55 | 𝕄𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤

352 16 9

a/n - Hehe this chapter is a little longer than normal, litterally just 200 words longer but still yay for you guys ahhaha


"What's with the look? When are you gonna stop staring, Princess?"  Sunwoo asked, amused. "Sunwoo?!"

"Yes?" He asked, chuckling. "What are you doing here-" Y/n heard a ting come from her pocket, she quickly pulled it out, letting her phone screen light up.

| Text message from HAHA.Hana : Goodluck babe~ Have fun without me~! ;) |

Y/n Pov

I huff out in embarrassment, shoving my phone back into my pocket, as I stole a glance at the boy next to me. I slump into my seat, pulling my hood up to cover my face.

"You know, I was really sad when you locked me out last night" He said looking at me, and I bit my lip in frustration. Liar I bet he was having so much fun with Luna.

"Oh really?" I said in an almost inaudible voice. "Would you believe me if I said that?" He asked, holding my head and moving it so I was facing him. "Hmm?" Dang it! Stop with that kind of voice! "Let go, the movie is starting!" I backed away from Sunwoo's warm hands, facing the large movie projection.

As the movie started, I felt a hand move onto mine. I slapped his hand away, moving further away from him if that was possible. He sighed aloud, calling out my name, only to be shushed by someone behind us.

Sunwoo Pov

This fucker, I'll kill him for interrupting me.

"Can you please listen to me? About last night..." I started. "Oh ok, I'm guessing someone tried to steal your bike or something right? Since it took a few hours for you to come back, you must have been doing something very important." Y/n said give me attitude. I gulped, this is a new side of Y/n, and not gonna lie it's hot. Sunwoo focus! "Y/n... Truth is that last night-" "You were with Luna. I know, you Liar." She said not sparing a glance at me.

I guess I was right, she must have figured it out somehow.

"Ok I was, but we were just catching up as friends. Turns out that she came back to take care of her mum..." I say desperately trying to get her attention. "And, I lost track of time... I'm sorry I didn't tell you."I said, trying to hold her hand in mine, but to no avail. "It's fine! It's not like we are dating or anything." She said, finally glancing at me.

No words came out of my mouth, as she grabbed her purse, standing up about to leave. I held her back, about to say something more.

"Yah can you please sit down and be quiet, some of us are actually trying to watch a movie here, not watch your kdrama!" The guy from before spoke up, making my blood boil. This little shithead-

Y/n just apologized calmly, leaving the dark room. I ran after her, making it outside of the room.

No one pov.

Sunwoo whipped his head around, trying to find the girl, seeing her in the corner of his eye, shouting her name out.

"What the heck?!" "This was not the plan!" Hana and Changmin finally come out of their hiding spots, watching as their two friends left the building. Behind them popped out two more people, "Hey, the next showing for your horror movie starts in five minutes, Changmin-ah." Juyeon said, with popcorn in his hands. "Yeah, let's get this over with." Kevin said, wanting to just go home already and sing with his bestie, Jacob who refused to go and watch a horror movie with them.

"No can do guys!" Hana announced, making a certain somebody groan in disappointment. "But the next Annabelle movie just came out! Please Hana!" "No! Y/n looked so upset, choose right now, love drama in real life or some fake doll that Changmin is obsessed with." Three hands went up for the first option as they started to leave the building. "But-but we paid for the tickets already! ... FINE WAIT FOR ME!"

They all made their way out seeing the two a little further away, they all crouched down in the bushes. They weren't able to hear, but they could easily see Sunwoo holding onto Y/ns hand.

"Why are you mad?!" Sunwoo asked the silent girl. "I'm not mad, I'm just..." Y/n couldn't think what she was feeling, if she wasn't mad then what was she? Jealous? Y/n thought back to this morning, back at Seventeen's dorm.


"Why should I? I mean again let me make this clear, I am not his girlfriend! But I- " Y/n said, stumbling over her words...

"But you are feeling jealous." It was Myungho, and he was correct.

"Wait a second, you're saying my baby sister likes someone?!" Jeonghan said standing on his bed. "Wasn't it obvious?" Myungho said, smiling at the shocked girl who was realising her feelings.

"What- DO I DO?! I LIKE HIM?!" Y/n asked, looking at the two boys with wide eyes. "I like him!" She said with energy. "What you do now is go out with him." Myungho said, chuckling.

"But, what if he doesn't like me!?"

"Well have there been any times when he gets close to you? Like want to hold your hand?" Myungho asked, filling my head with many memories, especially one.


Chapter : Mission -- "Hey Don't worry princess, I'll make sure no one hurts you during the mission." Sunwoo said, leaning on the palm of his hand looking at me intensely.  He would protect me?

Chapter : Princess --  "What do you mean, I thought you looked hot, princess." I turn around to see Sunwoo staring at me. He said I looked pretty?

Chapter : Lip stain  -- He huffed out, "I'm not mad princess," He chuckled "I kinda like it" What kind of person would like a stupid kiss mark?

Chapter : Eric?!? -- Sunwoo came closer to me and petting my head. "That guy, he hit your head right? Want me to kill him?" He asked calmly. Who in the right mind would go to that extent, just for me?

Chapter : Siblings -- "We aren't DATING Sanha!" I say back immediately, before hearing Sunwoo say 'yet'. What did he mean by that?

Chapter : Phonecall -- "Princess, why can't you sleep?" I heard Sunwoo's raspy voice... That night, even at 1 am he would call me, just because I couldn't sleep?

Chapter : Can I be selfish?  --  "Mhm, I'm driving you home, and meeting up with Sanha and Haneul." he said, winking at me. Goodness, his wink replays in my mind all the time....

Chapter : 2:29am -- He laughed at me, bringing my head into his chest, slowly helping me get to sleep. His arms wrapped around me tightly that night, it felt so warm?

Chapter : Tiramisu. "He shouldn't be trusted to protect you." Sunwoo said, looking at me. That night, he kept me close to him, he protected me.

Chapter : Taken away -- I was so scared, without Sunwoo with me, I somehow felt vulnerable. It's true, I felt weak when I couldn't see him, when he wasn't with me, I didn't feel safe. I felt like I needed Sunwoo?

Chapter : Kiss, Kiss pt2. --  He kissed me... our lips interlocking. It felt warm and so soft? It felt like love? Wait, that's a bit much... It just felt right. It was electrifying... ?


"Hyung, your sister has been out of it for a while now... Plus last night she was barking! I think you should get her checked out- OW!" Myungho poked out a tongue when I threw a pillow at his face.

"Jeonghan, Myungho, I think I love him(?)" I said with sparkling eyes.

Flashback end~

A/n- I was gonna add more like chapter memories, but I got lazy so yeah.. Sorry plus it was hard finding them all and doing the chapter references lol

I hope you liked this kind of thing, I hope it was somewhat like sentimental? Yeah, I hope it was nice and cute~

Thank you for reading this chapter! I think you all know what to expect next chapter heh


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