The party

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Part 1

You're celebrating the victory of the heist and playing games to entertain yourself.
Truth or dare but with cards.
You pick up a card that says describe your crush or take a shot. You're already so drunk so you do the truth.
You describe them as tall, blond, with a voice that will melt your heart and a great personality.
Daphne assumes it's a man and ask who he is and Lou interrupts and insist that's not part of the truth.
Then the game goes on.
Its Lou's turn and she picks up one that says kiss the person in the room you find the most attractive. She checks everyone is okay with being kissed and kisses you.
Everyone is laughing and smiling and cheering the kiss on while Tammy and Debbie watch with a slightly different demeanour. You both pull away and you're blushing. Lou seems very satisfied with the kiss.
The game then continues with Tammy giving you weird looks now and then and after a while you notice and it sticks in your mind.
Once the game is over you all turn up the music and Constance is making everyone take shots. After a few rounds Rose and Debbie are chatting on the sofas and Tammy realises that Lou and you are missing.
She goes outside and finds Lou smoking but no sign of you. Lou offers her one and she takes it. When Lou asks why as it's not like her to smoke, she replies that she just needs it. After a while Tammy heads back inside and lou stays put.
You realise where lou is, grab two beers and head outside. Tammy doesn't see this and is chatting to rose and Debbie. As soon as you walk outside lou is walking towards the door.

Y/n - "hey where you going I bought you something!"

Lou - "oh shit okay then you wanna stay out here?"

You are slightly shocked that she was willing to stay out and talk to you as she'd been out for a while. It was really cold and Lou was only in a leather jacket. You try not to let this show in your face tho and joke it's off saying

Y/n - "Sure if you insist" (smiling)

You both cheers and look around. It gets silent as you're looking at the stars in the sky and then Lou hits you with

Lou- "listen okay about the kiss..."

You're shocked she brought it up and reply with a confused look, trying to cover the slight smile on your mouth saying,

Y/n - "What about it?"

She rolls he eyes and scoffs and says

Lou - "Did you enjoy it?"

You make it look like you're thinking and simply say

Y/n - "Maybe... uhh it wasn't bad" but smile.

She replies back with wide eyes and a slight smile also with

Lou - "Oh really?"

And you get lost in her eyes for a second and then look away to say

Y/n - "Yeah I've had worse."

She pushes you arm lightly saying
Lou - "oi"
You both laugh.

She mentions Tammy was outside earlier and you instantly ask her why. She was shocked for a second at your fast reply and then proceeded to repeat what Tammy said. You ask her if she wonders what's going on with her but she shakes her head not knowing either.
You start to shiver and Lou gives you her jacket. You keep saying you feel bad as Lou will get cold buy she insists and puts it over your shoulders. Dragging her hand against the back of your neck to free your hair out of the back of it. You look at her and thank her.

After a while she starts shivering too and you notice.

Y/n - "Oh no look have your jacket back you're freezing!"

but she insists.
Lou - "Y/n Please keep it on for me"

You're looking down so you don't notice her staring at your face. You're still in a panic and turn to her and say
Y/n - "But how can I keep you warm?"

She laughs and says
Lou - "Hug?"

Holding her arms in-front to gesture you to hug her. You smile back at her and roll your eyes slightly.
Y/n - "Go on then."

She laughs a little and puts her arms around you. You hug for a bit in silence and then she starts to ask you questions.

Lou - "Y/n?"

Y/n - "Yeah?"

Lou pauses and then proceeds.
Lou - "You know how you said that your type was tall, blonde, nice voice and everything."

You're shocked slightly but intrigued so you reply with a slight laugh and wide eyes saying
Y/n - "Damn how did you remember all of it haha"

Lou - "Umm."

Y/n - "What?"

Then there's silence. She's speechless so you come away from the hug slightly to see her face.
Y/n - "What lou?" You say as you look up at her.
She's smiling slightly now and looks into your eyes.

Lou - "Who were you talking about?"

Y/n - "Huh?"

Lou - "Come on! Tell me who, I wanna know!"she says smiling slightly shaking you but your face drops and you looks down.

Y/n - "Umm..."

She can tell your scared to say so rubs your back to reassure you that you're in a safe space.

Y/n - "Well you see-
At this point you're almost frustrated. You take a deep breath and spill everything in a panicked demeanour.
Y/n - "I didn't say before because im not 100% sure what my feelings are and I didn't want to say anything and have people get the wrong idea and-"

She looks at you with slight confusion as your speaking as she can see you're distressed.
Lou - "Y/n sweet heart calm down it's okay take your time...What do you mean to say?"

You take a deep breath and close your eyes looking down to say
Y/n - "I'm kind of scared to admit this but I was talking about you... and I -"

Her eyes widen and she smiles. She says you name and just as you start to reply she grabs your chin and lifts up your head and kisses you. You kiss her a while and then you pull away confused. She gets worried and asks you if you're okay but you just turn away and leave running as fast as you can.

This is the first part of the story. I hope you like it ☺️.X

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