I agreed, walking her home. On our way, I knew a drunk Hyunjun was also following us.

Flashback to that night~

Sunwoo's pov

"YAh! KIM SUNWOO!" I heard my drunk ex-best friend call out. I turned around seeing him, hair messy and eyes squinting. Luna also turned around sighing loudly.

"Hyunjun, please leave us alone! I told you I don't like you, I'm sorry! Please, you are scaring me!" She said on the verge of tears. He didn't listen, taking a step closer to us. Luna backed up behind me, while I watched Hyunjun stand up straight, and chuckle sarcastically. "You know, I shoot a moving person better than him." He said without thinking, since he was drunk. "HYUNJUN!" I said, quickly trying to cover his mouth, only for my arm to be slapped away. "Luna, you heard me! I am stronger! I can use a knife! I CAN PROTECT YOU!" He said, pushing me walking towards the girl.

"What!?" She said quietly, shaking, stepping backwards. "WHAT'S WRONG?! WHY IS HE BETTER THAN ME?!" Hyunjun said, going crazy.

End of flashback~

He basically ended up revealing our secret to Luna. She avoided both of us from that day on and Hyunjun didn't even come to school. Then in our senior year, we had a camp, and surprisingly both of them turned up, and I knew something would actually go down.

One of the few nights we had for the camp our whole class was just hanging out near the cabin lobby place, and Hyunjun asked if he could talk to Luna. Before the two left, Luna looked at me with scared eyes, so I followed them out without being noticed.

Flashback to The talk~

Sunwoo pov

"What do you want?" Luna asked calmly, fidgeting with the butterfly bracelet that she always had on. This was a habit that both Hyunjun and I knew of hers, I saw Hyunjun grasp onto her wrist, "Please, just listen to me."  Luna had a weak heart, and was scared of many things, so the moment a potential mafia grabbed onto her wrist, she cried out. And I popped out from my hiding spot, taking his hand off her. "WHAT THE HELL! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS WITH HER?!" He said, eyes burning with fury. "Hyunjun, just give up." He stayed silent, taking out a knife, and flying it at me.

End of flashback~

The police came, arresting him, but after that incident. Luna couldn't go back to how she normally was, she was always scared, she was different. She told me she wanted to leave, go somewhere safer, so she told me she wanted to go to her home, overseas, in Japan. But she wanted to officially disappear, get away from all of this, even me. So she asked me to do a favor for her, well two.

One, was to forget her, or at least try to not look for her, or talk to her. And second, was to tell everyone, including Hyunjun, she had died. She wanted nothing to do with us, and wanted to live safely without having this whole mafia thing shading her life. So I told everyone, she died, just like that, but never told anyone how, since she just told me to tell them she was gone, dead.

She left, and after a year or so, things calmed down. Hyunjun escaped, and found out about the news, I'm pretty sure he didn't believe it. He went to me, blaming me, saying I killed her, or something along that line, but I didn't care. I just ignored him, and tried to not meddle with him.

End of Sunwoo's large memory/flashback story. ( Back to Y/n's pov :)

"So, I think he wants this, and probably wants to make my life miserable haha." Sunwoo said, lifting up the butterfly charm on the necklace. "How could you laugh about that! But that necklace, is that actually hers?" I asked, and Sunwoo nodded. "Well, the charm is, I just made it into a necklace, so Hyunjun would look for a bracelet instead." He said putting it safely in his pocket.

I looked at Sunwoo, forming a pout with my lips.

"Did you like her?" I asked the boy in front of me.

A/n - that was fun, but also hard to write :0 I do hope you all like it, and it was good enough for you to understand it.

If anyone wants something to happen in the future of this story, please comment and maybe it will help me come up with more ideas!

Don't worry, this story still has more to come!


Thank you for reading chapter 29 '𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒' of 𝕔𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕚~

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