How i feel

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Part 40

Y/n - "I could never stop loving you Lou even if I tried and I tried a lot."

She laughs through tears and you do too.

Y/n - "I'm so proud of you for getting help and I'm grateful that you're okay and are here talking to me know after so long. I know I've grown since but I think it's for the better. I love myself know and know what I am worthy of and that's to love someone. To be with someone who I can trust and give my all to and know it will be given in return."

Lou looks down as she knows she was unable to do that. But you want her to look at you.

Y/n - "Look at me Lou please. I know that after what happened my trust for you disappeared. I know that. But what I also know is that my love for you never left me no matter how hard I tried. My attraction to you never left no matter how bad you hurt me. It was almost like the good outweighed that and my heart was ruling over my mind. I know it won't be easy to forgive you properly and I know that you and Debbie need to make up after you two had that time apart. But I want to know if you would be interested in maybe giving this a second chance-"

She pouts through her tears and smiles hugging you tight.

Y/n - "Is that a yes?"

She pulls away kissing you saying.

Lou - "Yes yes a thousand times yes I love you so much!"

You smile back and kiss her with so much emotion and it just feels right.

You both end up talking for hours about what you've been doing since and then relax lying on the grass and watching the sky.

Debbie and Tammy come out eventually and hand you both drinks before saying that they're going to order food and if you both want any.

You look at Lou and she smiles sitting up.

Lou - "Sure."

You tell them what you want and then you and Tammy head inside.

You let Lou talk to Debbie and they are gone for a while outside as you sit telling Tammy about what happened.

You tell her how you feel and she knows and can see it's true, saying she's so glad you're giving it another go. She says that she knows it's not going to be easy for you both but she will be here for support every step of the way if you need her. You smile and hug her tightly thanking her for everything she's done for you and she smiles too.

Tammy - "I'm so proud of you hunny and umm I actually have something to tell you too."

As she says this Lou and Debbie comes back inside smiling and laughing and Lou comes over to you putting her arms around your waist.

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